
It was a week before the Apollo launch. He and a few fellow astronauts were out on the beach, catching a few rays, trading Air Force stories. Naturally, guys tend to expand on the truth, so as the tails got taller, Steve decided to take a break and walk along the ocean's edge, looking for shells. His Mom had never made it to the ocean, so he tried to bring her some unusual ones whenever he visited.

Steve heard his buddies calling for him, but he pretended not to hear. He continued combing the beach until he noticed a young woman walking toward him. Steve stopped in his tracks, thinking that he ran across an angel. From a distance he could see the shining brown hair, her delicate features and shapely body, a head or so shorter than himself. She, too, had suddenly stopped, looking Steve over. He blushed when he realized she was doing the same thing to him, and he to her. Feeling shy, Steve almost turned to go back to his friends, but it was too late. The woman walked up to him.

"Hi," she said.

"Hi," he replied.

They stood in silence, looking at each other. Steve finally broke the silence.

Stumbling over his words he managed, "Do… do you live around here?"

The woman shook her head. "No, I'm here on vacation. You?"

Steve's face had been on TV enough for the past week, since being bumped up to the pilot's seat after the other pilot managed to break an arm, so he couldn't tell if she truly didn't recognize him or she was just playing him.

"Ah, no. I live, I mean work here in Florida, but I live in California," he replied. Despite the fact that he's a grown adult, in the Air Force, about to go to the moon, he still lived with his parents when he went home. It was hard to hold down a real civilian address when he traveled. Most of his time was spent in an apartment in the Bachelor's Quarters at whatever base he was stationed.

"What part of California?" she asked.


"I know the place. I live in Oregon, near Crater Lake. My name's Jan, Jan Richard's." She held out her hand for a shake.

"Steve, Steve Austin," he replied, gently taking her hand. 'Her skin's so soft,' he thought.

After the awkward meeting, they walked the beach together, coming to some jetties. They sat side by side on a rock, not quite touching, but close enough.

By late afternoon they felt like old friends. Steve explained his role on the upcoming Apollo shot, and she explained her job as a geologist. They decided to have dinner together, Steve meeting her off base at a cozy restaurant.

By the end of the week, they were an item. Some of his buddies joked that they were soul mates. Some took bets as to how long this "girlfriend" would last. Steve had been a bit naïve with past acquaintances; not realizing all the women wanted was the limelight, an astronaut on the arm.

They traded phone numbers, wanting to stay in touch. Jan stayed for the launch, and then had to return to Oregon.

They spoke as often as they could, meeting either at her place or his parent's, when their schedules permitted. When Steve was assigned to Edwards Air Force base, he and Jan were ecstatic. They decided that Jan would move into base housing with him, separate bedrooms of course. After six months or so, Steve proposed to her under the full moon out on the lakebed (they had been out hunting for rocks).

She said "yes!"

Steve was jarred back to reality when Josh woke. Josh cuddled for a little longer, and then got off Steve's lap, returning to the toys. Steve sat, watching him, a smile appearing on his face. 'If she'll have me back…' he thought.

While Steve strolled down memory lane and continued to watch Josh, Jan awoke. She reached for the call button, summoning the nurse on duty. The nurse, in turn, notified the doctor, who called Rudy.

Rudy, dreading meeting Jan, stood in front of her door for what seemed an eternity. He knew he had to make amends, to smooth the path for his friend. He gently knocked on the door, and then slowly opened it.

Jan glanced toward the door, recognizing his face. "Dr. Wells…" she said, with a distinct coldness in her voice.

Rudy closed the door. "Jan…"

Josh's stomach grumbled loudly. They locked eyes for a moment, and then both burst out laughing.

"What's the matter, Josh? Aren't they feeding you around here?" Steve teased. He glanced at his watch. It was almost noon.

Josh said, with a lopsided grin on his face, "Not since last night…"

Steve stood and stretched. "Let's go down to the cafeteria and find you something to eat." Steve picked up Josh, turned to the door entrance and stopped.

"Rudy?" Steve was stunned by Rudy's looks, thinking that someone had put him through a blender, several times.

