
Big Annie's was packed by the time the trio made it into town. Cutting their way through the crowd and cigar smoke, they settled up next to the bar. "Three cold ones Mack!" Nick shouted as he rose up his arm trying to get the bartenders attention.

"Nick, Heath, what brings you boys into town during the middle of the day?" Asked Mack as he filled up three glasses of beer for them.

"We got reason to celebrate!" Nick stated as he handed a glass to Jessie. "Jessie here's gonna be the new town Vet." Nick said as he clapped Jessie on the shoulder.

"Jessie! Aren't you a sight for sore eyes! How've ya been lad?" Mack questioned as he reached across the bar and shook Jessie's hand.

"Fine Mack, just fine." Jessie replied as he tried to shout over the all the noise. "I can see business is booming." He added looking around at the packed bar.

"That it is couldn't be better. Glad ta have ya back lad," Mack added before he had to move on to other more unruly customers.

As Jessie, Heath, and Nick sat and talked about old times, someone in the back of the room watched them. He'd waited a long time for a chance to get at the blonde man responsible for his imprisonment and his brothers death. All he needed to do now was set his plan in motion. Turning to the man sitting next to him Cal threw his cards on the table and called him a cheater. Standing up the man shouted a few choice words at Cal before taking a swing at him. Easily ducking the rather clumsy mans attempt at a punch, Cal pushed him over onto the table next to them. In no short time at the entire bar erupted into an all out brawl as men threw punches at one another without cause.

Nick sat back and watched the fight go on around him until someone knocked into him and spilled his beer. Smiling Nick pulled back his fist and let them man have it right in the mouth. It didn't take Nick long at all to end up in the thick of things, as three men ganged up on him at once, Heath figured it was time he intervened. "You stay here Jessie," he yelled above the crowd. "I'll get Nick and then we'll get out of here." Pushing his way through the fighting Heath grabbed the first man on top of Nick and threw him off. As he was reaching for the second man he felt a sudden excruciating pain in his right side. Crumbling to his knees he looked up in time to see Cal's face as he flashed an evil grin at Heath before retreating back into the crowd. Suddenly remembering the mans face, his mind screamed "Anna!" Struggling to stand, his only thought was for his wife. He had to get to her, to protect her from the animal that tried to hurt her all those years ago. Making it to his feet, Heath staggered towards the entrance. His one thought was to get home to Anna before he did.

Seeing Heath head for the door, Jessie tried calling out to him. "Heath! Heath!" He shouted as he tried to push his way through the crowd. Hearing a familiar voice Heath turned in the direction of Jessie's voice. As Heath turned to face him, Jessie could clearly see the pain etched on his face.

"Come to join in the fight!" Nick shouted as he came up behind Jessie and slapped him on the back.

"Nick, something's wrong with Heath!" Jessie shouted as he pointed over in Heath's direction.

Turning and looking over at his brother Nick could see it too; pushing his way through the crowd Nick made it to his brother's side just as Heath's knees gave out. Catching him in a bear hug, Nick carried Heath out the door and onto the sidewalk. Setting him down Nick immediately noticed the bright red stain running down the side of Heath's shirt. Ripping it open, he could clearly see the ugly knife wound. "He's been stabbed!" Nick shouted through clenched teeth. "Jessie we have to get him over to Doctor Merer's.

Nodding, Jessie grabbed Heath's legs as Nick picked him up under his arms and they carried him across the street to the doctor's office.

"Bring him in here Nick," Howard stated as Nick and Jessie burst through the door carrying an unconscious Heath.

Laying him on the table Nick took a step back so the doctor could have a look at Heath's wound. "How'd this happen Nick?" Howard questioned as he poked and prodded around the wound.

"I'm not sure doc, we think somebody may have stabbed him in the saloon." Nick replied as moved in closer to Heath.

"That's what it looks like Nick. By the looks of it, it was a pretty big knife too. Luckily for Heath the blade hit his rib and followed along it instead of penetrating into his lung. He's lost a lot of blood but I don't see any internal damage." Howard said as he began to wash the wound. "Well need to keep an eye on him for a few days but he should be all right."

"Thanks doc," Jessie replied as a sigh of relief escaped his lips.

"Well Jessie it sure is good to see you again son." Howard commented as he smiled up at him. "How are your studies coming along?"

"Fine doc, just fine. I earned my degree about a year ago now." Jessie replied as he watched the doctor sew up Heaths wound.

"That's wonderful news," Howard replied.

"I'll be taking over Doc Steverenson's practice at the end of the month." Jessie said.

