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"Beginning to Remember" Part #5

Cordelia looked at Wesley in shock. Conner didn’t know what to think. He didn’t even know who Christian was. Angel was also in shock. He walked up to Christian with a confused look on his face. Christian recognized the look and decided that he’d better explain why he was in their presence.

“Let me start of by saying this,” Christian began while staying put, for he didn’t want to make himself at home, because he knew that he wasn’t entirely welcome. “I know that our last encounter did not end the way that either of us would’ve liked. And I do apologize for that. But, that is not the reason…”

Before Christian could continue, Angel blatantly interrupted, “Yeah that’s an understatement. My life was on the line and you took off.”

“Ok, wait just one minute you too,” a very confused Cordelia remarks. “For those of us who weren’t alive ions and ions ago, why don’t you let us all know what the heck happened between the two of you. Or are you like all boys who can’t talk openly about their problems.”

Angel turns and stares at Cordelia, while giving here a look. She recognizes the look and says, “Alright, fine, if you don’t want to…”

“Cordelia,” Wesley quickly blurts out. “ I think it would be best if we left these two alone to discuss what it is that they need to discuss!”

“Thank you Wesley,” Angel says.

Cordelia and Wesley leave, but Conner stays sitting on the couch in front of Wesley’s office.

Christian recognizes this and says, “That must be your ever popular son. He’s a mirror image of his father.”

Seeing that Christian is now talking about his son, Angel becomes angry and says, “If you mention my son again, I will kill you. And for the first time in a long time, I will enjoy it.

Sensing the stress and anxiety that Angel has had to deal with in the past few years, Christian understands why Angel is so protective of Conner. “I’m sorry Angel. I understand the level of compassion that you have for your son, but there is no need to fear me. I didn’t come here for your son, or to start trouble.”

“You can’t just show up in my home after leaving me hung out to dry in 1909, and expect me to welcome you with open arms,” Angel says while turning his back to Christian. “I mean, I trusted you, I needed your protection. I was being hunted by the worst possible creatures and humans. I needed your help, and you left me to be captured.”

Conner had never heard this story from his father. He became enraged at Christian, he jumped up and went to bite Christian. But he didn’t even make it half way when Christian eyes turned red, and his right arm raised. This stopped Conner dead in his tracks.

“What the, what have you done, stop it. I will kill you. Let me out of your grasp,” yells a desperate Conner. “What have you done to me?”

Christian continued to hold Christian off as he explained, “You wouldn’t understand Conner. You are to young and have to much anger to grasp the power that I have. Now go back to your seat and let me explain to you and your father why I couldn’t help him in 1909. If you choose to continue your mission to bite me, well then, I will have no choice but to teach you a lesson of respect. This concept, is pretty foreign to you, as I witnessed just a few minutes ago, between you and Wesley.”

Christian drops his arm and his eyes turn back to his regular color (if anyone cares, they are midnight blue). Angel looks at Conner and walks him over to the couch and says, “Thank you, but, this is not your fight. I can handle this.”

Angel turns around and looks at Christian and tells him, “start explaining or start leaving.”

Christian nods his head and proceeds, “Back in Limerick, in 1909, yes, I told you that I was going to help and protect you. And yes, I did leave you to be captured and tortured. But, it was not my choice to do so.” Angel was about ready to interject, when Christian quickly explained, “I know what you’re going to say Angel. But it is the honest truth. I was taken. I was captured by the very man that I was searching for. The man who killed my beautiful Victoria, and my closest friend, Brother Harris. I was captured, by the bastard Siras. I didn’t know how he found me, before I found him, but he did.”

Angel was stunned by the revelations that Christian had just made and asked, “How did you get away from him?”

Christian quickly responded, “That’s the thing my friend, I didn’t”

Conner heard what Christian had said, and was puzzled, so he inquired, “So, what does that mean, he killed you?”

Before Christian answered Conner’s question, he smiled and then said, “Yes, Siras killed me. He tortured me badly. And then he burnt me at the stake. I died and woke up heaven, where I have been serving since. So, my friend, I am sorry that I couldn’t help you. Since my death, I have been able to go in and out of existence, aiding every form of life that needs help, from the darkness that confronts them. My Lord gave me this opportunity, for he knew the day would come when I would see you again, and finally, help you to survive.”

“So that must mean, that we are in danger,” an increasingly worried Angel remarks?

Christian finally walks down from the entranceway. He makes his way over to where Conner and Angel were sitting. Christian looks at Conner and Angel. He puts his hand on Angel’s shoulders and says, “I wish I could’ve come under different circumstances. But, danger is certainly evident, and unfortunately, it’s the worst kind.”