"She wants to see you," he replied, quietly.

Steve suddenly felt like his feet were glued to the floor, his heart had fallen into his stomach. As much as he's been looking forward to seeing Jan, he didn't realize that he dreaded it just as much. "She's awake?"

"Has been for the past 2 hours."

"And you didn't call me?" He tried not to sound too upset for Josh's sake.

"I was just a little busy smoothing things over for you," Rudy replied with a slight edge in his voice. He wasn't upset with Steve, or Jan; he was upset with himself. He had spent the last two hours defending his position, explaining why he drove her away, explaining what really happened to Steve during the accident, and most importantly, explaining how Steve was put back together.

"Josh, let's go to the cafeteria and find something to eat. I'll bet you're hungry," Rudy said. He had overheard the comment prior to entering the room, so he figured he'd use it as an out for himself, and a chance to let Steve sneak away.

"OK," Josh said.

Steve put Josh down. Rudy took his hand and led Josh out of the room. Rudy called over his shoulder, "good luck, you're going to need it."

Steve found his way back to Jan's room in record time, but ground to halt mere feet from the open door. He broke into a cold sweat, panicking. He became self-conscious of his bionics. Would she accept him for what he is now? How could she accept him? Why would she accept him? A whirlwind of thoughts flew about his brain, all questions, and no answers. He felt rooted to the floor.

Although she dearly loved Dale, her deceased husband, Jan had never stopped loving Steve. She had buried her love deep within her heart, never believing it would resurface. She had a good life with Dale and Josh, marrying Dale almost two years ago, after having a consultation with Josh. Josh, after giving it much thought, "approved" the marriage. Dale proposed a week later, and within a month they were married.

They moved to Fishers, Indiana, where Dale worked as an architect in Indianapolis, about 30 minutes South. The three of them meshed into a family with ease. Jan home schooled Josh, along with the neighbor's kids.

Life, as she knew it, was perfect.

Jan's attention was drawn to the door. Someone was out there; she heard footsteps and then nothing. Suspecting the identity of the person, she called out, "Steve?"

'The voice; her voice; my love's voice,' Steve thought. It took him a moment to pull himself together and step into the doorway. He stood silently for a moment, taking in the scenery. A smile played upon his face. "Jan…"

"Steve," Jan replied, smiling weakly. "Please, come in."

He took a step forward, hesitated, and then strode over to a chair placed beside her bed. Before he knew it, he had bent over and given her a kiss on the forehead. He pulled away quickly, not sure how Jan would take it. Steve positioned the chair closer to her bed and sat.

Jan reached over, brushing her hand against his cheek. Tears spilled down her cheek. "I've missed you so much," she sobbed.

Steve felt awkward. Jan had lost her husband just yesterday, and here he was, bringing back the feelings Jan had for him. Can he honestly say he missed her too? Until he saw her again, he really didn't miss her. He'd forgotten her. Knowing that if the circumstances were different, they would have been together for the past three years. "I missed you too, Jan," he replied, realizing it wasn't a lie. He really did miss her, in more ways than one. "I'm so sorry about your husband. There was nothing I could do to save him."

Jan nodded, "I know… I know you tried. I know you. You wouldn't have left him if there were a chance. Please tell me he didn't suffer?" Jan looked to Steve, her eyes pleading for the right answer.

Steve reached out with his left hand, placing it on top of hers. "He didn't suffer," he assured Jan. Steve suspected that Jan's husband died on impact, but he wasn't going to share the details. Not now, possibly not ever.

"Where's Josh?" she asked.

"He's with Rudy in the cafeteria, getting something to eat," Steve answered. He looked for a reaction in her eyes at the mention of Rudy. He saw nothing.

"Steve," she started. "Rudy explained everything, taking the blame for everything, for driving me away, for not reminding you of me. It's going to take a while, but I think I'll eventually understand it all. I know we have a lot to discuss, but right now…" Jan stared into his blue eyes and smiled. "Josh looks more like you than his father," she commented.

