"The Price of the Dragon"


Logline: Following on ten years after the events in "Eyes of the Dragon". Jed Samuelson is back and aiming at breaking Heath Barkley.

  Nick slid his arms around her, pulling her to him. Bending his head he kissed the cold check of his redheaded sister.

Beside him Heath was crying and trembling uncontrollably. Nick may have lost a sister, but Heath had lost a part of himself.

Never again would Heather yell at him, tease him, or beg endlessly for him to pose for one of her sketches. God how he’d miss her.

“Why?” His mind screamed. “Who?”

And then he remembered, that face, that voice yelling at Heath by the small house in the little valley. Heather lay dead in his arms because of that no account S.O.B …….

Nick woke in a cold sweat. This was the third time he’d been jolted awake by the same sort nightmare. This time he and Heath had found Heath’s twin dead near a strand of trees near what looked like Meadows Creek. Each time he could hear the words Jed Samuelson had taunted Heath with as he disappeared behind the small house on the land belonging to Charles Redforth.

“We well see each other again Barkley I promise you. And when that time comes I will break you and I will enjoy it.”

He now regretted not taking a shot at Samuelson when he’d had the chance, but Heath had needed him more. Not that that was the only time. At Redforths house he’d also had an opportunity and had not taken it.

It had been ten years since that episode at Redforths place. Why all of a sudden was he having reoccurring dreams about Samuelson and what he’d said that day?

Turning his head he looked at the sleeping face of his wife Sara. He hadn’t woken her, Sara slept peacefully. He was still amazed that Sara had agreed to be his wife.

They had first met briefly when Nick along with Heath, his brother, had arranged for Sara Carlton as she was then, Mary O’Hara, Heaths fiancé, her sister Catherine and Hattie Green to be returned to Stockton from Virginia City after the kidnapping of the girls along with the two Barkley sisters Heather and Audra.

Much had happened in those ten years.

Jarrod, who had become an even more successful lawyer, had also married. As he did before he married Margaret Sommers Jarrod still split his time between San Fransisco and Stockton. Margaret and the couple’s son Thomas Nicholas Barkley travelled with him. But that would soon have to stop as Thomas was coming up on school age and Margaret was due to have their second child soon.

Audra too had married. No one in the family was really surprised when she announced that she and Joseph Cartwright were going to be married. Secretly it was what both Ben Cartwright and Victoria Barkley had always hoped for, a joining of the two families who had been friends for so long. Audra and Joe also now split their time between the Barkley ranch and the Ponderosa. Audra had recently presented Joe with twin sons Benjamin Adam and Nicholas Heath Barkley Cartwright.

Heath was as yet unmarried but that was all going to change next month. Mary O’Hara, the daughter of Bridie O’Hara, had finally agreed to become Mrs Heath Barkley. It had taken a lot of persuasion on Heaths part but finally the stubborn Mary had said yes. Preparations were well under way. Bridie was making her daughters dress along with the attendants dresses. Mary had asked her sister Catherine, Audra and Heather to be the bridal attendants. Heath was to have both Nick and Jarrod as his best men along with Joe Cartwright.

Heather was a widow. Her husband Paul Roberts, a captain in Military Intelligence, had been killed on duty. This had shattered Heather, who at the time was having the couple’s first child. The news had sent Heather into premature labour, and for a while the family thought they’d lose both her and her child as well. In the end it all worked out fine. Heather presented Victoria with her first grand daughter.

Stepping through the door that separated the main house from the recently built wing that he and Sara now occupied Nick’s first thought was to check on his redheaded sister. That dream had seemed so real. Then he remembered Heather was with the Stockton Artists Guild on one of their little painting trips. She was at the other end of the valley and safe.

His wanderings lead him to the nursery where little Victorialeah Audra Barkley-Roberts was sleeping. Eighteen months old and the image of her mother Victorialeah had captured the hearts of her grandmother and uncles the moment she was born.

The little one had managed to kick the blankets off again.

“You really are a restless sleeper aren’t you?” Nick whispered has he covered his niece and gently kissed her.

After checking to make sure everything in the room was fine Nick left the nursery and headed for the library.

“Can’t sleep?” A voice in the darkness asked.

“Nope” He replied. “And you Heath?”

“Me neither.” Heath Barkley said as he looked at Nick.

“Nerves or bad dream?” Nick made himself comfortable in the chair opposite his brother.

“Bad dream” Heath admitted.

“Me too.”

