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South Dakota Libertarian Party Blog
August 23, 2006
Are We Einsteins?
Besides being a scientific genius, Einstein did and said 3 very profound things.

First, he said that the most powerful thing in the Universe was compound interest.

Second, he said the thing that he understood the least was income taxes!

Third, when offered the Presidency of Israel in the 1940's, he turned it down!

What can we learn from this? How can we Einstein-ize our Party? How can we Einstein-ize South Dakota?

First, the South Dakota LP SHOULD use the most powerful thing in the Universe, compund interest!

Wouldn't our members have more of a positive effect in life if we had the compound interest savvy to be financially independent, even financially outrageously abundant?

Rather than bow to the Dollarocracy and the almost-permamently self-disenfranchised 30-40% of the population, we can actually be economically free (in a cool way) to do what we like--shouldn't Self-Governors like us ACTUALLY be self-governing financially, that is, we actually spend our dollars like Ultra Free people, on products and projects that help people self-liberate themselves?!

Since Einstein was stumped by the income tax code (and it has only become more complicated in the 51 years after Einstein's death), that makes our job easier.

Get rid of as many taxes as possible! Let's start with the "HOLY COW" of South Dakota taxes--
the sales tax.

When Einstein turned down being the leader of Israel, he knew that his best talents were not being a political leader. Know thyself. Albert Einstein was smart--he went with what he did best!

We can do the same.

Some of us run for office, the rest of us are quite happy doing other creative things.

Einstein-ize the Libertarian Party? (I'm sure many Libertarians remember that Einstein was a socialist and a pacifist, too!)

What do I mean?

Everything in life is a miracle, or else there are no miracles. Einstein believed in the first option.

Since life is a miracle, and we are talking about and LIVING Liberty, then let's appreciate this miracle, and add MORE miracles to our lives every day, both in and outside of the electoral arena!

Dandelions thrive in the sun, without government programs.

Let us launch many cool things, all done by ourselves and the many friendly people who will love making history with us, all on our own nickels!

Alex Martin

Posted by sd2/libertarian at 12:04 AM CDT
Updated: August 29, 2006 10:48 PM CDT
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