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The Frokies! The Frokester/Old Guy Fan page!

My Favorite things about my Employer! (Or Why I Remain Passionate About My Job)

My Favorite Web Sites

Knives Are Us!!!!
Old Guys Are People Too
Leave Me Alone I Need A Nap!
Norwegians Are Us!
My Computer, My Buddy, My Pal
Am I Qualified For The Promotion? Easy Steps to Learn IN ADVANCE if You Are Qualified For the Job!

Welcome to the Frokester's, AKA "Old Guy", fan page! (Notice that the font on this page is set for "old guy" easy viewing!) Come back often to see what new adventures are in store for "old guy"!

Read some of Old Guys fondest memories, in such classic writings as (NOTE: black "bullets" denote sequels):

"The Commies, General LeMay, And Me"

"What the Cleaning People Left on My Computer"

"My Cousin Can Pee Over the Outhouse"

"Hans Hanson and the Great White Lutefisk"

Find out Old Guy's deepest secret in

"The True Story of Why My Office Is Bigger"

A highly demanded fan favorite

"Harley and Me"

The wonderful memories in

"I Can Spot Them Planes"

Reread the lusty tale

"The Waitress"

The afraid to touch her tearjerker

"My Date: It Sure Was Dark In That Theater - But What a Great Movie"

Remember Old Guy's lifechanging story

"One Day At the Fair - My Hermaphrodite, My Love"

And we could never forget the heartwarming trilogy:

"My Best Friend Jack" "Jack (How I Miss Him)" or the steamy "If Only I Could Touch Him (Not As Near As I Would Like, But Thank God Jack Is Back!)"

For Old Guy's story "Pointing The Way (Why We HAD to Move)" click here

Learn some of Old Guy's favorite tunes and dance steps, performed by Old Guy himself! Such as:

The Hallway Blues

The Birthday Dance

Cow Call

Come Yodel With Me!

and more!

Old Guy's Favorite Entertainers

Elvis....Johnny Cash...Elvis....Jack....Elvis....Co-workers...Elvis....

Favorite Movie Quotations From Films Featuring Strother Martin

"Morons....I'm surrounded by morons!"

"What we have here, is a failure to communicate!"

Ever wonder how Old Guy stays in such great shape? Ever wonder how you too could look and feel like Old Guy? Well now you can!! Learn Old Guy's secrets to a shapely body and sound mind! Order Old Guy's videos on:

"My Shania Workout Program"

"Highkicks Are For Men Too"

"60 Days to That Pasty Skin You Always Wanted"

"Depression is My Friend"

"Get in Touch With Your Inner Frog"

"Madame Zolta's Psychic E-Line" (CONSUMER WARNING: Old Guy does not actually get too much of a kickback from this line, but we are required by law to inform you that there is money involved)

Can't afford a lawyer/doctor? Then Old Guy has just what you are looking for! Contact "Dr. Tague", doctor and paralawyer for all your personal needs!(CONSUMER WARNING: Old Guy does not actually get too much of a kickback from this "professional", but we are required by law to inform you that there is money involved)


Lemon Cake, Extra Lemony Lemon Cake, and Super Deluxe Extra Lemony Cake...with milk (chocolate from a chocolate cow, or strawberry from a strawberry cow, only!).....ALL ice cream! Lutefisk....Sardines (the mustard kind) and Crackers....Grilled cheese (but do not melt the cheese please)....Meatloaf (a little rare)....Anything bland....Room temperature Mountain Dew (soda/pop, not hill Mountain Dew!)

Acquire information from Old Guy's "deep throat" on how to marry Russian, or other nation, women!

Purchase Harley's book on "Collecting Knives", personally autographed by Harley himself!