“Tell me yours and I’ll share mine.” Heath offered.

This put Nick into a dilemma. How could he tell Heath that he’s just dreamt about the death of his twin?

“Samuelson.” He offered. “And you?”

“Me too.”

“For the love of heaven I don’t understand it Heath.” Nick complained “It’s been ten years since we last ran into him”

“And you’re wondering why we’re both having dreams about him. About find our sister dead.”

Nick’s head shot up.

“Nice try Nick, but I think we both had the same dream.”

“Look Heath, I’m sorry but I just couldn’t bring myself to tell you.”

“Meadows Creek?’

Again Nick just nodded.

“Do you remember what he said? Just before he took off?”

Nick shuddered as the memory came back.

“He said we would see each other again Barkley I promise you. And when that time comes I will break you and I will enjoy it. As I recall.”

Nick rose and walked over to one of the many cabinets that lined the walls of the Barkley Library. Standing in one of the cabinets was the ruby-eyed golden-headed dragon dagger.

“You really believe he’s coming back? After all these years?”

“I know it’s crazy Nick, but these dreams of ours are trying to tell us something.” Heath reasoned. “You have had more then one?”


“Over the last three nights?”

“Yeah. Look Heath we could sit here arguing the point all night. But personally I would like to try and get some more sleep before morning. So I’ll say good night.” Nick made a hasty retreat all the while thinking that Heath was possibly right.


The next morning saw both Nick and Heath up bright and early having breakfast with Victoria.

“Was it my imagination or were there some rather large mice in the house last night?” Victoria asked as she caught Heath stifling a huge yawn.

“Couldn’t sleep.” Heath admitted as he stifled another yawn

“Me either” Nick also admitted.

“So you both found your way to the library?”

“How..” Nick asked, he thought he and Heath hadn’t woken anybody.

“I don’t sleep as heavily as you both think.” Victoria said as she poured herself some coffee. “Nick I heard you after you came out of the nursery. When I didn’t hear you return I came down here, thinking that maybe you wanted to talk. By then you’d found Heath so I went back to bed.” Her hand froze in mid air. “Anything either of you want to talk about?”

“Nope.” Was Nick’s response.

“Not really Mother.”

“Because if there is I’m always here for both of you to talk to you know that don’t you?”

Before either of the brothers could respond to their mothers question the door was forcibly opened and one the ranch hands rushed in followed by an exasperated Silas.

“Reilly.” Nick bellowed “What the.. You’d better have a good reason for bursting in like this.”

“Sorry about this Nick, Mrs Barkley, but we need both you and Heath outside now.” The breathless Reilly said. “It’s real important.”

Nick and Heath exchanged glances.

“Ok Reilly lead on.” Heath ordered as he and Nick followed the agitated hand.

“Over here, in the barn.” Reilly said hurrying toward the structure.

He held the door open and pointed to the stall where Heath usually kept Charger.

Charger, Heaths horse from almost the time he set foot on the Barkley range, was by now ten years old, and while still a steady mount for riding to Stockton and around the ranch he couldn’t handle the going on a drive anymore.

“It was like this when we opened the barn this morning.” Reilly explained.

Chargers stall was a mess, straw and feed all over the place. Splattered all over the straw and the wall was blood. Of Charger there was no sign.

Nick’s curses and ranting turned the air blue. Heath just stood staring at the empty blood splattered stall.

“We also found this” Reilly handed his bosses a hand written note.

‘I’m back. I will see you broken. I will destroy that which you treasure most. J.S’

Underneath the hand scrawled words where the names Charger, Victoria, Heatherleah, Jarrod, Mary and Nick. Chargers name was crossed out. Under the names were the words ‘ Who will be next?’

“What? “Nick asked as he saw Heath’s face slowly turn thunderous.

“Samuelson.” Was the only word Heath said, as he thrust the note at Nick.

Nick continued to stare at the note for a few moments after Heath left. The message on the note was plain. Samuelson meant to destroy Heath by attacking the things Heath loved. And he’d started his campaign with his brothers prized horse.

The pounding of hooves hitting the ground and a familiar neighing brought Heath out of the grieving mood he was in. Looking up he couldn’t believe his eyes. Galloping in past the fence and into the yard was..

“Charger.” He called to his favourite mount. “Here boy.”

Heath began a careful and in depth inspection of his horse. His hands glided over every inch of the chestnut stallion, searching for any injury.

“What the hell is going on here?” Nick bellowed from the barn door as he watched his blonde sibling being reunited with his horse. “Heath is he alright?”