"Well we could certainly use a new Vet in town Jessie. I'm glad you took him up on his offer." Stated Howard as he finished up with Heath's stitches.

As Howard began to wrap Heath's wound he began to stir. "Anna," he mumbled as he struggled to open his eyes.

"Your all right Heath, we're in Doc Merer's office." Nick said softly as he watched Heath struggle to wake up.

"Anna... Anna," Heath said again as he started to come around. Trying his best to sit up Heath encountered strong resistance. "Just where do you think you're go’ in?" Nick questioned as he gently pushed Heath back down on the bed.

"Anna's... in trouble," Heath said as he tried once again to sit up.

"Come on Heath, yer gonna bust all those stitches the doc just put in ya." Nick exclaimed as he once again tried to push his brother back down on the bed.

Pushing his brothers hands away Heath continued to try and sit up. "I have ta get to Anna." Heath said as he finally managed to sit up.

"Heath, Anna's fine," Jessie said as he placed a hand on Heath's shoulder.

"No," Heath replied as he shook his head and slowly swung his feet over the edge of the bed. "The man who... did this," he stated as he held onto his side and tried to stand. "He tried to… hurt Anna once... before."

"What are you talking about Heath?" Nick questioned as he reluctantly helped his brother up.

"It was the man from... the alley Nick… The one who... attacked Anna just before we were... married." Heath stated as he tried to make Nick understand.

The awful vision of Anna lying on the dirty ground in the alley; her dress in tatters and crying came rushing back to him. "Cal and Will Hicks," Nick said coldly as he looked at Heath.

"It was… the younger... one." Heath replied as he steadied himself by holding onto Jessie's shoulder. "Nick... Anna's all alone out there." Heath said in such a sad voice that Nick's heart went out to him.

"I'll ride out there right now Heath, she'll be fine I'll see to it." Nick replied as he grabbed his brother's upper arm and squeezed it.

"Hurry Nick," Heath said as he watched his brother race from the room. Sitting back down on the bed before he his knees gave out he tried to control his rising fear.

"Heath you've lost a lot of blood, you need to rest." Jessie stated as he sat down next to Heath.

"I've got to get… back to her Jessie," Heath replied as he looked over at the young man Jessie had become.

"You're in no condition to ride Heath. If that knife had gone in any deeper you'd be dead now." Jessie exclaimed as he tried to make Heath understand how serious his wound was.

"You don't understand Jessie... Anna and the kids... they're my whole life." Heath stated as he looked at Jessie with such a sad expression he knew he’d have to help Heath get home.

"All right Heath, I'll help you get home but you have to promise me you'll do exactly as I say." Jessie replied as Heath shook his head wearily in agreement.

"First off I'm gonna need to wrap your wound tighter," Jessie stated as he grabbed some extra bandages from Doctor Merer's cabinet. Placing more padding over the wound, Jessie wrapped another bandage around Heath's midsection securing the padding in place. "Let me see if the doc has a shirt we can borrow for you," Jessie said before leaving Heath alone in the room momentarily. Returning quickly with a clean shirt, Jessie helped Heath put it on.

"Ok Heath, let me help you stand up," Jessie stated as he sat down next to Heath on the bed and placed Heath's left arm across his shoulder. "Remember let me do all the work," he said as he slowly started to stand.

Jessie managed to get Heath to his feet without much trouble. But by the time they had walked through the doctor's office, listened to Howard's words of concern, and made it outside, Heath was beginning to really falter. Placing him in a chair outside the doctor's office, Jessie ran across the street and gathered their horses.

The short rest seemed to do Heath a world of good and he was able to mount Charger with only a little assistance from Jessie. But on the way home for Jessie, forcing Heath to keep Charger at a walk was proving a difficult task.

"Heath if we continue on this fast yer likely to start bleed’ in again." Jessie stated as he tried to slow Heath down.

But Heath couldn’t hear him; he was in another place and another time. He remembered the ugly bruises on Anna's cheek and the swollen lip those animals had given her as they groped her. He remembered their comments as they bragged about touching her and what they planned to do with her. He also remembered he'd vowed to kill them if they ever laid a hand on her again, and that was one promise he was intent on keeping.

Realizing his concerns were falling on deaf ears, Jessie concentrated on making sure Heath made it home in one piece. As they rode along he remembered those long days and weeks after Anna's attack. He remembered Heath distancing himself from the family and Anna. He'd felt responsible for Anna's attack even though everyone tried to convince him otherwise. It wasn't until they'd confronted him as a family that they finally got through to him.

