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Pac Rim Pics
OC Photos
Cali Friends
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Pac Rim Pics

Sportin the love for Delta in China

Emiko (my host sister) and me!

My host sisters and I making silly faces in the car

Kasuke and me

Yuko, Me, and Emiko

We are so strong!

My host siblings and I at Tokyo Tower

My goodbye dinner with my host family in Japan

Kristi, my Billy-Blue roomie and BF of the Pac Rimmers

Me, Randy, and Jenny at Bondi Beach in Australia

Kalei, Abby, Jake, Me, and Kristi at Bondi Beach

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OC Photos

OC Eagles Soccer

Summer in San Diego with Travis

Chelsee and me


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Cali Friends

Jaime, Katy, and I hittin up Ol' Starbucks

Em and me bustin out the Karaoke

Kristy Jang

I love Melissa Klein!

Let's party

Kerri Murray

Rach and me... Just how many do you have to kiss?

Hume Lake

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My younger sister, Jenna, and me at Christmas last year

Wait, Grandma! I'm not 21!!!

My precious Katie and Sarah. I love my cousins!

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