“Not a mark on him Nick” Heath yelled jubilantly “Come see for yourself.”

Nick hurried to his brother’s side and performed his own inspection.

“What is Samuelson playing at?” Nick wondered out loud has he inspected Charger. “He must’ve known what could’ve happened if he’d been caught?”

“Nick he’s had ten years to think and to plan. Do you really think he try something like this without planning to the last detail? You can bet he’s been watching every move we’ve made, studied us thoroughly.”

“Creepy isn’t it?”

“Nick for everybody’s safety please take Mother, Sara and yourself away from here. I couldn’t bear to think of him hurting any of you just to get at me.”

“I won’t leave you here alone to face him.” Nick said as he faced his little brother, a determined look on his face. “But I defiantly agree we should sent Mother and Sara to San Fransisco and Jarrod were they’ll be safe.”

“Well I don’t.” Victoria’s voice broke into the conversation. “This is my home and you are my son.”

“Mother it’s for your own safety.” Heath pleaded. “And it would make me feel much better knowing you’re out of Samuelson’s reach.”

“No Heath you’re my son. What kind of mother would I be if I left you here to face this horrid man alone and without support? I will stay and if necessary take responsibility for my own safety.” Victoria looked into the still baby blue eyes of her youngest son. “Now go you both still have a ranch to run. If it’ll make you both feel any better leave one or two men here with Sara and I.”

“We’ll do just that.” Nick agreed. “But I’m sure he won’t be trying anything so bold again. At least not in broad daylight.”

“Now for the real reason I came out.” Victoria put her hand in her pocket and pulled out a telegram. “Our daily telegram from your twin.”

The family had agreed to Heather going with the artist’s guild providing she telegraphed them once a day. Heather had no objections. Daily telegrams kept her in touch and up to date regarding her daughter’s activities. Even though she’d only be gone for eight days. Three of which were up already.

“Should we call her back?” Nick asked. If Samuelson was playing these weird games he’d feel better knowing that his red headed sister was back and under the family roof.

“You know that she’ll know by now that something is wrong.” Heath reminded his brother.

“Yeah, that link thing again.” Even though the twins had been with the family for ten years now Nick still didn’t understand just what the link between himself and the twins was all about. He’d accepted it. But just didn’t understand it.

“We’ll tell her what’s happening and give her the option to stay with the group or coming home by herself.” Victoria laid out the plan.

“Maybe staying with that arty group would be better.” Nick voiced a thought. “If Samuelson wants to attack when we’re on our own why give him Heather on a platter?”

“Good point.” His mother said. “But we’ll still have to offer her the options and hope she makes the right decision.” Victoria paused as another thought came to her. “What about Mary?”

“I was hoping to see her in town this afternoon and try to get her to go with you, Sara and Nick to San Fransisco and Jarrod.”

“And pigs might fly.” Nick snorted. He’d already made his choice as had Victoria

Mary O’Hara was just as stubborn and strong willed as any of the Barkley women. He shook his head. Each of the brothers had chosen that kind of woman for his wife. Mother had been strong willed when Father had met and married her. Audra and Heather had both inherited the quality.

“You know she’ll stay too.” Nick continued. “The price for loving a strong willed woman brother.”

“But I gotta try Nick.” Heath told his brother “The message said he’d destroy all that I treasured most. Mary is part of that.”

“I know boy, I know.”


Jed Samuelson sat at the little table in the deserted warehouse he’d ‘taken’ for his hideaway and mentally went over his plan again.

Ten years he’d been waiting to do this, ten years of letdowns and disappointments. That dragon headed dagger would have solved all his problems if only he’d been able to get his hands on it. The land left to him by his own dead father was worthless. It needed a major injection of cash in order to make it viable. In it’s present condition he couldn’t even give it away let alone sell it. Then there was his stepbrother Joe. Out of the initial party involved in the hunt for the dagger Joe was the only one who’d been caught. Smitherson and Tolls were both killed near the house of Charles Redforth. The judge had sentenced Joe Bleu to twelve years for his part in the venture. Joe had barely completed three years of the sentence when he’d been beaten to death in a prison riot. The news of Joe’s death had killed his mother and his stepfather. All because of Heath Barkley and his refusal to tell him where the dagger was hidden.

Thanks to another of his stepbrothers Nate Bleu his plan had began. Nate had slipped onto the Barkley ranch the previous night, stolen Heaths prize horse and daubed the stall with the blood of a dead cow. Now he began to plot out stage two. Nate was still on Barkley land keeping an eye on the family.

