"The Shaman's Talisman"


Logline: A continuation to "The Price of the Dragon"

  The artisan held up the finished piece and admired it. A symbol, a charm, a talisman for the new shaman. A new shaman for a new tribe.

Finally the wandering families of the area had come together to form a tribe. Now having come together, they had selected from amongst the wisest of the group the shaman.

For his part in the upcoming ceremony the artisan had been asked to supply the shamans talisman. After much thought as to the materials to be used and the symbols to be represented the artisan had come up with a three-part design. A joining of three circles, based on elements of the medicine wheel, the second a dream catcher and third a shield with a painting of the one who had lead them to this green and fertile valley. The silver/white wolf.

The first and largest circle. The medicine wheel. Many tiny beads had been worked into the four quarters, each one of the sacred colours; to the north blue, to the east red, to the south white and to the west black.

The second circle, the dream catcher. Delicate filaments with beads, the circles within the filaments to represent the cycles of life and the small hole to allow the bad dreams to escape. More tiny beads were stuck to the frame of the catcher along with miniature feathers.

The third circle, the shield if you like, was lovingly carved from one of the many fallen tree limbs scattered around the artisan’s new home, cured and prepared, as only he knew how. Painted on the small wooden tablet with the smallest and finest of horsehair their guardian, the one who had guide them and protected them on their long journey to this place. The silver/white wolf.

With a sense of pride and achievement the artisan carefully place the talisman in his carry pouch and headed for the ceremony.


“Take this.” The chief of the tribe instructed the youngest of his warriors. “It must not fall into the enemies hands.”

Carefully he handed over the tribe’s most scared and valuable artifact.

“Hide this where no one will think to look. When the time comes, and our people celebrate the great victory, retrieve it.”

The young warrior acknowledged his chief, and with that which was entrusted to him set out on his task.

The arrow that hit him in the chest came out of nowhere. The enemy were known as great and mighty hunters skilled in the ability to hide in plain sight. As he lay there dying he was satisfied knowing that he had not failed his chief. The talisman was safe and the enemy would have a hard time locating it, if they dared.

Barkley Ranch- Mystic Gully.

A solitary figure sat alone on the cliff lip that over looked Mystic Gully. Asleep on a blanket to one side a small child and nearby two lupines.

A small huff from the sleeping child caused the lonely figure to turn his head and look down on the child who, had rolled over in her sleep and now had her tiny, angelic sleeping face toward him. The face of an angel known as Heatherleah Barkley- Roberts, his murdered twin. As a tear rolled down his face he forced himself to acknowledge that the angel here on earth with him now was not his twin but her look a like daughter, his niece Victorialeah.

Sleeping as she was now so quiet and so still, she looked exactly like her mother had that day, that day just five short days ago. The day he and Nick had ridden into Meadows Creek and found Heatherleah dead, strangled by the mad ex prison second in command Jake Samuelson. Reaching out he touched the angel face to make sure she was still alive. As his fingers touched her soft skin a tiny hand, acting on instinct more than anything else, waved passed trying to flick away the source of the irritation. More tears flowed as he kissed the tiny hand. Tears for his sister and his niece, tears for the dreams unfilled, the paintings never painted and the joy never shared. For all the things Heather would never see, her child growing, playing, her first day at school, riding her first pony, and all the other things a mother hopes for her daughter.

Hell he had never even gotten the chance to say goodbye, tell her how much he loved her, how proud he was of her and to tell her how sorry he was that he hadn’t gotten there in time to prevent Samuelson from hurting her.

Looking at his surroundings an idea struck him, maybe, just maybe there was something he could do to honour her memory and the place she loved so much.

The bigger of the two lupines lifted her silver/white head and watched the larger human interact with the smaller one.

Softpaw was in pain. And you didn’t need the smelling sense of the wolf the find the source of it. She felt it too. The loss of Firefur had not only affected the human pack but her as well.

Heavy with cub and giving birth at the time there was no way she could’ve done anything to prevent the death of her human friend no matter how much she wanted to. Mother Nature had chosen that particular time for her to give birth to the last cub she would ever have. Now five days old the tiny silver/white wolf cub she called Whitecub slept peacefully at her side.