As they neared the ranch Heath could see Nick's horse tied up in front of the house. Pulling up by the front porch, Heath slid down slowly out of Chargers saddle, and stood on the ground holding the saddle horn for a minute. Walking up behind him Jessie put his hand on Heath's shoulder. "You all right Heath?" He asked noticing the perspiration coating Heath's face and chest.

"Just had to… catch my breath," Heath replied as he looked at the stairs looming in front of him.

"Let's get you inside, you need to rest." Jessie stated as he guided Heath over to the stairs.

"I can do it," stated Heath as he grabbed onto the railing and slowly made his way up the steps. "I don't want Anna and the kids to worry," he said quietly as he turned back and smiled at Jessie.

"Yer just as stubborn as ever," Jessie said as he shook his head and followed closely behind Heath.

Opening the front door and walking inside, Heath called out to Anna. "Anna...Anna?"

Rushing from the kitchen where she'd been sharing a cup of coffee with Nick, Anna was a little startled to see the condition her husband was in. "Heath, Nick said you were hurt but..." Started Anna as she rushed to his side.

"I'm all right Anna, just a little tired." Heath sighed as he held her close. Having her there safely next to him made his heart beat even faster. Knowing that she was safe released the huge weight that had been crushing down on him since he saw Cal Hicks in the saloon.

"Heath what happened?" Anna questioned as she moved back to get a better look at him.

Looking up at Nick, Heath saw him shake his head no. "Some drunken cowboy broke a bottle and managed to cut me when he fell over his own feet." Heath replied as he placed his hand on his side.

Something about his answer didn't seem right and Anna looked over at Jessie. For a moment she could see both worry and fear on his face before he tried his best to cover it up. "Anna you know how Heath here always manages to get in the middle of everything." Jessie stated with a smile as he walked up and clapped Heath on the shoulder. "He has a knack for being in the wrong place at the wrong time," he added trying to reassure Anna.

"I've been say’ in that for years," Nick exclaimed as he walked up next to Heath.

Anna looked at all three of them and knew they were keeping something from her. But knowing how stubborn all three of them were she knew she'd never get the real story out of them until they were ready to tell it. Taking in Heath's pale complexion and the perspiration on his face Anna knew it was more than a little cut. "Heath, I think you should lay down for a while." Anna stated firmly as she grabbed his hand and led him towards the stairs.

Watching her struggle to make it up the stairs, Anna grew more and more concerned. Winded, Heath sat down on their bed and tried to catch his breath. Looking down at his boots he wasn't sure how he was ever going to bend over far enough to get them off.

Sitting down next to him on the bed Anna took his hand within her own and rubbed his back with her free hand. His lack of energy and pale complexion told her everything she needed to know. Watching him try to kick off his boots, she quietly knelt down next to him and pulled them off for him.

"Thanks Anna," he said quietly as he gently lay down and pulled his feet up on the bed. Taking a blanket out of the chest at the end of their bed Anna covered him. Sitting down next to him she lovingly ran her fingers through his hair as he closed his eyes. As his breathing finally evened out, Anna placed a kiss on his forehead and went downstairs for some answers.

Finding Nick and Jessie in the kitchen, Anna probed them for answers. "What really happened in town?" She questioned as she stood in front of them with her hands on her hips.

Looking first at Nick and then back up at Anna, Jessie replied. "Just what Heath said Anna."

"Nick?" Anna questioned as she turned to face him.

Looking up at Anna Nick knew keeping the truth from her wasn't going to be easy. But if he knew his brother that's exactly the way Heath would want it. He wouldn't want Anna worrying about Cal and Will Hicks. "Like Heath said Anna, there was a scuffle in the bar and Heath got cut." Nick replied calmly.

"Heath didn't mention anything about a scuffle, Nick." Anna replied as she took a step closer to him.

Jessie noticed Nick's flustered look and tried to intervene. "There was a small scuffle in the saloon, that's how the bottle was broken." Jessie stated as he watched Nick shake his head in agreement.

"So Nick just how did this drunken cowboy end up with the broken bottle?" Anna asked as she turned her full attention back to him.

Shuffling in his seat Nick tried to look at Jessie for an answer.

"Jessie can't help you Nick." Anna stated as she stood directly over him.

"I don't know how he does it," Nick exclaimed as he threw his arms up in the air and stood up. "How does he manage to keep anything from you?"

"He doesn't Nick," Anna, replied as she placed her hand on his arm. "Please tell me what really happened," Anna pleaded.

Realizing he was fighting a loosing battle Nick gave in. "We were all in Big Annie's have’ in a beer when a fight broke out. Heath and Jessie stayed out of it until three men jumped me. Heath was just trying to pull the men off me when someone stabbed him." Nick explained as he held onto Anna's hands.

