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DaWsOn K.
Wednesday, November 10, 2004
im soooo soooo sorry
Mood:  chillin'
Now Playing: mean girls :)ow
hey very sorry that its been so long...but i've been pretty busy.
actually...steph had to remind me that its been FOREVER.....well lets see....been going to breakfast still....and we have a new breakfast friend...Luke...and hes mean to me.

everyone left me classes tomorrow...and so im sittin in my bed doing a whole lot of nothing.

lets see watchin mean girls...cuz its a great movie...and i watch it alot...learning the words :)

i love this song....who sings it?
i love this song..its awesome...who sings it?
lol stephy:)

kinda sad today...its the first time ever me and aaron have been apart for more then a week...and then my mom goes and tells me she doesn't think me and aaron should go out....i dunno what to think..cept that she can't change it:) stupid parents huh'

well i suppose i should watch my movie...and i promise i will try harder to write things in here. it would be more tempting to do if more people would read it:) but ok bye bye


Posted by DAWSON at 5:57 PM
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Sunday, October 31, 2004
i know
i a terrible blog keeper sorry...but its halloween so its not happening right now either...bye

Posted by DAWSON at 2:34 PM
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Thursday, October 28, 2004
Mood:  hungry
Now Playing: mayberry- rascal flatts
well lets see...its been awhile...had a few good breakfasts and a few good long nights, nothing new. we re arranged our room, yet its a DISASTER cuz steph won't put anything away haha jk .....but we just don't know where to put a few things so its a mess....but oh well...if you don't like it come clean it:) ok bye

Posted by DAWSON at 9:03 AM
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Tuesday, October 26, 2004
Im Ok
Mood:  special
OK everyone...nobody worry...i am ok..well i will be. now im skipping bio. oh well. i am bored..and i have nothing to write about so i will do some homework..yah right :)

Posted by DAWSON at 6:51 AM
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Monday, October 25, 2004
Mood:  on fire
sorry its been so long....the website wasn't working. Ok so now why im in pain: first and worst...there is something majorly wrong with me and steph and jami are going to make me go to the doctor...i'm not going, i'll let you know how that ordeal goes. second: steph just changed my nose ring for me and IT HURT....but its cute now:) i think thats all the pain i'm in besides mental pain...haha.....but now its time for me to go to bed...even though its only 7 pm. last night was great mailed michael with some funny stuff so he would take out our garbage....and we were really hyper last night at bed time. so that is why im tired. ok gotta go....ahhhhhh

Posted by DAWSON at 12:52 PM
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Saturday, October 23, 2004
YAH its Saturday
YAH EVERYONE.....its saturday! happy....Well i get to go get Aaron from madison..well watch him bowl and then hes coming here with me! im so happy. Its cold and windy thats no fun. but hey i have to get ready kids so talk to you lata

Posted by DAWSON at 5:23 AM
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Friday, October 22, 2004
Yet another great breakfast
Mood:  lazy
Well.....i just got done with another great breakfast with steph! You may be thinking to yourself....she must like breakfast. It's not that i love is who you eat it with, and what you eat! haha...(i made that up!) well now i think i should excited now cuz stupid aaron might come here! well i guess im outty!

Posted by DAWSON at 2:57 AM
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Thursday, October 21, 2004

Mood:  amorous
Hey...first of all..i picked amorous as my mood...but i don't know what it ok whatever. Sorry its been a while. oh and guess web page...haha..yes another one! So my poor steph is havin kinda a bad week shall we say...good thing me and her are roommates:) kinda sad aarons not coming here this weekend...stupid aaron :) ok well got other stuff to do...lata gata

Posted by DAWSON at 10:45 AM
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Wednesday, October 20, 2004

Mood:  accident prone
I am tired! Me and Steph always stay up to late talkin...what about? oh nothing :)I am excited cuz we are gonna have good breakfast again...well after dumb english that is! After trying 5 times to get logged into here (couldn't remember the password!) i finally got it. but now its off to english......BYE BYE

Posted by DAWSON at 1:02 AM
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Monday, October 18, 2004
Mood:  lazy
Hey--->So heres what is up:
My birthday went good...lots of things and money..which is always good!
It's nice and cold out today...surprising.? nope.
Me and Steph went and ate some goooooood breakfast this morning:) It was a good weekend altogether though i guess. But now i get to do school things..which is no fun . BYE

Posted by DAWSON at 3:17 AM
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