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Introduction to Transcription

Chapter 19 Worksheet



  1. List two pros and cons of working in a hospital MT environment.




  1. List two pros and cons of working in a medical office MT environment.




  1. List two pros and cons of working in a medical transcription service MT environment.




  1. List two pros and cons or working as a home based MT.




  1. Compare the urban, suburban and rural markets in terms of medical transcription opportunities.





  1. List the five levels of trauma care centers.  Describe two features of each.




  1. Explain how health-care markets affect medical transcription pay.




  1. List the pay scale and fringe benefits for each medical transcription environment.




  1. Explain why a medical transcriptionist may want to procure employment through an employment agency.





  1. Describe how you see your future in medical transcription.