"Where did he get the blond hair and blue eyes? It wasn't from your husband…"

Jan chuckled, "No, from Josh's mother. They looked a lot alike. She died when Josh was four. A car hit Shelly while out walking Josh in a stroller. Josh wasn't injured…" She stopped, not wanting to say more. It took Dale a while to accept his wife's death. He put all his energy into Josh from that point on.

Steve suddenly looked down, realizing a lot of tough decisions lie in the future.

Jan reached out and stroked his hair, "What's wrong?"

Steve wiped away the beginning of tears, then looked up. "Yesterday morning, I struggled to get out of a sleeping bag. I decided to climb a mountain on a whim, instead of fishing. If I hadn't been there, you may have died, and I never would have thought of you again." He picked up her hand and held it to his cheek. "Jan, I don't know if we can put our relationship back together. I want it, badly, but I know you have a lot ahead of you. I am willing to give you as much time as you need; I won't push. You'll just need to let me know when you are ready, if you'll ever be ready. In the meantime, I will be your friend. I'll be at your side through the hard times, I'll help with Josh, and I'll do anything you need."

They both broke into tears.


In the cafeteria, Josh had polished off two sandwiches, three cookies, and a glass of milk. Rudy was astounded at how much a seven year old could eat.

After wiping his mouth, Josh let out a loud burp. "Excuse me," he said sheepishly, looking around to see if anyone had noticed. The lunch crowd was trickling out.

Rudy smiled, "That's okay Josh. With all the food you've eaten, it could be expected." Rudy cleaned up the table, throwing the trash away in a nearby dumpster. He was emotionally drained and wanted to rest, preferably in a hotel room, soon.

"Can I see my Mom now?" Josh asked. He knew Steve was with his Mom, but didn't understand why he was kept away from his mother.

Rudy glanced at his watch. "I guess so," he replied. "They've had enough time to chat." Josh got up and followed Rudy back to the room.

Rudy stayed outside, letting Josh go in on his own.

"Mommy!" Josh yelled, exploding into the room in the only way a seven year old could.

Steve intercepted Josh in mid-leap. "Whoa sport," Steve said. He picked Josh up properly, positioning him close to Jan.

"Give me a kiss, you munchkin," Jan said, leaning toward Josh the best she good.

Josh kissed her soundly on the cheek and tried to give her a hug. Steve pulled him back; Josh scowled.

Steve returned to his chair, letting Josh sit on his knee. "Josh, you need to be gentle with your Mom. She's going to need a lot of rest to get better."

The scowl left Josh's face. Turning to his Mom, "You're going to be okay?" His Daddy was gone; he didn't want to lose his another Mommy too.

Jan smiled, "Yes, I'll be okay, but like Steve said I'm going to need a lot of rest before I get better." She was tiring, but didn't want to give in to sleep. She had so much to talk about with Steve, including her immediate concerns.

"Steve, Dale's parents…" she started.

"Give me their address and phone number. I don't want to leave your side, but I don't think it would be right to just call," Steve interrupted. He also had concerns about Dale's remains, the funeral, Jan's recuperation, and Josh. "What about your parents?"

Jan winced. Steve had struck a nerve through no fault of his own. She shook her head; "They were killed by a drunk driver last year."

Steve was stunned. "I… I… I'm so sorry. I didn't mean…"

"You couldn't have known…" Jan stifled a yawn, hoping Steve hadn't seen it.

Steve got up and put Josh into his bed. "Listen, sport, I've got some things I need to do, and your Mom needs to get some rest. Can I count on you to stay here quietly? I really need you to keep an eye on her; make sure she doesn't get out of bed or something like that. Will you do that for me?"

Josh sat cross-legged, with a serious look on his face. "Yes sir. What should I do if my Mom needs something?"

Steve picked up the call button and handed it to Josh. "This isn't a toy, okay? This will get help for your Mom if she needs something. You're in charge of the button."

Josh nodded. He set the button aside. "Don't worry, I'll take care of my Mom." Josh leaned back onto his pillow, turning on his side so he could see his Mom.

