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Part Three

Buffy was already to go when Giles came back from preparing the necessities for the trip (weapons, books) things that would help them in this new endeavor. He two were alone for the first time in a few years. Giles proceeded and asked Buffy, “Do you have any inclinations about the journey that lies in front of us?”

Buffy looks up at Giles and then back down and begins, “Hearing Whistler say that Angel has a son, well, it hurt me deeply. I thought for sure Angel was unable to give life. But, I guess it was just me.”

“Buffy,” Giles starts to say with feeling, “Everything is not your doing. Angel was unable to give life. I know that there is some divine reason why Angel has a son. And remember, Whistler did say that in the end, you will have an enormous smile on your face. So, please, don’t continue to place this burden on yourself.”

“Wow, Giles,” a shocked Buffy responds, “it didn’t take you very long to get back into the swing of things. Your all smarty guy again. Thanks. There is something else that we need to discuss before Willow and Xander return.”

“What is it Buffy,” Giles asks?

Buffy continues on after Giles, “I think that we are going to need some extra help on this one. Whistler made it perfectly clear that this task isn’t going to be the easiest one.”

“What or um Who did you have in mind,” Giles asks again”

“I need you to help me get in touch with Christian,” responds Buffy to Giles’ latest inquiry. “He has the powers which will give us an overall edge.”

Giles removes his glasses and pauses for a minute and then responds, “ Alright Buffy, let me grasp this idea of yours. You want me to contact a man whom I’ve never seen or heard of. The only contact that anyone has had with this mystical being is you. And when you had died no less.”

Giles was extremely overwhelmed by Buffy and her idea. Buffy realized this. She decided to tell Giles the whole story, “You’re right Giles. I did meet Christian when I had died but, but I wasn’t in heaven for very long. I was so happy in heaven,” Buffy’s emotions started to overwhelm her. She wasn’t sad but, they were tears of joy. Buffy paused and began again, “Giles, I was with my mother and we were so happy. She looked so young and beautiful. Heaven is so beautiful, I can’t even describe it. Then, Christian walked into my life. He had died in some weird way back in the early 1800’s. Not my vampires, but by some sort of mystical demon or creature. Something like that. But he was told by someone in heaven that I had been the slayer. He needed my help. When I asked him why, he just said, “We need to save the lives of many people.”

Giles was stunned by these revelation that Buffy was making. He had to interrupt her in order to completely understand what she was saying, “ Christian asked you to help him save people’s lives! I can’t believe that there is that type of danger in heaven.!”

“No Giles,” Buffy says. “I had to leave heaven in order to do this, you big dork.”

“Right, of course, Idiot,” responds Giles about himself.

“It was the hardest decision that I’ve ever had to make. But, if it was to save people’s lives then I had to do it. So I left Heaven with Christian. Let me just say this Giles, When Christian said that ‘We need to save the lives of many people, he wasn’t lying.’ We saved 200 maybe 300 people from evident death. He was amazing Giles. I caught a brief glimpse of his power, and it was unbelievable.”

“Where, what time period, and what people,” asks Giles?”

“All I can remember is that it wasn’t anywhere close to this place. And they weren’t humans.”

“Were they decent creatures,” Giles asks again?”

“Yes, Mr. Twenty Questions man,” Buffy sarcastically responds.”

“Sorry Buffy,” Giles interjects. “But, this is extraordinary. You went from heaven to a different time zone and helped people no less. That is phenomenal.”

While still in awe of Buffy’s adventure, he asked yet another question, “Where did you go from there?”

“That’s the thing Giles,” Buffy hesitantly says. “After we saved and I met the things, Christian came over to me and said,

‘Thank you Buffy, thank you for all your help. It’s been an honor fighting with you. I would ask you to continue on with me, but it looks like your needed somewhere else.’

Before I could say What, he continued on,

‘I am in your debt, remember, if you face any task that seems to extraordinary, then please call on me. Your tall English friend will know what to do.’

It was right then when I was brought back her by Willow, Xander, Tara, and Anya.”

“My god Buffy, that is amazing,” Giles says, while in awe of Buffy. “He seems like an intelligent and amazing man. Yes, he was right, I do know how to call on him. And I will go and do that now, so I can get back and we can be on our way.”

Giles stands up Hugs Buffy, tells her that he will be back later. As Giles opens the front door to exit her home, Buffy says under her breath, “Angel’s a father, oh my God, then who’s the Mother.”