Littlewolf the Moonwolf, at eleven sun cycles old, had lived nearly twice as long as most others of her kind. In those years she’d witnessed many strange and beautiful things, along with the sad and heartbreaking ones. The two strongest moments of her life fell into the last category. The death of her own mother, and the death of Firefur. She hadn’t been there when Firefur had died nor had she yet paid her the honour of the wolf tribute. Fear for her latest offspring had prevented her from leaving the gully.

Yes there was something, only last thing he could do to honour her memory. Hurriedly he lifted the drowsy child onto his shoulder and headed to the cave Nick had shown to him the first time he had ever visited the gully, eleven and a half years earlier.

Eleven and A Half Years Earlier- Mystic Gully.

“And this is the reason we call this place Mystic Gully.” Nick said as he led his younger brother into the cave.

It was the first time Heath had been out of the house since the incident in no mans land just over a month ago. Victoria had decided Heath was now sufficiently recovered from that little adventure to be left under the care of his brothers while she paid a visit to friends in Denver.

Nick had taken the first opportunity he could to get his newest brother and partner out of the house and on a little get to know the area horse ride. Jarrod, nominally left in charge by their mother, had protested saying the Heath still wasn’t up to that kind of thing yet. Nick had overcome that by saying that he would only take Heath to the nearest strategic points of the Barkley range, and would show Heath the rest on the map when they got back and then later on would take him there. Jarrod, seeing no harm in the venture, had agreed.

“This as been here we think since long before white men came here.” Nick waved his arm around the cave.

It truly was a sight to behold. Painted on each of the cave walls was a visual history of the local Native Indian tribe.

“Father got some anthro… anthro something, some sort of specialist in Indian culture down here to give it the once over.”

“What did he say?” Heath inquired as he studied each of the paintings in turn.

For their age the pictures were in remarkably good condition, this he credited to the positioning of the cave within the gully, the fact that the entrance was well hidden and protected from the elements. Seepage from whatever natural waterfalls or springs that were in the area was also non-existent. It was like stepping back to when the last image was painted on the wall. The images were still that good

“He studied here from sometime, brought in another experts and finally told Father that all this was a visual history of the tribe that originally lived on this land.” Nick explained as he moved to the nearest wall. “This one is supposed to represent the coming together of the various family groups to form the first tribe, also has something to do with this silver/white wolf that appears here.” He pointed to the image. “It appears many times over the history walls. Almost like it’s the tribal guardian.” He moved slightly to the left “This one according to the good professor tells of the appointing of the first shaman, you can see the shaman here with what the doc thinks is his ‘badge of office’” He pointed to the relative section. It showed a tall man receiving the tri amulet necklace.”

He moved on to some sort of ledge that held remnants of tribal life. Many beautiful and breathtaking pieces where laid out there. Many of which were represented in the wall paintings from different periods.

“Notice one missing?” Nick prompted.

“Yeah, the shaman’s tri- amulet badge of office.” Heath replied almost at once. “Any idea what happened to it?”

“It’s all on this wall.” Nick led the way.

It wasn’t too hard to decipher what the paintings on this particular wall meant. Warfare. Tribal warfare.

“There was some sort of battle.” Nick began again. “In order to protect the amulet the chief instructed one of his braves to hide the talisman in a place the enemy wouldn’t think to look. From what little is here, it appears the brave did as instructed and was ambushed on his way back.”

“And the secret of the talisman died with him?”


“No clues?”

“Father and his experts made a full search of the area around here, found nothing. Only thing that maybe a clue the brave was returning from the east.”


“To the extreme east of our lands is the area known as the Badlands.” Nick finished.

“Yes.” Heath thought to himself as he returned to the present day. “A fitting tribute."

Images, long forgotten memories buried deep in the furthest recesses of her mind hit Littlewolf as she stood in the cave mouth watching Softpaw and Brighteyes.

In front of her were the images of her foremothers. Generations of silver/white she-wolves. She knew them all.

Blackspot, so named for the small black patch of fur on her right rear leg, had been the Moonwolf at the time the darker skinned humans had disappeared from this land.

