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As we go through life, we recognize the truly important things in our life - friends, family, and Christ. The order is backwards - as we get older, the precedence changes and the list begins to reverse itself. At different times, we change the order temporarily. But the closer we draw to Christ, the more we become a gift to our friends and family. It is better to give than receive - and how can we receive anything more precious than the gift that God gave to us - His Son, Christ. It is with that gift in mind that we should go forth into the world and share - share the gift, share the Word, share ourselves. Christ calls us to be a light for Him - what kind of light are we - are we penlight (weak), a strobe light (intense for very brief periods of time), a lighthouse (that guide others and warn them of danger), or even a star or sun? It is up to you and you alone. Live your life as if each day is a gift - and by Romans 1:16.
I am proud of you Meg - for many things - but most of all for striving to be a light in the dark world we live in. God Bless! Cousin Bill
(PS: Sorry for the sermon, it just flowed!)


So I am sitting here reading one of your poems, and I am thinking how much I have missed you! I know others have missed you more...I can think of a few...but I am glad you are back from an incredible adventure!
Much love and talk to you later.


meg- i was reading the poems and i was so stoked to see ours up there!! the one from Lake Almanor! i cannot wait to see you when i am home for christmas and i hope you know that i love you so much! talk to ya soon!!


Wow, Fun web page. More! More!
I'm glad that your home safe and that your trip was bomb diggety :) tee hee!
Robyn :)


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