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Welcome to Mike's Webpage!

Sup everybody? Thanx for visting my page and keep checking back for some wicked stuff! This is my main page, but check the links section for individual pages. I'm gonna be putting up pics, info pages, links, and much more!


Hi, my name is Mike Lawrence and I live in Toronto Canada. I'm 17 years old and attend Sir Oliver Mowat C.I. This is my first webpage [well, second, but the first was made with angelfire's manual setup (this one is all code) and was really shitty. You can check it out here.] I made this page to help my html skills and to, well, have a webpage. 8^) So, feel free to look around and check my individual pages on specific topics. Thanx!


My Pics Page Coming soon!
My Starsiege Page Coming soon!
My Starcraft Page
My Nox Page Coming soon!

Email me!