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BYLAWS: SOUTH DAKOTA LIBERTARIAN PARTY Adopted 1994, Revised 26 August 1996


South Dakota

Libertarian Party


Table of Contents

                            ARTICLE I: NAME AND PURPOSE                                          1

                            ARTICLE II: MEMBERS                                                           1

                            ARTICLE III: OFFICERS AND EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE           1

                            ARTICLE IV: CONVENTIONS AND MEETINGS                         2  

                            ARTICLE V: NOMINATIONS AND ELECTIONS                         3

                            ARTICLE VI: FINANCE AND ACCOUNTING                              4

                            ARTICLE VII: BYLAWS AMENDMENTS                                   4

                            ARTICLE VIII: MISCELLANEOUS                                            4

                            ARTICLE IX: EFFECTIVE DATE:                                              5








South Dakota Libertarian Party

           ARTICLE I                          NAME AND PURPOSE

          These by-laws shall govern the South Dakota Libertarian Party, a political party organized under the laws
          of South  Dakota. Throughout these by-laws, the terms “party” and “SDLP” may be used interchangeably,
          although referring  to the same entity. The purpose of the SDLP is to promote libertarian solutions to
          contemporary problems through the political process.

           ARTICLE II                        MEMBERS

                              Section 1.     Anyone who is registered in South Dakota as a Libertarian or who is a member of                                                                                       the U.S. National Libertarian Party is eligible to become a voting member                                                                                                      upon payment of membership fees.

                              Section 2.     Membership fees for the following year shall be set by the Executive Committee (“ExCom”)
                                                     no less than three (3) months after the annual meeting, to become effective upon official
                                                     notification to the membership. membership shall run for twelve months following payment of

                             Section 3.     Dues will be paid current no less than one (1) hour before the beginning of the annual party

                             Section 4.     Members must be present at meetings to vote. No proxies will be taken.


                              Section 1.     Officers. Members filling the positions of officers must be current paid members of SDLP and
                                                    reside in South Dakota. The following positions shall be filled by election during the annual
                                                    Party meeting: President, Vice-President (Secretary), and Treasurer.

                              Section 2.    Duties of Officers.

                                                   President. The President shall conduct all meetings of the SDLP and the ExCom. The President
                                                   shall be one of the SDLP delegates to the National Libertarian Party convention. The President
                                                   has authority to speak on behalf of SDLP for all public relations activities and other duties
                                                   assigned by the ExCom.

                                                   Vice-President: The Vice-President (“VP”) shall be the chief assistant to the President holding
                                                   such executive powers as the President shall delegate, and shall perform such duties as shall
                                                   be assigned by the President or the ExCom. The VP shall attend all meetings of theExCom and
                                                   all party conventions, and shall act as secretary thereof, keeping such records and minutes as                                                                necessary. The VP shall make an annual report to the ExCom. The VP shall perform or make                                                                    provisions for the performance of any legal assistance the Party may require.

                                                  Treasurer: The Treasurer shall receive all money paid to the SDLP, and shall deposit the
                                                  same is such bank or banks as have been designated by the ExCom, and shall disburse said
                                                  money upon order of the ExCom. Treasure shall make a complete financial report to theExCom
                                                  and at least annual reports to the Membership. Treasurer shall perform all duties required of
                                                  his/her office by applicable federal and state law.

                               Section 3.  Executive Committee.  The Executive Committee (“ExCom”) shall consist of three (3) duly elected                                                           officers, plus two (2) members at large. Members elected to the ExCom must be members in good                                                           standing of the SDLP. Newly elected members for the ExCom shall serve ex officio until their
                                                  terms become effective at the beginning of the following calendar year.

                              Section 4.  Standing and Ad Hoc Committees. The ExCom shall have the power to appoint committees.
                                                  It may create and dissolve committees at any meeting of the ExCom by a majority vote.

                              Section 5.  Meetings. The ExCom shall meet at least quarterly at such times and places as may be determined
                                                 by the action of the committee, by call of the President, or by the written request of at least
                                                 two (2) members of the Committee. It may meet more frequently as necessary and per request of                                                             one-third (1/3) of the committee members. Either a written or telephonic notice shall be given at
                                                 least fourteen (14) days before said meeting. The ExCom may transact meetings and business
                                                by mail, telephone, or electronic media. The ExCom shall be prohibited  from conducting any                                                                     closed-door meetings and will not disallow any Party member in good standing from attending                                                                 meetings.

