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Using Frames :

> mc<- c("Dhaka","Khulna")
> m.frame <- data.frame(m,mc)
> m.frame                     #  [Frames are used in S language just to merge two type of data with same patterns(usually in a column basis since S-plus / R works with Columns unless specified otherwise).]
   c1 c2 c3     mc
r1  1  2  3  Dhaka
r2  4  5  6 Khulna
> apply(m.frame[,1:3],2,max) # [applies “max” function in the given part of frame]
 c1 c2 c3
  4  5  6
> c1
Error: Object "c1" not found
> attach(m.frame)                     # [ gives columns  of given frame the respect of a vector]
> c1
 r1 r2
  1  4
> r2
Error: Object "r2" not found
> detach()                                # [ takes away the respect of columns ]
> c1
Error: Object "c1" not found
> m.frame$c1
[1] 1 4
> m.frame$r2
> m.frame[,"c1"]
[1] 1 4
> m.frame["r1",]
   c1 c2 c3    mc
r1  1  2  3 Dhaka
> edit(data.frame(m.frame))      # [ See what happens]
   c1 c2 c3     mc
r1  1  2  3  Dhaka
r2  4  5  6 Khulna

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