Steve returned to Jan's side, back to Josh. He leaned over and gave her a gentle kiss on the lips, which she returned. Jan gave Steve the information he requested, and promised she would behave and rest. Steve promised to contact Dale's parents and help them with arrangements.

Steve stood, turned off the overhead light and started out of the room. He looked back for a moment to see mother and son already asleep.


An emotional week followed Steve's departure. Jan agreed to have Dale's remains returned to the family plot on his parent's farm. Transferred to a private hospital, Jan continued to mend with Steve hovering in the wings, ready to do whatever she needed. In the meantime, Josh stayed with his grandparents. Due to the circumstances of Dale's death, the earthly remains were cremated. Once discharged, the funeral would be scheduled.

Flying to the farm, Jan sat quietly, staring out the passenger window. Steve glanced at her, noticing the somber expression on her face.

"Penny for your thoughts?" he asked. Steve had tried to be as sensitive to her feelings over the past week, knowing that she's grieving for her departed husband and dealing with her feelings for him.

"I know it may be hard for you to hear," she sighed, "but I do miss Dale." Once she had a chance to explore her feelings, to think about the loss, she realized just how much she loved him.

"It will take time to heal," Steve said. "You still have Josh, and I'll be around when you need me." Steve did his best to not sound like he was pushing.

Jan reached across and placed her hand on his. "I know and I thank you for all the help and support you've given Josh and myself. We'll be returning to Indiana in a couple of days. Will you be joining us?" Although Jan wasn't ready to resume their relationship, she did not want to be alone.

Steve smiled, "Of course. Are there any apartment complexes near your house? I'll take out a short-term lease so I can spend time with you, but won't be under foot at all times. You need your space, I realize and accept that." He didn't want to assume she wanted him to stay at the house, knowing it would be awkward. Steve had no problem staying at a place of his own. It would also give the three of them a place to spend time away from the house, where memories may get in the way.

With a tear in her eye, "Thank you." Jan couldn't manage anything else. She returned her attention to the scenery outside her window. Silence filled the cabin for the remainder of the flight.


Steve dreamed of marrying Jan. It would be the perfect church wedding. They had arrived in a limo; all of their friends were there. The church bells starting ringing, announcing the marriage. The ringing got louder until Steve woke to the ringing of the telephone. Expecting Jan to be on the other end, he answered "Hi Honey," he said.

"Morning Sweetie…"

"Oscar?" Steve asked.

"Hey pal, how are you doing?" Oscar had tried his best to leave Steve alone over the past month, but a pressing need required Steve's special talents.

"Fine…" Steve replied, with a chill in his voice. He, Jan and Josh had planned on spending the day together. The Fourth of July celebrations down on 116th street were to start at Noon.

"Sorry to call you on a holiday, but…"

"No buts, Oscar. Call me tomorrow. Today I have an outing," Steve interrupted.


Steve threw off the covers, scrambling into a sitting position. "No Oscar, no. I'm starting over with Jan. I don't want to run off on our first outing, especially today." Steve could feel his temper rising.

In Washington, Oscar sat in his chair, drumming his fingers on the desk. His silence spoke volumes.

"Oscar, I'm sorry, but I am NOT going to let the O.S.I. ruin my life again. I lost her once, I won't lose her again." Steve slammed the phone down in the cradle, splitting it in two. "Damn." The dream had dissipated and now he was in a foul mood. He stomped around the apartment, trying to calm down. Steve finally hit the shower, trying to calm his thoughts. Once out, he quickly dressed, grabbed his keys and headed for Jan's.

In Washington, Oscar punched a button, disconnecting the speakerphone. He exchanged a look with Rudy, who just shook his head.


Arriving two hours early, Steve stood at the door, breathing deeply. Once he felt his temper was under control, he rang the bell. A moment later he heard little feet pounding down the steps, "I GOT IT!" the voice yelled. Josh jumped off the third step, landing in front of the door. He unlocked the door and pulled it open.

"Steve!" Josh yelled, leaping at him.

Steve caught Josh and gave him a big hug. "Morning Josh," he said, feeling much better now that the bundle of energy was in his arms. He carried Josh inside and closed the door, putting Josh down. "Where's your Mom?"

