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Moves List

Beginner Moves

-All characters start out with the flying ability. You must pick four moves and one finisher to join.

1. Ki Blast-The user points a hand at the target and fires a blast of energy at the opponent.

2. Kamehameha-The user cups his hands together at their waist and creates an energy blast in their hands. They extend their arms and shout Kamehameha and the blast is fired.

3. Jan-Ken Punch-The user attacks the opponent with a barge of punchs and attacks with their fingers.

4. Hasshuken-The user moves their arms so fast that it appears that they have eight arms. They then attack with all eight arms at once.

5. Eye Beam-The user looks at their target and fires a small beam from each eye.

6. Energy Wave-The user waves their hand out in-front of their chest, and an invisible wave of energy knocks their opponent down.

7. Solar Flare-The user puts the three middle fingers of each hand in-front of their face and Shout Solar Flare. This move blinds the opponent for three turns.

8. Tail Swipe-This attack can only be used by Saiyans and Changelings. The user trips their opponent with their tail and then begins to attack them.

9. Massive Head Butt-The user charges at their opponent and head butts them in the gut, knocking the wind out of them, and they lose one turn.

10. Massenko-This is Gohan's signature attack. The user raises their hands over their head and yells Massenko, and then they throw the blast at the target.


-The finishers can only be used to kill someone, unless you have the power level requreiments for the attack you can't only use it to defeat someone.

1. Gallet Gun-An energy blast that is fired from both hands joined together at the waist. This attack is strong enough to destroy an entire planet, but it is very fragile.

2. Eraser Cannon-A blast that is fired from the mouth. This attack causes a lot of damage, and if it misses it destroys anything it hits instantly.

3. Death Ball-An energy ball that is formed on the tip of a finger, this ball can vary in size and has enough power to destroy an entire planet. It is a ball of black enrgy . (Frieza used this to destroy planet Namek)

4. Hell's Flash-This is Android 16's signature attack. The user throws their opponent into the ground and their hands come off and they fire powerful blasts from the places where their hands once were. If you are not an Android it is kinda like a really powerful Renzoku Energy Dan.

5. Destructo Disk-A disk of energy that can cut through anything in its path. It is created by raising your hand into the air and shouting Destructo Disk.

6. Final Flash-A blast of energy shoot out of both hands placed together at the wrist, and it is very powerful. Vegeta used it against Recoome.

7. Finishing Touch-The user places he bottom of their palms together and starts to create the attack. When it is ready the user stretches out their arms and shouts out Finishing Touch and the blast is fired.

8. Big Bang Attack-This attack takes two turns to charge and is extremely powerful. Vegeta used this to kill Jeice of the Ginyu Force.

9. Yudo-The user creates a lot of energy balls and throws them in the air. They surround he target and hover for awile, they they all go crashing into the target, causing a lot of damage.

10. Ultra Beam Cannon-The user places their whole hand, instead of two fingers in-front of their forehead, like the Special Beam Cannon. The user slowly gathers energy and when it is ready they put their hand out in-front of their body, and yell FIRE, then the blast is fired. It is a cork-screw blast that can do a lot of damage.

Saiyan Moves

1. Final Flash-Pl-2,500,000-A blast of energy shoot out of both hands placed together at the wrist, and it is very powerful. Vegeta used it Recoome.

2. Kamehameha x10-Pl-10,000,000-This is Super Saiyan 4 Goku's most powerful attack. It is a lot like the regular Kamehameha but a lot more powerful.

3. Gallet Gun-Pl-7,000-An energy blast that is fired from hands joined together at the waist. This attack is strong enough to destroy an entire planet, but it is very fragile.

4. Super Saiyan Levels

Super Saiyan Level 1-Pl-1,000,000-Hair turns gold, eyes turn green, and there is a huge increase in muscle growth and muscle growth.

Super Saiyan Level 2-Pl-50,000,000-Hair becomes longer, more muscle growth, and a huge jump in power.

Super Saiyan Level 3-Pl-200,000,000-Hair becomes even longer, a lot more muscle growth, and an extremely powerful boost in your power level.

Super Saiyan Level 4-Pl-1,000,000,000-The user's hair turns back to the normal way and their body is covered with red fur, their tail grows back and there is a tremendous boost in your power level.

5. Big Bang Attack-Pl-10,000,000-This attack takes two turns to charge and is extremely powerful. Vegeta used this to kill Jeice of the Ginyu Force.

6. Watch the Birdy-Pl-4,000-This is Radditz signature attack. It is a small amount of energy charged between the thumb and the index finger, as the ball is fired it is followed by a beam of red electricity.