Kelsey Bleu the final member of the original party was once again sitting near the telegraph wires monitoring them for any useful information.


Deciding that after the night and morning Charger had had Heath felt it better to leave him rest in his temporary stall and take his second horse Rush into Stockton.

What he did not foresee was that his mother would be joining him.

“Mother!” Heath exclaimed.

“Don’t say a word Heath. Not one single word.” Victoria warned. “I’m going into town to see about my dress for your wedding, send our reply telegram to Heather and would very like to have my son drive me there.”

“And if I change my mind and decide to go another time?” Heath knew he was pushing it with Victoria but felt he had to give it a go.

Never being one to back away from a position once she’d adopted it Victoria answered with.

“Then I’ll end up going alone.”

Caught in a no win situation Heath had little choice but to accompany Victoria, at least he’d be able to keep an eye on her.

From his position above the road leading from Stockton to the Barkley property Nate Bleu watched the buggy containing Heath and Victoria make it’s way toward Stockton. This had to be reported to Jed. Nate smiled. He could easily beat them to town.

“Mother please stay here while I talk to Mary.” Heath told Victoria as the pair entered the small dressmaking shop of Bridie O’Hara.

“Good day to ye Heath.” Bridie O’Hara greeted her prospective son-in-law. “And to you to Victoria.”

“Bridie.” Victoria greeted her old friend.

“Is Mary around at all Bridie?” Heath asked looking around the shop.

“Aye she with Catherine in ta back.” Bridie indicated to beyond the curtained door way.

“OUCH.” Came the voice of Catherine O’Hara, Bridie’s youngest daughter “Will ye be more careful where ye putting thos pins.”

“Ifin you’d be holding still Cat.” Came the voice of Mary “Then I wouldn’t be stabbing ye.”

“She’s pinning da hem to Catherine’s dress.” Bridie smiled. “When can we be expecting Audra and Heather for their final fittings?”

Heath shook his head and headed toward the back of the dress shop.

“Mary, Cat Heaths here.” Bridie called a warning.

“For de last time Heath Barkley I’m not leaving.” Mary O’Hara told Heath. “I love ye Heath and I want to be with ye no matter what.”

They had been going at for about an hour. Heath putting up valid arguments why Mary should leave and Mary countering them with arguments about why she should stay.

“I love you to Mary, that’s why I want you to leave. Samuelson is out to get me by hurting those I love the most. That includes you. .” Heath looked into the eye’s of the stubborn, headstrong Irish girl who would soon be his wife. “It would make me feel a lot better if I knew you were away from all this, safe in San Fransisco with Jarrod and Margaret.”

Nick was right. Mary was just as stubborn as any of the Barkley women. Heath could tell he was getting nowhere with Mary, she’d argue with him til he turned blue and she’d still come out the winner.

“You try talking some sense into her.” He said to Bridie who was standing in the doorway. He looked beyond Bridie and into the empty shop.

You’re ma left sometime ago.” Bridie said in her soft Irish accent. “Said she had things to do and couldn’t wait all day for you and Mary to finish.”

“Did she say where she was going?” Heath began to worry. He didn’t like the idea of Victoria wandering around by herself.

“Mrs McGowers and the telegraph office I believe.”

“Thanks Bridie.” Heath gave his soon to be mother in law a quick kiss and left.

The buggy was gone from outside the O’Hara Dress shop meaning the Victoria had headed to the telegraph office first.

Hurrying toward the office Heath felt relief as he spotted the Barkley family buggy outside the telegraph office. His mother must still be inside. Quickly he opened the door and peered inside.

Victoria wasn’t there.

“If you’re looking for Mrs Barkley then you’re too late.’ Sam the telegraph officer piped up from behind his desk in the centre of the room “She’s been and gone.”

“How long Sam?”

“Maybe twenty minutes ago. Came in wrote out the message to your sister, watched me send it and then left.”

Worry was replaced with fear and dread. Had his mother become the latest victim of the mad ex prison guard?

Walking past the buggy something caught his eye. Fluttering in the breeze was Victoria’s kerchief. It was tied to one of the support struts that held the roof covering in place. Pinned to it a note ‘Where is she? J.S’.

Heath crunched the note into a little ball and swore. Why hadn’t him be more insistent that Victoria stay at the ranch?