Rivereyes, the only one of her kind who had ever had eyes the colour of the still river, had been the Moonwolf at the time the great tribal battle had taken place. When the invaders from far to the east had tried to take over this land. She was responsible in some small way for the final victory of the local tribe, but at a great cost. The sacred amulet was lost and she had died giving birth to the next in line of the legacy.

And on the wall right in front of her Ghostwolf, the pure white she-wolf, the original Moonwolf. Ghostwolf who had seen the wandering families stumble lost and alone and had brought them together and who, once those families had decided to co operate and work together as one single unit had guided them, sometimes openly, sometimes covertly, to this new and untouched land. For many moon cycles she had watched, helped and warned the families as they struggled to reach this place.

For that she was rewarded with the Moonwolf title and had begun the legacy, carried on by her daughter, her daughter’s daughter and so on.

Littlewolf stood in awe of all her foremothers and felt a small sense of pride knowing that she had done her part in the overall scheme of things and that the legacy was to continue in her own daughter.


“Anybody seen Heath recently?” Nick Barkley called as he wandered through the door of the library. Five days since the death of their red headed sister and he still didn’t like the idea of leaving Heath alone for too long.

“Try Mystic Gully.” Jarrod Barkley the eldest of the Barkley siblings responded as he lifted his head from the mass of papers that were strewn about the desk he was sitting at. “He’s taken to going there to be alone and to think.”

“Except he’s not alone.” Victoria Barkley, matriarch of the Barkley family added. “Victorialeah isn’t in her room. Nor is Heather’s trap in the barn.”

“Charger and Rush?” Nick asked concerned

The family knew that never in a million years would Heath do anything to harm Victorialeah But in his current state of mind would he be focused enough to keep an eye on an eighteen month old child? A child, who it seemed, had her mother’s ability to get into all kinds of sticky situations without even really thinking about it.

“Both still in their stalls. He’s defiantly taken the trap.”

“Mother, Nick we must remember one other thing.” Jarrod put in. “There is one other who resides in the gully and who would keep an eye out.”

“I’m not so sure.” Nick countered with “After where was she when…” He broke off unable to complete the sentence.

Ever the peacemaker and not willing to jump to any conclusions until all the facts where in Jarrod replied to Nick with.

“Nick there may have been a perfectly reasonable explanation why she wasn’t there.”

“Such as?”

“Nick, I don’t know but if you’re willing to come with me now to Mystic Gully we’ll try and find out together.”

“I too cannot believe she’s abandoned us. Not after all we’ve been through with both her and her mother.” Victoria threw her weight behind Jarrod’s argument. “We’ll all go.”


Arriving back at the house Heath was surprised, but relieved to find the house empty except for Silas, the aged Barkley family butler and two of the three girls Victoria had hired to help him. Silas mainly now, due to his age, oversaw the work, planned out the family meals and the work rosters.

After telling Silas he was back and arranging for one the girls to sit with Victorialeah he made his way to the library and the desk where the maps to the huge, and still expanding, Barkley holdings were. If the quest he had in mind was to any other part of the Barkley lands he wouldn’t even need to consult any map, but it wasn’t. This quest was taking him back to the badlands a place he’d only ever been to once before and the journey had nearly cost him his life.

Looking at the map he recalled how that nightmarish journey had all started.

“Ok.” Nick had said as he spread out the map. “This is where we were that day.” He pointed to areas on the map “Here, here, here and here.” Four jabs. "Now these are where we didn’t get to. Watchers Lookout, best spotting site on the whole spread, every any stock stray in that area, head there. Rustic Gorge, colourful name for what virtually is a line shack. Gets its name from the red clay there. Barkley landing, our own personal landing dock, No mans land the strip of land between us and Ed Coverington’s place.” He stopped for a moment and gazed in Heaths direction.

No mans land held too many painful memories for both of them at this point in time. He spotted Heath reach up and rub the area around the right collarbone. The place that he, Nicholas Barkley, had shot his own brother just over a month ago.

Heath gave him half grin and returned his attention to the table.

“The Badlands.” Nick’s finger stopped on a spot near the right hand edge of the map. “Hot, dry and windy. You’d better pray boy that you never have to chase a stray in there, and especially at this time of year. No water, shifting sands that can blot out any recognizable land marks in an instant and just as quickly get into your eyes, nose and mouth, blinding you and choking you. No shade either, sun there can blister the skin on your body in record time.”