7. Bakuha-Pl-2,500-By raising two fingers, the user destroys all the area around and underneath them. This is a risky attack to use in team battles, because it can hurt your own friends.

8. Warp Dimension Blast-Pl-1,000,000-A blast that if fired from one hand. The attack is very fragile, but if it is not blocked or dodged it will warp the target to another dimension causing an automatic lose.

9. Energy Surge-Pl-10,000-This cna be used to boost your ki up by an extra 1,000 points. This is very useful in battles.

10. Dodonpa-Pl-2,000-This is a blast fired from the finger tip of the user, that explodes on impact. It is stronger than a simple Kamehameha, but it can't be charged.

11. Fusion-Pl-50,000-The user and a fellow warrior join hands and fuse together to create one fighter. The strongest warrior is in charge, the two power levels are combined and then doubled. This lasts for ten turns.

12. Rensoku Shine-Pl-30,000-This attack is imilar to the Renzoku Energy Dan, but a lot stronger and twice as fast.

13. Chou-Kamehameha-Pl-3,500-A lot like th Kamehameha but three times stronger, and twice as faster.

14. Burning Attack-Pl-125,000,000-This is Trunks' Signature attack. The user does a lot of arm movemenst, when this is done they touch thumb to thumb and index finger to index finger. Then the user fires an energy ball that does a lot of damage.

15. Galactica Donut-Pl-150,000,000-This is Gotenks' Signature attack. The user creates a ring of energy that traps the target inside of it. Then when it is ready it explodes causing a huge lose in hp.

16. Oozura Control-Pl-15,000-With this ability the user can control the Oozura form, without this the user will be uncontrollable. With this you become ten times as strong.

17. MoonBall-Pl-20,000-Using this the user can create a ball of light that resembles the moon, and changes you into an Oozura.

18. Focus Light-Pl-13,000-With this the user can direct the MoonBall light to a certain area.

19. Golden Oozura-Pl-must be a SSJ-A lot like the regular Oozura but you are golden and musch stronger. You become 100 times stronger.

20. Renzoku Ghost Attack-Pl-150,000,000-This attack is used by Gotneks fighting Majin Buu. The user creates a ghostike clone of them-self. They then send the ghost out after their opponent, when it hits them it causes a huge explosion, causing a lot of damage.

Namek Moves

1. Yudo-Pl-500,000-The user creates a lot of energy balls and throws them up in the air. They suround the atrget and hover for awhile, then they go crahsing into the target, causing a lot of damage. This can only be used with Scatter Shot.

2. Regeneration-Pl-5,500-The user of this tecnique an use it to re-grow limbs lost in battle. It can also add 250 points back to your Hp.

3. Special Beam Cannon-Pl-5,000-The user puts two fingers together, then puts them in-front of their forehead. When it is ready the suer stretches out their arm and fires the blast.

4. Mystic Attack-No Requirements-Using the Namek ability to extend their arms in length, the user can attack the target from a distance.

5. Spirit Ball-Pl-10,000-The user shoots a huge ki ball, and then they control it with their hands.

6. Renzoku Energy Dan-No Requirements-An attack od rapidly fired energy balls from the user's hands.

7. Eraser Cannon-Pl-25,000-A blast fired from the mouth. This attack can cause a lot of damage, and if it misses it destroys anything it hits instantly.

8. Ultra Beam Cannon-Pl-1,000,000-The user places their hand, instead of two fingers in-front of their forehead, like the Special Beam Cannon. The user slowly gathers energy and when it is ready they put their hand out in-front of ther body, and yell FIRE, then the blast is fired. It is a cork-screw blast than can cause a lot of damage.

9. Revive-Pl-50,000-The user of this technique can restore peoples health in the heat of battle. It can only be used once on eavh person.

10. Split Form-Pl-2,250-The user splits into three different warriors. The power level of the original warrior is one third of what it would be.

11. Electricity Wave-Pl-4,500-This attack is a huge wave of electricity that will do a lot of damage. it can also be used to lift heavy objects, but this is very hard.

12. Self-Destruct-Pl-5,000,000-This should only be used out of desperation. It is a really risky attack, but is very hard to block. The person who uses it is declared the winner, be very careful when fighting someone with this ability.

13.Scatter Shot-Pl-20,000-This attack was used by Piccolo it against Android 17. It is a beam of energy that is used when the user uses Yudo.

14. Fusion-Pl-50,000-The user and a fellow fighter join hands and fuse together to create one fighter. The strongest warrior is in charge, the two power levels are combined and the doubled. This lasts for ten turns.

15. Bakuri-Pl-8,000-One of the ultimate ki attacks. It is an extremely powerful ki blast that is fired from one hand, while the other grips the wrist of the shooting hand. Piccolo used this attack against Radditz.

