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South Dakota Libertarian Party Blog
March 23, 2005
The Flight of the Phoenix--2005
I won't give away the plot of the movie, but you should see THE FLIGHT OF THE PHOENIX.

There are some very subtle libertarian principles in the movie.

I will just give away 2 parts of the plot.

They escape from the desert because they REDESIGN their plane, and make it SMALLER.

The plane crashed because it was carrying TOO MUCH WEIGHT.

This relates very well to what we see as Federal and State governments decide that bigger budgets are better.

As you watch this movie, pay attention to the part about the REDESIGN of the plane!

This relates closely to what we are doing as libertarians.

Yes, we favor a smaller state that governs best by doing least.

But how do we get there?

Watch the movie, and think things over!

Many people think our country, economy, political system and foreign military policy might be a desert.

How do we get out of the desert?

REDESIGN the plane! (See also my previous essay on Kitty Hawk)

The old idea that MORE MONEY is the answer to all problems is simply that, an old idea!

Before David faced Goliath, did he write up a business plan?

The new idea is:


This relates not only as to how governments will be in the near future (smaller, smarter, wiser, more compassionate, more aware of the limits of power) as well as how we can proceed now!

Scientists have said that the laws of physics can not explain why bumblebees can fly! According to the laws of physics, bumblebees shouldn't be flying!

This also explains to us why the current ideas of politics can be suspended--because we are thinking like the Wright Brothers, acting like bumblebees, and redesigning our planes!

What could this mean for us now in 2005?

It means that different thinking will lead to a different design not only of how we live our daily lives, but also how the South Dakota Libertarian Party works and helps create a new reality.

Maybe we need to look at ourselves as DESIGNERS, designers of a new reality, designers of the new ways that liberty and freedom will be delivered.

Yes, we see the political system where change appears to be slow, where freedoms don't seem to expand to where they should be.

But that is simply the design of the plane that crashed in the desert.

Our REDESIGN starts today, will be in many areas of our daily lives, will transform not only how the South Dakota Libertarian Party looks at things, but also will ultimately lead to huge changes as liberty expands in our state.

I hope I haven't spoiled the movie for you!

Our REDESIGN will result in LIBERTY flying on great tireless wings!

Maybe this is how the redesign works: we change our thoughts first, our daily lives next, the Libertarian Party next (if we feel the structure or activities of the Party need to change), and then as these changes occur, we will be surprised when we reach a QUANTUM CHANGE, and things change faster than we thought they would!

As Quantum Change Redesigners, we will be inventing, creating, testing and FLYING Liberty-minded ideas and projects that may seem absurd at first thought, but will ultra-positively WOW! us as they succeed, again and again!

Enjoy the movie!

Alex Martin

Posted by sd2/libertarian at 11:38 PM CST
Updated: March 23, 2005 11:43 PM CST
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