"Stabbed him?" Anna questioned quietly as tears started to form in her eyes.

"It's not a serious wound the knife hit his rib mainly," Jessie added as he came up next to Anna and Nick.

"Who would do such a thing?" Anna asked as the tears she'd tried to hold back tumbled down her face.

"We're not sure Anna it all happened so fast. Heath didn't even see who it was." Jessie answered as he rubbed her back.

Falling into Nick's arms, Anna cried. "Why couldn't he tell me?"

"You know he wouldn't want you to worry Anna," Nick replied as he held her against his chest. "She how upset you are, he wouldn't want that."

Anna hugged Nick tightly and knew he spoke the truth. "Thanks for telling me Nick," she replied as she wiped her eyes. "I promise I won't tell him I know the truth."

"That's a good thing, cause that boy'd skin me alive if he knew I told you," Nick laughed as Jessie joined him.

"Anna, what ya say I hitch up the buggy and take the kids over to Mothers for a while." Nick stated.

"Oh Nick I can't just drop in on her unannounced." Anna replied as she dried her cheeks.

"Nonsense, you know mothered love to see her grandkids. You stay here with Heath and Jessie and I'll take the kids with us." Nick replied as he looked over at Jessie.

"Yeah Anna it would give you and Heath some time alone together." Jessie added throwing in a smile.

Anna looked between the two and saw the sincerity in their eyes. "Thank you," she said quietly before hugging them both.

"Well what ya waitin for boy! Let's go round up those youngsters!" Nick shouted as he slapped Jessie on the back and pushed him towards the door.

"I'll get Jenny's things ready," Anna replied as she laughed at the pair.

As Anna watched the wagon with her children crest the top of the hill behind her home and vanish from sight, a feeling that she was being watched crept over her. Looking around the yard and the surrounding trees she couldn't see anyone but the feeling was still there. Walking into the house she closed the door behind her and locked it. Walking through the kitchen she made sure the back door was locked as well before she headed up stairs.

Cal Hicks crouched in the bushes about a hundred yards behind Heath's home. He watched silently as the woman he longed to take as his bride waved goodbye to a wagon full of kids. She was more beautiful than he even remembered and felt himself getting aroused just thinking about her next to him. "Soon lovely lady... I'll have what should have been mine."

Lying down gently on the bed next to Heath so she didn't disturb him, Anna watched as he slept. The idea that someone deliberately tried to kill him chilled her to the bone. How could anyone hurt such a gentle and kind man. Laying her hand atop his chest she felt his reassuring heartbeat. Watching as her hand went up and down with each breath he took she soon fell asleep.


"Grandmother!" Shouted James as he opened the mansions front door and ran inside.

Hearing her grandson's voice, Victoria made her way from the study out to the parlor. "James, what a surprise this is." Victoria stated as she hugged him.

"Wait till you see who we brought grandmother," James stated excitedly.

Victoria looked up as Nick carried in little Jenny followed closely by Sean, Liam, and Mary. Her breath caught in her throat as she saw whose hand Thomas was hanging onto. "Jessie!" She cried as she raced forward and hugged him.

"Hello Grandmother," Jessie said happily as he returned her hug. Victoria had long ago deterred Jessie from calling her Mrs. Barkley and the only other term that seemed to fit was Grandmother.

"Jessie when did you get here?" Victoria questioned as she held onto his hand.

"Just yesterday," Jessie replied as he squeezed her hand.

"Did Katie come with you? And where are Heath and Anna?" Victoria asked as she looked from Jessie over to Nick.

"Papa needed a rest," piped up Thomas as he pulled on his grandmother's dress.

"Is that so," Victoria replied as she squatted down next to her grandson.

"He has a hurt right hear," Thomas said as he pointed to his side.

"And just how did he get hurt?" Victoria questioned her youngest grandson.

"He was with Uncle Nick," Thomas answered as he pointed up at his uncle.

"He's fine Mother, we just figured he and Anna could use a little time alone," Nick replied as he tried his best to defend himself from his mother’s accusing gaze.

"All right, Nick why don't you go in and tell Silas and Hattie we'll have a few more mouths for dinner tonight." Victoria stated as she lifted Jenny out of Nick's arms. "And you young man," she said as she turned to face Jessie. "Are going to march into that study with me and explain why you didn't bother to tell anyone you were coming home."

"Yes Ma'am," Jessie replied with a grin as he followed along after his grandmother.