16. Hatsu-Pl-75,000-The user turns their opponent's next energy attack into health.

17. Time Stop-Pl-65,000-The user freezes their opponent or opponents in their last position. The target loses five turns due to this attack. This ability can only be used three times per battle.

18. Kyodaika-Pl-2,250-The user grows to a gigantic size, and this increases their strength and range.

19. Super Namek Levels

Super Namek Level 1-Pl-1,000,000-Similar to SSJ.

Super Namek Level 2-Pl-50,000,000-Similar to SSJ2.

Super Namek Level 3-Pl-200,000,000-Similar to SSJ3.

Super Namek Level 4-Pl-1,000,000,000-Similar to SSJ4.

20. Double Blast-Pl-6,000-The user fires two Kamehameha like blast from each hand, then guides them toward the target.

Android Moves

1. Hell's Flash-Pl-100,000-This is Android 16's signature attack. The user throws their opponent into the ground and their hands come off and they fire powerful blasts from the places their hands once were. If you are not an Android it is kinda like a really powerful Renzoku Energy Dan.

2. Energy Drain-No Requirements-The user puts their hand out the touch their opponent's next energy attack, and then absorbs the blast. The energy is then add to their power level forever.

3. Energy Manipulation-Pl-50,000-This user is able to change the power level other people sense by thinking. This was first used by Cell.

4. Android Energy Ball-Pl-35,000-This attack is used by Android 18. The user places their hands together at the palms and creates a ball. Then thye fire it, if it is not blocked it can cause a lot of damage. If i is blocked it will drive back the target a great distance.

5. Mega Eye Laser-No Requirements-This is used b Android 19 and 20. The attack is a lot like Eye Beam, but a lot stronger. Android 20 used this to destroy an entire city once.

6. Super Speed-Pl-50,000-The user stands still shouting. They then appear infront of their opponent and punch them in the gut. This is used by android 17 when he fights Piccolo.

7. Earing Power-Up Flick-Pl-1,000,000-The user who has this attack is considered to be a superior fighter, compared to a Super Saiyan at full power. The user flicks their ear-ring and gets a huge boost in power.

8. Total Destruction-Pl-50,000,000-The user flies up into the air, and beings to charge an energy blast st their waist. When the attack is ready to be used, they extend their arms, with their wrists touching and yell Total Destruction, then it is fired. This blast when directed onto an opponent it will vaporize them instantly.

9. Super Android Levels.

Super Android Level 1-Pl-1,000,000-This is similar to SSJ

Super Android Level 2-Pl-50,000,000-This is similar to SSJ2.

Super Android Level 3-Pl-200,000,000-This is similar to SSJ3.

Super Android Level 4-Pl-1,000,000,000-This is similar to SSJ4.

10. Tail Energy Drain-Pl-No Requirements-This can only be used by Androids like Cell. They attack people with they tail and stab it into them and drain them of their power. The user can become stronger by doing this.

11. Air Bubble-Pl-50,000-This attack was used by Android 17 when he was fighting Piccolo. The user dives into the water and begins to charge their ki. They then throw their arms up and shout firing a huge bubble of air at the target. if the target is out of the water the bubble will fly out of the water and hit them.

12. Self Destruct-Pl-5,000,000-This should only be used out of desperation. It is a really risky attack, but is very hard to block. The person who uses it is declared the winner, be very careful fighting someone with this ability.

13. Pure Energy-Pl-1,000,000-The user fires a huge amount of ki known as Pure Energy. The attack is very powerful and is sometimes able to blind someone.

14. Rocket Punch-No Requirements-The user charges at the target and fires their fist at them. This casues some damage and is pretty cool.

15. Fusion-Pl-50,000-The user and fellow fight join hands and fuse together to create on fighter. The strongest warrior is in charge, the two power levels are combined and then doubled. This lasts for ten turns.

16. Final Flash-Pl-1,000,000-A blast of energy shoot out of both hands placed together at the wrist, and it is very powerful. Vegeta used this attack on Recoome.

17. Gallet Gun-Pl-7,000-An energy blast fired from both hands joined together at the waist, This attack is strong enough to destroy an entire planet, but it is very fragile.

18. Dodonpa-Pl-2,000-This is a blast fired from the finger tip of the user, that explodes on impact. It is stronger than a simple Kamehameha, but it can't be charges.

19. Beam Saber-Pl-9,000-The user creates an energy beam but it is not fired, this can be used as a sword.

20. Eraser Cannon-Pl-25,000-A blast that is fired from the mouth. This attack causes a lot of damage, and if it misses it destroys anything it hits instantly.