                            Section 6.  Quorum.    A quorum is present when two-thirds (2/3) of the membership of a committee is

                           Section 7.  Voting.      A majority vote of those present at a meeting shall rule. In the event of a tie, the
                                                proposed action, business or resolution fails.

                           Section 8.  Term of Office.   Terms of office for the officers and executive committee shall be one (1) year.
                                              A member may serve unlimited consecutive terms of office.

              ARTICLE IV                    CONVENTIONS AND MEETINGS

                             Section 1.             Annual Convention and Party Meeting. The annual meeting shall be held at a date, time, and
                                                            place determined by the ExCom with the provision that the dates should normally be during
                                                            the period between 1 June and 30 August.

                            Section 2.              Notice of Convention. Notices of the Convention will be mailed to all registered SDLP
                                                            members, and other registered Libertarians in South Dakota (when such names and
                                                           addresses are known) at least fourteen (14) days prior to the convention date. Such notice
                                                           shall include the date, time, place, and any proposed actions to be taken by the membership.
                                                           In addition, press releases of notice of the annual convention will be published in major                                                                            newspapers in Aberdeen, Pierre, Rapid City, and Sioux Falls, at a minimum, least fourteen (14)                                                                days in  advance of the annual convention.

                            Section 3.             Special Membership Meetings.         A special meeting of the members may be called as                                                                            determined  by the ExCom following the same procedures as Section 2 above.

              ARTICLE V                     NOMINATIONS AND ELECTIONS           

                           Section 1.             Eligibility.         To be eligible for any Party office, a candidate must be a member in
                                                         good standing  of the Party and must reside in South Dakota.

                           Section 2.              Nominations and Elections of Officers and Executive Committee.   Nominations shall be
                                                         made by party members. The names of all nominees, in order nominated, shall be clearly
                                                         posted during the Party meeting and immediately prior to voting. In the event only one (1)  
                                                         nominations is made, the President shall request a voice acclamation of the nominee
                                                        from themembers present to confirm the acceptance of the nominee. If there are two (2) or
                                                        more nominations, a secret ballot shall be cast by the members. Two members shall be
                                                        appointed by the President to tally the votes. Any member may inspect the ballots cast
                                                        and bring  discrepancies to the attention of the convention.

                           Section 3.           Endorsement of Political Office Seekers.     The members shall endorse Libertarian
                                                       candidates that have obtained the majority vote from the primary election. In the event
                                                       no primary election was required (only one candidate ran for office on the primary ballot),
                                                       the President shall request a voice acclamation from the members. Primary election voters
                                                       shall include any registered Libertarian, Independent, and other unaffiliated voters.

                           Section 4.           Nomination and Election of Candidates for Political Office.     The members shall nominated
                                                       candidates(s) for Lieutenant-Governor, as appropriate. Procedures for election shall be the
                                                       same as for Party officers and ExCom. The embers may nominate candidate(s) for the
                                                       following state offices: Attorney-General, Secretary of State, Auditor, Treasurer, Commissioner
                                                       of School and Public Lands, Public Utilities Commissioner, and other state offices as may
                                                       be open. The procedures for election shall be the same as for Party officers and ExCom.

                          Section 5.            Vacancies in Positions of Officers and Executive Committee.     In the event of a vacancy
                                                       in the office of President, the Vice-President shall serve the remaining term of office. In the
                                                      event of  a vacancy in the position of any other Officer or Member of ExCom, ExCom shall,
                                                      within sixty (60) days of notification of said vacancy, choose, by majority vote, a qualified
                                                      and consenting member of the SDLP to serve the remaining term of office in said position.

                         Section 6.            Majority Rule.     In any Party or ExCom election, the members always have the right to vote
                                                      for “NOBODY”. If “NOBODY” wins a majority of the votes cast, nominations will be reopened.                                                              The office may be filled by reopening nomination and holding another vote.