"Upstairs," Josh said, bolting up the steps. "MOM! Steve's here!" Josh disappeared around the corner, leaving Steve standing at the bottom of the stairs.

"I'll be right down," Jan called. "Make yourself comfortable."

Steve wandered into the family room and seated himself on the couch. A few minutes later, he heard footsteps coming down the stairs. Steve stood, waiting for Jan to appear.

Jan appeared in the doorway, wearing a light blue tank top, white shorts and sandals. "You're here early." She approached Steve; they embraced. Jan broke away from the embrace and scrutinized Steve's face. "Steve, what's wrong?"

Steve took a deep breath and said "Jan, we need to talk."

The four words dreaded by anyone in a relationship, "We Need To Talk." Jan searched Steve's face for a clue to his mood, but found nothing. "Sure," she said.


"Oh, okay. Let me make a phone call and I'll send Josh over to the neighbors," Jan said. "Steve, are you okay?" When Steve didn't reply, Jan went into the kitchen to make the call.

Twenty minutes later, she seated herself on the couch, next to Steve. "Josh is spending the night at Tim's. Sue and Johnny will take the boys to the festival," Jan explained, "We have all the time we need to talk."

Steve stood and started to pace. "I know Rudy told you what happened to me out on the Dry Lakebed, what they did to put me back together, but we've yet to talk about it."

"Steve, I don't care what happened out there. The fact is, you are here now, alive, and still the same person I first fell in love with on the beach in Florida." Jan tried to assure him that she didn't care, she truly didn't, but his demeanor didn't change.

He continued pacing. "It's not just what happened to me physically, it's what I've been dragged into, kicking and screaming." He finally seated himself next to Jan once again. "It's like this. Oscar Goldman, director of the O.S.I. footed the bill for my reconstruction, to a tune of six million taxpayer dollars. Now, to repay the debt, I have to put my life on the line performing missions that require my special talents. Up until now, I've just considered it a bad hand Fate dealt which I had to live with." He stopped, waiting to see if Jan had any questions.

"I know, Rudy told me all this," she said.

Steve nodded. "I figured he might. "

"Steve, whatever it is…" Jan was clueless to the problem, but she new he was upset, which mad her upset.

"Oscar called," he blurted out. "He needs me for a mission."

"And?" Jan questioned. Rudy had given her all the details, good and bad. She realized that in Steve's line of work he could be there one minute, gone the next. Loving him as deeply as she does, Jan didn't care.

"I told him no."

"Can you do that?" Jan asked. "From what Rudy told me, Mr. Goldman doesn't take 'no' for an answer."

"It's not the first time," Steve admitted. "He generally sweet-talks or tricks me into the assignment." He hated himself for allowing Oscar to do it, but sometimes he couldn't help himself. "I will not allow Oscar to do it this time."

Jan stared at him for a moment, searching his face. She reached out to stroke his face. "I'm so sorry you've been put into this position."

Steve leaned into her hand, holding it to his face. "I'm not." Steve put her hand back on her lap. "Jan, I know I said I'd give you as much time as you need to recover from the accident and Dale's death, and I'm not going back on my word. If it takes a year, two, or whatever, that's fine with me. I just have one question to ask," Steve hesitated, searching her face for any sort of reaction, seeing none, he continued. "Can you tell me that we have a chance to form a family? I need to hear it from you to make a decision on what I'll do next."

Jan smiled, tears in her eyes. "Yes, Steve, you have more than a chance." She reached out and hugged him, much to Steve's relief. A moment later, they broke the embrace. "What decision?" she questioned.

"I'm quitting," Steve replied. "I'm not going to give you only 50% of my attention. You will have it 100%, only if I quit the O.S.I."

Jan was stunned. "Are… are you sure? You'd do that for me?"

"You're the only reason I have to quit. Without you, I might as well risk life and limb, literally, to save the world for the masses." He was being a little dramatic, but felt he got the point across. "In my line of work, I could be gone for hours, days, weeks and sometimes even months. I can't, won't, do that to you."

Tears of joy flowed down Jan's cheeks.