Human Moves

1. Chou Kamehameha-Pl-3,500-A lot like Kamehameha, but three times stronger, and twice as fast.

2. Tri Beam-Pl-75,000-This is Tien's signature attack. the user makes a triangle with his hands, and inside of the triangle the user can zoom in on the target. Then the user shouts Tri Beam Ha. This attack can't be can used repeatedly in one turn.

3. Dodonpa-Pl-2,000-This is a blast fired from the finger tip of the user, that explodes on impact. It is than a simple Kamehameha, but it can't be charged.

4. Crasher Ball-Pl-4,000-This attack is similar to the Spirit Bomb and the Death Ball, but not as strong. It is mainly used as a decoy.

5. Spirit Ball-Pl-10,000-The user shoots a huge ki ball, then controls it with their hands.

6. Split Form-Pl-2,250-The user splits into three different warrios. The power level of the original warrior, is one third of what it would be.

7. Kakusan-Pl-5,000-This is an attack Krillian used to kill the siabe men on Earth. The user creates an energy blast in the palms of their hands, then they send the blast into the air, and when it is ready they send the beam back to the ground. It then splits into six different beams that are directed onto a target. It is very useful when fighting more than one foe.

8. Finishing Touch-Pl-800,000-The user places the bottom of their palms together and starts to reate the attack. When it is ready the user stretches out their amrs and shouts out Finishing Touch and the blast is fired.

9. Honoo-Pl-15,000-The user of this ability can breath a powerful blast of fire from their mouth. It can do a lot of dmage and can light up caves on quests.

10. Fusion-Pl-50,000-The user and a fellow warrior join hands and fuse together to create one fighter. The strongest warrios is in charge, the two power levels are combined and then doubled. This lasts for tne turns.

11. Whistling-Pl-2,000-This is an attack that only works on Nameks. The user puts two of their fingers in their mouth and whistles, causing a Namek to freak out and will lose four turns in battle, due to the noise.

12. Double Blast-Pl-6,000-The user fires two Kamehameha like blast from each hand, then guides it towards the target.

13. Eraser Cannon-Pl-25,00o-A blast that is fired from the mouth. This attack causes a lot of damage, and if it misses ot destroys anything it its instantly.

14. Dynamtie Kick-Pl-10,000-The user's foor glows a reddish color. When they kick their opponent their kick will explode causes a lot of damage.

15. Revolving Attack-Pl-45,000-The user starts to spin about in a circle firing ki ball after ki ball. This will do some damage, but it will make the user dizzy, lowering their accuracy. It is a good attack when fighting multiple foes.

16. Super Human Levels

Level 1-Pl-10,000,000-The user's hair turns red, and muscle growth begins.

Level 2-Pl-55,000,000-The user's hair grows longer and more muscle growth.

Level 3-Pl-300,000,000-The user grows to about eight feet tall, their hair is past theit waist, and they have huge muscles.

17. Destructo Disk-Pl-3,000-A disk of energy that can cut through anything in its path. It is created by raising your hand into the air, and shouting destructo Disk.

18. Heat-Seeking Ki Ball-Pl-40,000-a small ball of energy that causes a huge amount of damage. The user forms the small ball of Ki and throws it into the air and it chases down the target until it is hit. ot os very hard to dode this attack, but it can be done.

19. Energy Deflection-Pl-250,000-The user gets in a squating stance and shouts really loudly. The ground starts to shake and the blast is deflected into the air.

20. Revive-Pl-50,000-The user of this technique can restore peoples health in the heta of battle. It can only be used once on each person.

Changeling Moves

1. Death Ball-Pl-1,000,000-An energy ball formed on the tip of a finger, this ball can vary in size, and has the power to destroy a whole planet.(Used by Frieza to destroy planet Namek)

2. Breath Tornado-Pl-120,000-A purple whirlwind that is blown out of the mouth and causes extreme damage.

3. Imprisonment Ball-Pl-50,000-The user creats an energy ball and traps the target inside of it, then throws it around, until it is smashed into the ground causing a huge explosion and a great deal of damage.

4. Transformations

1st Transformation-Pl-1,000,000-The user grows taller, stronger, and their horns grow longer and sharper.

2nd Transformation-Pl-5,000,000-The user grows a lot taller, stroger, and they have more horns that are huge. The look like a lizard kinda.

3rd Transformation-Pl-10,000,000-The user gets smaller instead of taller and much stronger. They have no horns and if they were missing a body part it will be regrown.

5. Destructo Disk-Pl-3,000-A disk of energy that can cut through anything in its path. It is created by raising your hand into the air and shouting the name of the attack.

