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There are a handful of books that can be found speaking about the lives of "veiled" women that are written from the insider's perspective.

It is important in my view that similarly Muslim cultures & Muslim women's points of view be given the same opportunities. Often it is due to bias that publishers are willing to publish hostile anti-veil literate from a "REAL" Muslim. This "real" Muslim is often defined by the publishers as the authority on the subject because she is Arab & thus it is assumed knowing the "truth"

About Islam & the entire Muslim world. It should however be noted that Arabs account for only 13% of the entire Muslim world. It would be like having a radical feminist in America or Europe being authority to speak for the lives of all women in the Western world. No one would see that radical feminist as the authority on the lives of millions/billions of other women --- nor should we assume that within the framework of Islam or Muslim women.

Within the next few pages you will find book covers of various books relating to veiling & people around the world who dress a specific way as a manner of religious belief.

Further within the subpage you will also find images. Whenever possible I will try to explain my reasons for including the image & God willing walk this path of discourse with you.

You may notice that the four books here illustrated on this page are not addressing Islamic veiling, but Christian veiling.

It is my prayer that you will remember that many different Christian communities in the USA & elsewhere maintain a tie to the 1st Corinthians commandment that women cover their heads.

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