                         Section 7.          National Libertarian Party Convention Delegates.     At the Party Convention prior to the
                                                    National Libertarian Party Convention, the members shall nominate members to serve as state                                                                 co-delegates with the President,. Nomination and election procedures shall be as for Party
                                                    Officers and ExCom. Vacant delegate positions may be filled by appointment by ExCom.
                                                    Delegates to the National Convention shall vote on the first ballot for the presidential
                                                    candidate who received the most votes in the South Dakota Libertarian primary election.
                                                    Delegates shall continue to vote for that candidate through subsequent ballots, until
                                                    released by that candidate, or until delegates agree that to continue to vote for that
                                                    candidate would be counterproductive and/or would threaten party unity.   If no Libertarian                                                                     candidate for President of the United States qualifies for the general election ballot in
                                                    South Dakota, delegates to the National Libertarian Convention may vote their consciences
                                                    with respect to nomination of a national candidate.

              ARTICLE VI                      FINANCE AND ACCOUNTING

                             Section 1.             The budget and membership each year shall run concurrently and begin with 1 January and
                                                           end with 31 December of each year.

                            Section 2.               All disbursements shall be made by check from a checking account authorized by the ExCom.

                            Section 3.              The SDLP may not borrow funds without 100% concurrence of all members of the ExCom.

              ARTICLE VII                      BYLAWS AMENDMENTS

                                Section 1.                The bylaws of the SDLP may be added to, changed, amended, replaced, or revoked by 75%
                                                          of  the members present at any membership meeting of the SDLP or any special membership 
                                                          meeting of the SDLP.

                                Section 2.        Recommended additions, changes, amendments, replacements and revocations shall
                                                         be inserted  in the notice of the convention or meeting given to each member
                                                         (Article IV,  “Meetings”).

              ARTICLE VIII                        MISCELLANEOUS

                                 Section 1.         Recordkeeping.        The SDLP shall keep complete books and records. Minutes of the
                                                           ExCom and members’ meetings shall be reduced to writing and preserved.

                                Section 2.          Annual Report.         The Treasurer shall prepare an annual financial report for distribution
                                                           to the membership during the annual meeting.

                                Section 3.         Emergency Meetings.     In case of an emergency action, the ExCom may hold a meeting
                                                           with a twenty-four (24) hour notice by the most feasible means possible to include
                                                          telephone, radio,  or other electronic communication.

                                Section 4.         Parliamentary Authority.     Roberts’ Rules of Order, Newly Revised, shall be the
                                                          parliamentary  authority for all matters of procedure not specifically covered in the bylaws or                                                                   rules of the Party.

                               Section 5.         MalfeasanceRemoval from Office of Officers or Executive Committee Members.  
                                                          Only in the event of an accusation by a SDLP member, of malfeasance, or conviction of the
                                                          commission of a felony, on the part of any Officer or Member of ExCom, the remaining
                                                          officers and members of ExCom shall meeting within fourteen days, by personal or
                                                          electronic  means, to hear evidence and to make a decision as to whether to remove
                                                          the accused from  office. A majority vote of the non-accused officers and members
                                                          of ExCom shall be necessary  to remove any other member of ExCom. The accused
                                                          shall have the opportunity to present  witnesses and a defense, and shall have the
                                                          right to be present at all deliberations, and shall have the right to witness a non-secret
                                                           vote on the removal question.                        
                                                          “Malfeasance” shall be defined as significant dereliction of duty, or significant violation of
                                                          the Bylaws of SDLP, or stealing from SDLP.

                               Section 6.           Local Affiliates.    SDLP members may, within a given jurisdiction (legislative district,
                                                           county,  municipality, precinct, or ward), organize a local affiliate, with at least
                                                           three SDLP members.   The affiliate may select an appropriate name and submit a
                                                           proposal (including bylaws) to the  ExCom; and is recognized by the party upon approval
                                                           of the proposal by the ExCom.   An affiliate continues to be recognized as long as
                                                           they shall annually report in writing or verbally, to the ExCom or the Annual State
                                                           Convention.   Jurisdictions with less than three SDLP members  may be recognized                                                                                    by the ExCom as a provisional affiliate, upon application.

        ARTICLE IX                          EFFECTIVE DATE

These bylaws become effective immediately upon approval by the membership.


Andre Ager completed the following certification upon filing the original bylaws with the South Dakota Secretary of

“I, Andre Ager, certify that the attached By-Laws are the official By-Laws of the South Dakota Libertarian
Party and were revised by the membership present during the annual convention in Oacoma, South Dakota on
the 11
th day of June, 2005.

______________________________________________________ ___________________ “

Andre Ager, President, South Dakota Libertarian Party                              Date