“Nasty.” Heath commented. “And the perfect place to hide something from your enemy.” He continued to study the map. “Is all of it within our boundaries?”

“Nope, we only own a small percent of it. And that’s too much, the land is useless, even in the depths of winter it’s non workable.”

“So why keep it? Why not sell it, hand it back to the state?” Heath queried.

“Father!” Nick replied. “After those anthro whatevers left Father went on a private scouting trip, you know, to see if he could find the hiding place of the talisman. He was gone for about four days, late spring it was, so he comes back full of stories about how he thinks he found the spot but need some hands to help him with the opening. So he, the hands and me head out there. We get to the edge of the badlands and Father can’t find the spot. Swore he left a marker but can’t find it”

“The sands shifted on him” Heath smiled as he imagined a younger Tom Barkley swearing and cursing the sands for daring to defy him.

“He always meant to go back, but never did. Even made this mark here as some sort of starting point.” Nick finished “Kept the land for that reason and then after…, well we kept the land in his memory. Once a year in winter I usually send one of the newer hands out there with some of the older ones for a night just to see if they can find anything. Sort of a test. Winter is the best time, nobody gets hurt and the hands enjoy it.”

Heaths eyes lit up. Well he fitted the criteria he was a new hand.

Nick saw it “Okay boy this year it’ll be you and me. But winter Heath not now.”

“I’ll hold you to that.” He promised.

Nick flashed a satisfied grin. Having a younger brother was a really joy.

Snapping out of his daydream Heath quickly refocused on the map and the task ahead. At this point his plan depended on quick movements. It wouldn’t be that long, he was sure, before his family returned from wherever it was they were.

Even though it wasn’t high summer now, in fact it was getting close to Fall, the area he would be travelling in would still be very dangerous. He wanted to find the quickest way to and from the badlands. Although his memoires of his previous time there were a little on the foggy side he knew roughly the area he wanted to search. Tom Barkley’s crude cross on the map was closer then even he imagined.

Water, he had to take a good supply of water. Bandana’s handy things useable one to protect the back of his neck and one as a face mask against the sand and dust. Blanket, hot by day but at night you could freeze.

Once all necessary tasks had been accomplished and Rush was ready Heath made his way to the nursery and one of two chores he had set for himself to do before heading away from the ranch and Stockton and into the Badlands.

“She is sleeping Senor.” Laurel the girl whom Silas had assigned to watch Victorialeah reported in her broken English “I go leave you with her yes?”

“I’ll try not to wake her.”

Laurel slipped quietly out the door.

“Uncle Heath.”

Well at least she was starting to call him, Nick and Jarrod uncle now.

“I don’t expect you to understand honey, but Uncle Heath is going to be gone for some time, he’s got something that he has to do for your mother. He has to return something beautiful to its special place.” He picked up the little girl and held her close. “Baby when you’re older you and I will together honour your mother in that special place.”


Humans coming. The breeze spoke of their arrival and of who they were. Growlshard, Howlswisely and Silverwolf of the human pack. Looking, no doubt, for Softpaw and little Brighteyes.

“Well they’re not here. “Nick stated the obvious.

“They were here.” Jarrod knelt by the fresh wagon track “And recently, we must have just missed them.”

Victoria standing slightly to one side was the first to spot the silver/white wolf and her cub. The two were well hidden from her sons’ point of view but from where she stood she could see them plainly.

“Nick, Jarrod, step carefully this way,” She instructed “ There’s something here you need to see.”

Sitting peacefully under a bush watching them was the Moonwolf; beside her was her five-day-old cub.

“She can’t be more than five or six days old.” Victoria told them as the group admired the latest heiress to the Moonwolf legacy.

“She was giving birth at about the time.” Nick didn’t have to do the math, he now knew and understood why there’d been no warning.

“Yes.” Jarrod surmised. “Giving birth and most likely knowing what was going down.”

“You both also know what the birth of a silver/white cub means?” Victoria asked.

“We’ll be losing her soon too.”

Victoria nodded.

“You know Jarrod she’s lived quiet a long time, by wolf standards I mean. She must be eleven years old. Of course for her it maybe be normal. We never really knew how old her mother was.”

