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Intro to Transcription


Chapter 5 Worksheet


1.        Explain the difference between hospital inpatients and outpatients.


2.        Compare the “basic four” to the basic six”.


3.        List the four methods of physical examination evaluation performed by the physician or health professional.


4.        Who dictates the consultation report, and who receives the report?


5.        Explain the focus of the pathology report.


6.        List three types of radiology diagnostic procedures.


7.        List six section headings contained in the dismissal summary.


8.        What are “aged” reports, and what are the turnaround time parameters for these reports?


9.        Which reports are usually dictated by someone other that the attending physician?


10.     Explain how the separate line heading format differs from the freeform paragraph format.





_____  1.  Fluoroscopic Catherterization                                                         A.  History and Physical Report


_____  2.  Hospital Course                                                                                 B.  Operative Note


_____  3.  Review of Systems                                                                            C.  Consultation Report


_____  4.  Sponge Count                                                                                    D.  Pathology Report


_____  5.  Gross and Microscopic Findings                                                   E.  Radiology Report


_____  6.  Recommendations                                                                             F.  Discharge Summary


_____  7.  Follow-Up


_____  8.  Tissue Submitted


_____  9.  Chief Complaint


_____  10. First Assistant