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South Dakota Libertarian Party Blog
September 26, 2005
What happens to transients?

They get arrested. Some move on. Some change their lives.

I remember seeing dozens of "hoboes" at Library Park just west of downtown Phoenix.

Does government treat the electors (those 18 and older, registered and unregistered voters) as hoboes?
You haven't voted in the last 2 or 3 elections, we're dropping you from the voter rolls...

In the mythology of hoboes, some of them ended up in California and did OK.

Any report that big government is here to stay permanently is a but premature.

Taxes are transient. They go down and up.
Sales taxes have been here since the 1930's.
51% of the voters in a Referendum can make
them go away.

The Two Parties are transient. 200 plus years for the Democrats, 151 years for the Republicans.
Have they been here for a long time? Yes. Do many of their candidates get elected and hold office? Yes. Will those Parties be around forever?

That is for the people to decide.

Before you throw your hands up in despair, remember this...

A few people, dedicated to sincere change, can make a huge difference.

It just takes a few.

It might be the under-employed Dude hauling in carts at Wal-mart.

It might be a waitress or a truck driver.

It might be a college or high school student.

It might be anyone!

It might even be..... that homeless man or woman, who decided not to seek solutions, but to be a solution, a person who lives for positive answers.

Can it happen?

Is it happening?

That is up to you, and the transient ideas that go through your mind.

One of those transient ideas, if you think about it, or write the idea down, could make a HUGE DIFFERENCE
for hundreds of thousands of people in South Dakota.

Those who are "at home" with receiving and entertaining new ideas as welcome strangers, those are the people who will change SOuth Dakota for the better!

This will happen at the ballot box, in the marketplace, on TV, on the radiowaves, in the newspapers, all over!

It will be visible.

Arrest (or stop) those transient ideas that you receive. Write a few good ones down. Post them in this blog.

Then throw a little party!

Celebrate the victory of those ideas! In advance!

Posted by sd2/libertarian at 11:10 AM CDT
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