“Just that she showed herself about a year before she died…” Nick murmured. Something was stirring a long buried memory something now what was it? A noise, a howl and a flash of silver/white tail.

“Nick?” Both Victoria and Jarrod asked concerned by the far away look on his face.

“Sorry just a memory that’s all.” Nick wavered away his mother and brothers concerns and refocused on the present. Finding his missing brother and niece.

“Mr Heath?” Silas asked as he stood before Victoria and her sons. “He came in a while ago. Took Miz Vickylee to her room ,then he spends time in the library with maps, he comes out gathers things like for a journey, goes spends a bit more time with Miz Vickylee and then he heads out.”

“No hint as too where he was going or what he was going to do?” Jarrod asked.

“He said nothing to me Mr Jarrod, maybe Laurel maybe she hear something.” The aged butler suggested

“Thanks Silas.” Nick stomped toward the main staircase.

“Thank-you Silas.” Victoria followed Nick

“Now Nick, don’t go stomping in there, let me handle this please?” Victoria asked, knowing that in full roar Nick could easily scare the young housemaid and then they’d never get any information regarding the missing Heath.

“Uncle Nic.” A small whirlwind ran at Nick and attached herself to his leg.

“Hey how’s my best girl?” Nick lifted the smiling Victorialeah. “Got a kiss for your Uncle Nick?”

The little one nodded and planted a wet kiss on Nick’s check.

Victoria just smiled and watched the pair. Nick could be so good with children for all his yelling and blustering. He’d shown that with Jarrod’s son Thomas and now with Heathers daughter. When Sara had her baby in five to six months time Nick would make a first class father. Turning her attention away from the playful pair she focused on the housemaid/ nanny.


“Si Senora Barkley.”

“Senor Heath did he come up here, did you see him?”

“Si he come up here, see little one. He tell her goodbye he be gone for long time, say he do something to honour her mama. He have to.” She searched for the correct words in English “ Put something back.”

“Put something back?”


“Do you recall if he said anything else?”

“He said he go to see Senorita Mary first.”

“Mary?” Nick’s head shot up. Now there was the first good lead they had.


“Hey.” Nick bounced Victorialeah on his arm. “Now Uncle Nick’s going to go now.” He handed her over to her grandmother.

“Go to?” The child’s face fell. To her it seemed her own world was going. First her mother, then her Uncle Heath, now Uncle Nick.

“Hey I’ll be back, and I’ll be bringing Uncle Heath with me.” He promised


“No honey.” Nick kissed the tiny face. “I can’t bring your mama back. I only wish I could.”

“Nick?” Handing her granddaughter back to the nanny temporarily Victoria followed her second born out of the room and back down the stairs.

“Jarrod.” Nick called as he grabbed his own hat and threw Jarrod his “We’re going to town.”

“Where?” Jarrod asked, from the parlour were he’d been waiting, with surprise as he caught his hat.

“To town to see Mary. She may be able to confirm my suspicions as to where our errant little brother is.”

“Nick stop.” Victoria ordered. “Just where is Heath, or where do you suspect he is?”

“Mother I think he’s headed for the Badlands.”


"Hey Leith." A tall darkhaired cowboy called as he stood at the door to the salon watching the figure of Heath Barkley ride out of Stockton "Lookie who's leaving town."

"Heath Barkley!" Leith Carson, cowboy and part-time gambler exclaimed as he stood by his partner Cal Dukes. "Thought we'd seen the of the Barkley mistake all those years ago."

"Nope, from what I just heard he's planning to get married, after he goes back to the Badlands." Cal continued. "Seems he's looking for something, something old and valuable."

"What about mouth Barkley?" Carson asked, his hatred of Nick Barkley rasing its head. Barkley and his no account brother would pay for past injustices.

"Nope he's going alone, says it's something he has to do."

"What's so all fire special about this thing?"

"Some sort of special Indian relic and you know what our friend will pay to get his hands on one of those."

"Yeah, enough to clear these lousy debts and then some." Carson's eyes lit up. Although he was a moderately good gambler, Cal, wasn't. Cal had run up debts in the order of hundreds of dollars in the week the pair had been in town. "How'd you find out all this?"

