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Art 1 Journals

Cafe Terrace at Night
Artist: Vincent Van Gogh
Pen on Paper, 1888

1. Describe:  Write 5 or more sentences describing the scene you see.  What at the major images? Where are they located?  Do not use words that state opinions, just state facts based on what you see in the painting.

2. Analyze: The element of line is used in this drawing.  Write 5 or more sentences describing how line is used in this drawing. What mood does the line create?  What movement?

3. Interpret:   Does this scene remind you of an experience you have seen? Maybe something you saw in a movie or on vacation?  Does it spark a memory?  What meaning do you find in the picture?

4. Judgment:  Why do you think the artist chose to draw this particular scene?  What things in the scene would be different if the artist drew it again? Or drew it in color?

M. C. Escher
Balcony, 1945

1. Describe:  Write five or more sentences telling what is happening in this picture.

2. Analyze:  Write five sentences telling how line and value create the distorted image in
 this print.

3. Interpret: Write five or more sentences telling what this picture reminds you of, or
 makes you think about.

4. Judgment:  The longer you look at this piece of art, the more confusing it gets.  Why do
you think the artist chose to draw the subject in this way? What did he want you to think or feel?

Georgia O’Keeffe
The Lawrence Tree
Oil on Canvas, 1929

1. Describe:  What is happening in this picture?  Does the credit line say that helps you understand this picture?  From what point of view is the picture painted?

2. Analyze:  What do the colors make you feel about this subject? What mood do the colors give the painting?

3. Interpret:  Write about what memories this picture reminds you of.  How does it make you feel?

4. Judgment:  What do you think makes this artwork special?  Why do you think O’Keeffe chose to paint this tree in this way? 

Giving Thanks
Horace Pippin

1. Describe: Using the handouts you have been given, describe this painting in 6 sentences or more.

2. Analyze:  Using the handouts you have been given, analyze this painting. Be sure to talk about color and line.

3. Interpret:  Does this picture remind you of an event in your life, or something you have seen. If this painting is telling a story, what do you think it is?

4. Judgment:  How is this painting different that the others you have seen?   How is it alike? Use detail in your answers.

Andrew Wyeth
Christina’s World

1. Describe:  Using what you learned about descriptions last week, write five or more
  sentences describing this painting.

2. Analyze:  Write five sentences how some of the elements of art are used 
to create a sense of depth in this painting. 

3. Interpret: First, decide what mood this painting exhibits, then write five or more
 sentences telling about the mood of this painting.

4. Judgment:  If this painting were set to music, what type of music would it be?  Why
 do you think so?

Paul Cezanne
Ginger Jar and Fruit, 1895
Oil on Canvas

1. Describe:  In 6 or more sentences, describe in detail what you see in this painting.

2. Analyze:  Analyze the use of line, color, value, texture, space or shape in this artwork.

3. Interpret: What does this artwork remind you of?  What mood does the color give this work of art.

4. Judgment:  You will learn that Cezanne painted over two hundred still life paintings. Do you think this is a successful work of art?  Why or Why not.

Claude Monet
The Artist’s Garden at Giverny

1. Describe:  Describe what you see in this painting. How are the images formed?  What colors do you see? 

2. Analyze:   Write about how color makes the different parts of the image. How are the colors created? What are the differences in the colors that create the shapes? Are
there any details? How are they formed?

3. Interpret:  Write about the garden. What would it be like to be there in the garden? What would you see? Hear? Smell? Feel?

4. Judgment:  Describe how Monet put the paint on the canvas in this painting. If you were an art historian, and you had to give Monet’s way of painting a name, what name
would you give it. Why would you call it this?

Edgar Degas Self Portrait
pencil  paper

1. Describe:  Using what you learned about descriptions , write six or more sentences describing this drawing. Without any background images, this will be a challenge, but you can do it.

2. Analyze:  Write six sentences about how some of the elements of art are used to create a sense of depth in this painting. Focus on line and value.

3.Interpret: First, decide what mood this drawing exhibits, then write six or more sentences telling about the mood of this painting. What is the artist’s expression. What do you think he is thinking?

4. Judgment:  Do you think the artist was pleased with his self portrait?  Why or why not? What so you think he would have changed if he had done it over? 

Thomas Moran
Blue Springs of the Colorado
Oil on Canvas

1. Describe:  Write six sentences describing this landscape. Pay attention to the colors and the background. What else do you see in this picture?

2. Analyze:  Write six sentences about how the element of color is used to create a sense of depth in this painting. Tell how line is also used to create depth. 

3. Interpret: These paintings were part of the reason that Yellowstone became our first National Park. If you were to paint a landscape like this, what would you paint?  Where?  Would you include any people?

4. Judgment:  Moran’s paintings were created to show the Easterners the magnificent landscapes of the West.  After looking at the slide show, do you think Moran was successful with his work? Why or why not?

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