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Well, we're back, I'm glad to be home but still miss those Aussie girls, um, I mean, the Vegemite, yeah, the Vegemite. Anyway, if you guys have any photos that are like digital and stuff, send them to me so I can put up some photos. Yeah, cool. Okay, I'm going to update the site from "before" to "after" so we can show our friends how cool this trip really was. Thanks to everyone, I had an awesome time.



By the Way, here's a link to the lyrics of some of those Aussie Songs we learned like "Tie Me Kangaroo Down Mate" and " Home Among the Gumtrees".

Make Comments using the Flooble Notepad. You can say something, erase it, I don't know. I just wanted to give it a try.



Site Created By:
Frontera Media International
San Diego, California