"Overheard him talking to his girl, real looker too."


Sitting on Rush Heath surveyed the land before him, the land at the extreme eastern edge of the Barkley holdings, the Badlands.

It had been just over ten years ago since he'd sat in much the same spot, except on that occasion he had been on Charger, the horse Nick had given to him soon after he's arrival on the Barkley ranch.

Charger now an eleven year old was back home in his stall, his age was the one factor that prevented Heath from saddling his old friend for this trip. Rush, the younger although less experienced horse, was more suited for the journey into this harsh and unforgiving environment.

Just like back then the wind was kicking up a ripper of a dust and sand storm. Even from where he had brought Rush to a temporary halt he could feel it hit his skin and fly into his Eyes and sinuses, tickling them both.

The heat generated by, and reflected off the nearby rocks was starting to burn his exposed skin and this was Fall, nowhere near the height of summer like it had been all those years ago.

High summer, rounding up strays, troublesome ranch hands and the Badlands. A sure fire recipe for disaster.

It had been his first major task as a partner in the running of the Barley ranch.


. "You're sure now?" Nick queried for the fourth time as he watched his brother and partner prepare to ride out to takeover the stray rounding up duties. It was also the first time Heath would be farther the two miles from the ranch unaccompanied since he'd been shot.

A separate matter regarding the purchase of some prize breeding stock, a project he'd been working on for months, had finally come to a head and as he wanted to see it through to the end he'd had to return early from rounding strays up near the badlands. So not wanting to leave that task without the supervision of a Barkley family member had asked Heath to take over.

Looking at his younger brother, he wasn't so sure now.

"Nick don't sweat it." Heath reassured him as he tightened his bedroll in place "It'll be fine. There's what tops six, seven strays left to find?" He paused as Nick nodded his head "No problem, I'll be back before you know it."

"If you have to venture into the Badlands, make sure both Leith and Cal are with you and don't let them out of your sight. Being able to see them may be the only chance you have of getting out of there. UNDERSTAND? They’ve had experience in the Badlands."

"Yes Nick."

"You've got extra water?"

"Yes Nick."

"Am I covered with purple spots?" He asked quickly.

"Yes Nick."


"Ok Nick no you're not covered with spots but you are starting to sound like Mother or worse Jarrod." Heath gave his brother a half grin and continued with his packing.

"I heard that." Jarrod's voice broke into the conversation. "Now promise me you'll be careful."

"Not you too, I've already had mother Nick here on my case." Heath complained.

"I'm only thinking of you little brother." Jarrod told him. He too was still harbouring a little guilt about the incident in no-mans land.

"I know, and both of you I appreciate it really I do but this job needs to be done." He swung up into Chargers saddle. "Be seeing ya."

As he approached the area that Nick had described the campsite to be Charger started to act up.

"What boy?" Heath asked as he gave the neck of his horse a reassuring pat "Trouble? Danger?"

Charger just snorted and continued to throw his head about.

Trouble was right, the campsite was just about torn apart. Blankets, saddles, and food were scattered all over the place.

Lying on the ground hands clasped to his leg was Leith Carson, bending over him trying to stop the bleeding Cal Dukes.

"What happened?" Heath asked as he jumped down and knelt by the fallen hand.

"Mini stampede." Dukes looked up momentarily. "Three or four of em crashed through here, did this damage and continued on into there." He pointed to the Badlands. "I've gone after them but Leith here was injured."

"Here." He handed over one of his canteens. "When you've got the bleeding stopped round up the horses, and head back to the ranch, tell em there what's happened. And get them to send replacement hands out here."

"What'll you be doing?" Carson asked through pain-clenched teeth.

All of Nick's warnings and advice went out the window, as he said.

"I'm going in there and find that stock. I just gotta hope they're haven't strayed to far in."

He'd been tricked back then. Carson and Dukes, being unable to stomach the idea of a stranger coming to the ranch, laying down a claim to the Barkley name, being accepted by the family and being made a full partner to give orders rather then taking them, had tricked him.

Well this time there was no trick and he was going into the Badlands with both eyes wide open.

“Why would Heath head for the Badlands?” Victoria rounded on her sons. “And without a guide? Has he been there before? Have you told him about the danger?”