"Plenty of other job opportunities have been presented to me over the years. If you want to stay here in Fishers, I have no problem with it. I'll find a job here without a problem. With Indianapolis just to the South, and Chicago to the Northwest, I'll find something I'd like to do for a living." At this point, he was willing to flip burgers at the joint down the road.

"Other than a few friends, I have no ties to Fishers. It's just a place Dale and decided to settle. Josh and I will go with you wherever you're needed. A house doesn't make a home; it's the people inside that makes a house a home." Jan knew they could end up anywhere in the country, but she truly didn't care. Josh was adaptable, so he'd fit in wherever they went.

They embraced for a long moment, and then began to let go, but stopped. They stared deep into each other's eyes, moving slowly together again for a long, passionate kiss.

Leaning back slightly, Steve searched Jan's face, looking for a signal. Jan's eyes smiled. Steve stood, lifting Jan into his strong arms and headed upstairs to the bedroom.


Sleeping soundly, the ringing jarred him awake. Steve rolled onto his back and waited. After the third ring, he knew the caller was not Jan. Before leaving the house last night, they agreed she would ring twice, hang up then call back. Steve swung his legs out of bed, sitting on the edge and stretching. A lopsided grin played across his face from the memories of the day before. He padded into the bathroom to shower and shave. Once done, he donned a pair of running shorts, which doubled as a bathing suit, a blue Fishers Indiana tee shirt, and tennis shoes.

He checked the answering machine. It was from Oscar. Steve erased the message before it finished, not caring what Oscar had to say. Steve had made his decision, and no one would sway him.

He fixed a quick breakfast, and then cleaned up the kitchen. The phone rang again, stopped after two rings, and then started again. Steve plopped into a chair near the phone and answered.

"Morning," he said.

"Morning," Jan responded. "And how are you on this lovely day?" she asked in a light voice.

"The sun is shining, the birds are singing, and you are back in my life. Over all, I'd give the day a 10 so far," he replied. He couldn't remember the last time he felt this happy. "I take it you and Josh are ready?"

"Yes we ready. I keep telling Josh that you won't be here before I call you, but he checks the window every time a car goes by." Jan had tried to occupy Josh's time with a board game, but nothing worked.

"I'll be right there. Love you," he said as he hung up the phone. He grabbed his keys and a gym bag containing a change of clothes and headed out the door. Jan told him of a water park on the lower East side of Indianapolis, so they planned on making a day trip of it. Once they thoroughly wore Josh out, they planned on a leisurely dinner, then back to Jan's place. Josh would go straight to bed giving them a chance to be alone.

Steve whistled a happy tune as he headed for the car. When he rounded the corner he stopped dead in his tracks. Oscar leaned against the car.

Oscar desperately needed Steve's help. Since Steve wouldn't go to Washington, Oscar had no choice but to go to him.

Steve approached the car, walking around to the driver's side to avoid Oscar. He figured it might be safer that way.

"Steve," Oscar started.

Steve's face twisted in anger. He pounded the top of the car once and pointed at Oscar. "I… said… no."

"I have no one else I can send," Oscar finished.

Steve smirked. "Oscar, you have no one to send. I resign. I quit. No more. My resignation is in the mail." Steve didn't even want to set foot in Oscar's office. "And don't tell me I can't 'cause you don't have the power to stop me." He got into the car and started the engine.

Oscar, knowing he'd lost this round with Steve, he backed away from the car, shaking his head.

Steve backed out of the spot and drove away. He took the long way to Jan's, wanting to cool off before his arrival. He let his mind drift back to the night before; his mood brightened quickly. By the time he arrived, Oscar was forgotten.

"He's here! He's here!" Josh announced, scrambling off the couch. He opened the door before Steve had a chance to ring the bell.

"Can we go now?" Josh asked, bright blue eyes looking up at Steve.

"Hi Josh," Steve chuckled.

"Oh, hi Steve. Can we go now?" he asked again.

"Go ahead and put your stuff in the car, we'll be right out." Steve sidestepped Josh as he bolted out the front door. Steve found Jan in the kitchen, closing the cooler. Encircling his arms around Jan, he asked, "Ready?"

