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The Moves of the Masters

Twilight Zone-Can only be used by East Kaio-Shin-His aurora turns red and also his eyes. He then attacks his opponent with a barrage of kicks and punches unti they can't breath.

DWTS-Can only be East Kaio-Shin-He is surrounded with a red arua, then goes back to normal, but his eyes are still red. Then his speed and strength are five times his original stats, but his ki is drained by half.

Crimson Destroyer-Can Only Be Used By Gray Android 16-The user powers up and takes off his arms. He charges all the ki he can in the shortest period of time possible. He then unleashes a large red ball of energy that moves at incredible speed. The ball is very hard to dodge and the results are a massive explosion. If dodged the person who it is aimed at will still get hit from the explosion.

Speacil Healing-Can only be used by Dende- He puts his hands over The person who he wants to help's chest. Then the victum starts to glow yellow. The person is then revived or complete rejuivnated.