6. Triple Destrcuto Disk-Pl-10,000-Instead of one there are three disk. The attack is much stronger than a single disk.

7.Warp Dimension Blast-Pl-1,000,000-A blast that is fired from one hand. The attack is very fragile, but if it is not blocked or dodged it will warp the target to another dimension causing an automatic lose.

8.Eraser Cannon-Pl-25,000-A blast tha is fired from the mouth. This attack causes a lot of damage, and if it misses, it destroys anything it hits instantly.

9. Crasher Ball-Pl-4,000-This attack is similar to a spirit bomb and the death ball, but not as stromg. It is mainly used as decoy.

10. Dodonpa-Pl-2,000-This is a blast that is fired from the finger tip of the user. It is stronger than a simpe Kamehameha, but it can't be charged.

11. Mega Energy Ball-Pl-15,000-The user fires a regular ki ball, but it is ten times stronger then a simple Kamehameha, and it can be charged.

12. Heat-Seeking Ki Ball-Pl-40,000-A small energy ball that cause a huge amount of damage. The user forms the small ball of Ki and throws it up into the air and it chases down the target until it hits. It is very hard to dodge, but it can be done.

13. Fusion-Pl-50,000-The user and a fellow fighter join hands and fuse together to create one fighter. the strongest warrior is in charge, thw two power levels are combined and then doubled.

14. Recoome Kick-No Requirements-This is simply a kick that does a lot of damage. Recoome used this on Krillian, and put him out of the fight.

15. Energy Punch-No Requirements-The user's hands beging to glow a reddish color and every punch causes more damage than a normal punch.

16. Beam Saber-Pl-9,000-The user creates an energy beam, but it is not fired, this ca be used as a sword.

17. Ice Ball-Pl-35,000-The user creates a ball of ice in their hands and then throws it at the target. It will either freeze the opponent causing them to lose three turnd, or causes a lot of damage.

18. Freeza Beam-Pl-5,000-The user fires a beam of energy, the blast is purple and causes a lot of damage.

19. Power Spear-Pl-3,500-The user creates a long beam of raw energy and hurls it at the opponent, If the target is hit they will either have a huge holr in them, or deals a lot of damage.

20. Dark Bomb-Must have King Kai's training and be a Monster or a Changeling-This attack is similar to the Spirit Bomb, but black and filled with evil energy.

Majin/Monster Moves

1. Psycho Attack-Pl-10,000-The user unleashes a massive amount of energy into a single attack. The user's hp drops to 1, but they do a great deal of damage. It is a good attack if you a low on health anyways.

2.Deadzone Worm Hole-Pl-100,000,000-The user creates a large ripe in the space time continum. The hole starts to suck up everything, including the user. If the user gets trapped in their own deadzone their will be in their for a week, when they are in there they can't train, spar, or battle. All they can do is stare into the darkness.

3. Body Change-Pl-40,000 and must be a monster-The user fires a beam of energy from their mouth and they make their opponent do the same. When the beams hit they have changed bodies, but if anything gets in the way the user is changed with whatever it is.

4. Crasher Ball-Pl-4,000-This attack is similar to a spirit bomb and the death ball, but not as strong. It is mainly used as a decoy.

5. Fusion-Pl-50,000-The user and a fellow fighter join hands and fuse together to create one fighter. The strongest warrior is in charge, the two power levels are combined and then doubled.

6. Recoome Kick-No Requirements- This is simply a kick that does a lot of damage. Recoome used this on Krillian and put him out of the fight.

7. Time Stop-Pl-65,000-The user freezes their opponent or opponents in their last position. The target loses five turns due to this attack. This ability can only be used three times per battle.

8. Dark Bomb-must have King Kai's training and must be a Monster or a Changeling-These attack is similar to the Spirit Bomb, but black and filled with evil energy.

9. Energy Whip-Pl-2,450-The user points both of their hands and fires a whip out of each hand. The whips wrap around their opponent and electric them. This was used by one of the henchmen in The World's Strongest.

10. Sword Growth-Pl-4,500-The user grows a sword out of their knee of elbow. They then pull it out and it can be used like a normal. This is used by Garlic Jr's henchmen in The Deadzone.

11. Transformations-Pl-500,000-This can only be used by Monsters. There are different transformations for different monster. They wil be kinda like Signature moves, and the transformation will make you 10 times stronger.

 12. Body Stretch-Pl-25,000-This is used by one of the Monsters in The World's Strongest. If the user gets hit by a blast in the gut they can take the blast, and it will stretch out their stomach. Then they throw their hips forward and deflect the blast bakc at its user. It a really good attack to have against a slow opponent.