He decided to head for the Sheriffs office, surely somebody must have seen something and reported it by now.

“Fred?” Heath asked as he burst into he office.

The office was empty. Then Heath remembered. Madden and a squad of deputies were out helping the federal marshal’s with the hunt for some bank robbers. The sole deputy he’d left behind was nowhere to be seen. Again the air turned blue as Heath vented his anger.

As he raced back to where he’d left the buggy Heath’s mind was in a whirl. Where should he start to look? He was just one man looking for his mother in a town that had seemed, well to his mind, to have grown in size in just the last five minutes. There were it seemed so many places that a sick mind, like Samuelson, could hide one tiny lady.

“Mother where are you?” His mind screamed. “Come on please just a sign, just one little sign”

From behind him came a familiar voice.

“Heath.” Jarrod Barkley called “Heath wait up.”

Heath turned to face the out of breath laywer.

“Where’s the fire?” Jarrod panted. But one look at his younger brothers face told him that whatever was going on was deadly serious. “Heath what’s wrong?”

“Jarrod.” Heath was never more glad to see his eldest brother than at that moment. “Mothers missing.”

“Missing?” Jarrod repeated.

Heath then went to describe to Jarrod the events that had occurred that morning. From the incident with Charger to the moment when he returned to the buggy and found Victoria missing.

“And you’re all on that list Jarrod, all except Audra and I’m betting that’s because she’s with Joe and the rest of the Cartwrights safe on the Ponderosa.” Heath finished.

As Heath mentioned Audra’s name Jarrod’s expression turned to one of concern.

“I wasn’t supposed to say anything to you or the rest of the family Heath, but Audra and Joe are on their way here now. I ran into them in San Fransisco as they were buying your wedding gift Audra wanted to surprise you and get here earlier than planned.”

Seeing Heaths distress at the mention of Audra and Joe head toward Stockton and danger Jarrod quickly came up with a plan.

“We’ll find mother first then once she’s safe back at the ranch I’ll come back here and send a message, hopefully it’ll reach Audra before she and Joe get on that train.”

Although Heath nodded in agreement with his plan Jarrod could still that his youngest brother was still deeply troubled.

“It will be fine Heath, you’ll see.” Jarrod grasped the younger man’s shoulder in a gesture of support. “Now you head back toward the sheriffs office and I’ll search towards the outskirts of town.”

For Heath the arrival of his eldest brother was a relief. Just to have one of them close as a support. “Am I losing it?” He asked himself as he began to search. “Is it possible that Samuelson is finally getting to me?”


As he searched near the outskirts of town Jarrod allowed his mind to wander back to that day ten years ago when he along with his brothers had last seen Jed Samuelson. He too remembered the threat Samuelson had issued as he disappeared. “Samuelson.” He thought to himself “You so much as touch a member of my family and there will be no place on earth you’ll be able to hide from me.”

Heath was close to the end of alleyway when he heard something. Stopping close to a couple small wooden crates he listened again. Yes there it was again a faint scrapping sound and not that far away. Tearing the lid off the closet one he looked inside. Nothing. It was a similar story with the second. Praying that this would be the one Heath ripped the lid off the final crate.

“Mother.” He breathed with relief.

Victoria was indeed in the third crate. Hands tied behind her back, her eyes covered by a blindfold and a gag across her mouth but at least she was alive.

“Mother its Heath.” He told her. “Hang on I’ll have you outta there in a minute.”

To his joy Victoria nodded.

Carefully he reached in and lifted the tiny frame of his mother out and set her down beside him. Swiftly he pulled the dirty rags from around her eyes and mouth.

Victoria’s collar was torn as were both of her blouse sleeves but other than that she appeared unharmed.

“Mother” Heath gently said after Victoria had thrown her arms around him and given him a hug. “What happened? Was it Samuelson?”

“ I was walking toward Mrs McGowers when this man grabbed me, he tore my kerchief off tied me and threw me into that crate. He shoved this into my pocket.” Victoria said in a shaky voice.

“Did he hurt you?”

“No, no Heath I’m fine.”

“Mother, thank god.” Jarrod said as he entered the alleyway and found his mother and brother. “Are you alright?”

“Jarrod, I’m fine” Victoria hugged her first born.

“You’re going straight home to rest.” Jarrod told her “No arguments, and I think I’ll arrange for Dr Walker to come out and give you something to help you sleep.”

“Jarrod there’s no need…” Victoria began, but one look at Jarrods determined face told her that he would stand no protests from her.