"Sure am," she said with deeper meaning than Steve comprehended. He let go and grabbed the cooler. Jan headed out the door.

Steve locked the house as Jan headed for the car. Getting to the car just in time, he opened the door for Jan. Once settled, he shut the door and placed the cooler in the back.

Moments later, they were on their way to a day of sun and fun.


After an exhausting day, Steve and Jan lay in bed together, relaxing. The silence was comforting. He didn't want to break the mood, but had something to tell her.

"Jan?" Steve asked, not quite sure she was awake.

"Mmmm…," she replied. Jan's head was on Steve's chest. She was enjoying the rhythmic sound of his heartbeat.

"Oscar showed up at the apartment today." Steve didn't really want to tell her, but felt that he should.

Jan propped herself up on an elbow, giving her full attention to Steve. "What happened?"

"I lost my temper," Steve confessed. "I told him my resignation is in the mail." Steve had written it out and dropped it into the mailbox within an hour of returning home the previous night.

"Did he say anything?"

"I didn't give him a chance. I kind of feel bad about the way I acted, but I have to make him understand. I'm not his puppet anymore," Steve replied.

"Will you try talking to him sometime?" Jan asked. Resignation or not, she felt the fight wasn't over by a long shot.


They lay in silence, each with their own thoughts. Jan drifted to sleep moments later, but Steve lay awake for another hour. He felt bad, since he's tried to consider Oscar a friend, but friendship and work doesn't always mix, as he found out. Drifting off to sleep, he tried to think of the happy times ahead.


Months passed. Steve finally made peace with Oscar, after spending an entire day and evening in the conference room at the Colorado facility. His annual physical was due, so Rudy felt it might be a good time to have the two of them hash out their problems.

Christmas came and went in a whirlwind of activity. The threesome visited Steve's parents for a week, and then returned home in time for Santa to visit Josh.

Spring was now approaching, with Spring break on the horizon for Josh. Steve asked Jan if she wished to take a short jaunt to California. Figuring Steve wanted to spend the week with his parents, she agreed.

Now the three of them were airborne, flying over the deserts of California. Jan looked out at the scenery, slightly confused.

"Steve? Where are we?" she asked, not concerned, just curious.

Steve just smiled. He contacted the tower and prepared for a landing.

Jan suddenly recognized the destination. "Steve?" she questioned.

"I've got a job offer," he explained. "There's an opening for a Flight Trainer, and I qualify for the position." He was only telling her half the story.

"Oh, okay. I thought we were going to Ojai."

"We're not?" came a voice from the back seat.

"We are, but we're taking a detour first," Steve explained.

They sat in silence as Steve brought the plane in for a smooth landing. Once they rolled to a stop, a big, burly man emerged from the closest office. Steve rounded the plane to greet him.

"Steve!" Ted Anderson put forth his hand.

"Hey Ted," Steve said, with a handshake. He let go and turned to Jan. "Do you remember Jan?"

"Oh my word, you're more beautiful than when I last saw you," he said.

Jan blushed. "This is my son, Josh."

"Hi!" Josh said with his usual enthusiasm.

"Let's all get inside," Ted suggested. "Steve, you ready to get back in the saddle again?"

Steve laughed. "I already have Ted, I already have."


They settled into the base hotel. Steve had arranged for a friend to watch Josh so he and Jan could go out to dinner. After a leisurely supper, they took a walk out on the Dry Lakebed.

Steve purposely guided Jan to a particular spot without her knowing. They stood staring at the stars.

"It's so peaceful out here," Jan commented.

"At least at night," Steve corrected.

Steve stopped Jan, and turned to stand in front of her.

"What?" she asked?

Feeling the time was right, Steve reached into his pocket, pulled out a little blue box, and got down on one knew. He opened the box.

"Jan, I'm ready if you are. Will you marry me?"

Jan gasped, tears forming in her eyes. "Yes… of course… yes, Steve Austin, I will marry you."

Steve stood, took her in his arms and embraced her in a passionate kiss.


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