“Mother he’s aware of the dangers and the risks. And yes he has been there before.” Nick answered his mother’s questions in one breath.

“When Nicholas? And how come I don’t recall it?”

“Eleven years ago, when you were in Denver with Sam and Louise Mathers.”

“That would be just as he was recovering from…. Nicholas!”

“Yes Mother.” Jarrod took over as Nick charged out to the stables. “We’ll explain later.” He finished as he followed Nick leaving an exasperated Victoria in his wake.


“You know we’re both going to have some heavy explaining to do?” Jarrod asked as he and Nick pulled Joker, the mount Jarrod now rode since Jingo was retired, and Stealth the jet-black horse Nick now rode, to a halt outside the dressmaking shop of Bridie O’Hara, mother of Mary O’Hara, Heath’s bride to be. “ Leaving like that.”

“Yeah, I know.” Nick replied as he swung down. “But finding our little brother is just a bit more important right now then standing around answering questions and wasting time.”

“Jarrod, Nick, tis a pleasure to see not one but all three Barkley boys in me shop in one day.” Bridie greeted them as the brothers walked in the store. “How’s your ma?”

“Mother’s fine Bridie .” Jarrod returned the greeting.

“Heaths here/” Nick asked.

“Was, stopped by seen Mary and than took off, must be over two hours ago.”

“Is Mary about at all?”

“She’s in ta back. Go on through.”

Both brothers smiled their thanks and headed for that part of the building that was the family home for the three O’ Hara women.

“Nick, Jarrod.” The feisty Irish girl named Mary O’Hara greeted the men who soon would be her brothers –in – law. “You’ll be havin a seat?”

“Thanks Mary but we really don’t have the time.” Jarrod replied.

“Mary we need to talk to you about Heath.” Nick began.

“He was here earlier.” Mary replied as she looked down at the bit of hemming she was doing. “Ya dona mind if I carry on?”

“No not at all.”

“Heath was here, thought he come to put ta wedding back again.” She looked up at them. “Not that I would’ve minded, but he was full of life, saying how we’d be married just tas soon as he got back.”

“Did he say where he was going or what he’d be doing?”

“Aye, said he had to get something, return it to its proper place, then Mary he says then we can be married. After what he’s been like lately.”

“Mary he means it. He loves you and still wants to marry you.”

“I know tat Jarrod, and I love him too, but what’s going on? When he returns from where and with what?” She looked from one brother to another her green eyes begging them for some sort of answer.

“It’s complicated.” Nick told her. “Be assured we’ll find him and bring him back.”


“Nick!” Jarrod’s tone brought Nick to a halt. The brothers, by now, where back in Main St and heading back toward the Barkley ranch “Just where is Heath going and what exactly is he looking for?”

“Haven’t you figured it out yet?” Nick answered Jarrods question with a question. “He’s heading for the Badlands to find that Talisman and return it to that cave in Mystic Gully.”

“He’s what?”

“Claims he knows where it is. Says he saw it that time… Well we were going to go back I said I’d go with him, but one thing lead to another and we never did.”

“So now he’s going alone.”

“Yeah, our stubborn pig headed little brother.”

“Nick, Jarrod.” The voice of the Barkley ranch foreman Duke McColl broke into the brother’s thoughts. “Wait up a minute.”

“What Duke?” Nick asked knowing that McColl wouldn’t come looking for him unless it was extremely important.

“Just seen Leith Carson and Cal Dukes leaving town and heading for Barkley land.” McColl reported.

“CARSON AND DUKES.” Nick thundered the mere thought of those two caused his blood to boil. “GREAT THAT’S ALL WE NEED.


Hot, so hot, thankfully this time at least he’d come prepared. The extra canteens were proving useful. One kept the bandana across the back of his neck moist, the second did the same job for the bandana across his nose and mouth, less skin area exposed this time meant the area that got burnt by the sun and pitted by the dirt and dust particles flying around in the air was reduced. Now all he had to do was search out that wall, that rock wall where the crevice was, that opening in the rock a just about waist level where that canny brave had hidden the talisman and where by sheer accident he’d seen it eleven years ago when he reached up for some sort of handhold to drag himself to his feet.