He'd sat and watched the house for hours now and there was no sign of movement from within. Did they know he was out here? Were they just waiting for him to make a move? He couldn't be certain but he wasn't about to let that stop him. He knew he'd injured the bastard but his intent had been to kill him. It was a minor set back, and a mistake he wouldn't soon make again.


Heath awoke, as the sun was beginning to set and felt Anna's hand on his chest. Turning his head towards her he reached out and gently stroked her hair as he watched her sleep peacefully. The ache in his side had subsided some and he felt stronger as he lay admiring his wife.

Anna felt Heath's gentle touch and opened her eyes to see his smiling face. "How are you feeling?" She asked as she reached up and touched his cheek.

"I'm fine Anna," he replied as he turned and kissed her lovingly. "Where are the children?" He asked as he slowly sat up and slid his legs over the side of the bed.

"Nick and Jessie took them over to Mothers," Anna replied as she rushed around the bed to be at his side.

"Oh?" Heath stated as he looked up at Anna with his right eyebrow raised.

"Nick just wanted to make sure you got some rest." Anna answered as she grabbed his arm and helped him slowly to his feet.

Standing still for a moment Heath wanted to make sure the room wasn't going to fall out from under him before he took his first step.

"Are you sure you're all right?" Questioned a concerned Anna as she noticed his hesitation.

"Really I'm fine," he replied smiling as he drew her into an embrace.

Snuggling against his strong chest, Anna was almost inclined to believe him before she felt the bandages wrapping around his mid section. Tears formed in her eyes before and she quickly willed them away before he could see them. Wrapping her arm in his Anna led him towards the stairs. "Why don't you go outside and sit on the swing, I'll bring us some lemonade."

"Sounds good," Heath replied as he leaned forward and kissed her forehead.

Heading out onto the porch, Heath eased himself down on the porch swing and watched as the setting sun painted the sky. He never imagined that the man who tried only hours ago to kill him was now watching him.

Cal watched as the woman he longed to have as his wife carried two glasses out onto the porch and sat down next to the bastard. He watched as they drank and snuggled up next to one another talking quietly. The more he watched the bastard touch his soon to be wife the angrier he became. Raising his rifle he aimed it at the bastard and waited for a good shot. Just as he was about to take his shot a lone rider rode up the driveway and past the barn. Putting down his rifle and hiding, he watched as his woman walked down the porch steps and hugged the man as he got off his horse.

"Jarrod what brings you out here?" Anna questioned as she gave him a hug.

"Well I was on my way home when I ran into Nick and Jessie, and a wagon load of kids." He smiled, "they told me what happened to Heath. I just stopped by to make sure you two didn't need anything." Jarrod replied as he took Anna's arm and followed her up onto the porch.

"We're fine Jarrod, why don't you sit with Heath while I get you a glass of lemonade." Anna stated before opening the front door and heading inside.

"Even’ in Jarrod," Heath stated as he looked up at his older brother.

"Heath," Jarrod replied as he tipped his hat back on his head and leaned against the railing across from his younger brother. "Care to tell me what happened?"

Looking towards the front door to make sure Anna was out of earshot, Heath began. "It was Cal Hicks Jarrod. I didn't see his brother, just him." Heath answered as he remember the evil grin on Cal's face.

"I did a little checking on Cal before I rode out here Heath. Seems he just got out of San Quinton two months ago. His brother Will wasn't as lucky, he died of influenza three years ago while still in custody." Jarrod stated as he watched Heath's brow furrow.

Cal watched as the two men talked, he wasn't sure but the other man looked like the lawyer who put him and Will away all those years ago. Realizing he was out gunned he decided to pull back and wait for a better opportunity. "Better to get you alone bastard," he mumbled under his breath as he slowly backed away from the house. "I'll make you pay, I'll make you pay for all of it!"

"Why don't you boys come inside, I just warmed up some apple pie." Anna said as she opened the door and waved Jarrod and Heath inside.

"You know I never could resist your apple pie Anna," Jarrod stated as he started towards the door.

"Jarrod," Heath said as he leaned forward and grabbed his brother’s arm. "I haven't told Anna it was Cal Hicks. I didn't want to upset her."

Looking into his brother’s expressive blue eyes, Jarrod nodded. "All right Heath."

"Thanks Jarrod," Heath replied as he slowly got to his feet and walked with his brother inside.


Arriving back at Heath and Anna's, Nick awoke five sleepy passengers in the wagon while Jessie carried a sleeping baby Jenny inside. Walking in the front door he was met by both Heath and Anna, "here Jessie, let me take her from you." Anna said as she reached for her sleeping daughter.

Handing baby Jenny over Jessie watched as Anna carried her upstairs. Looking over at Heath he noticed some of his color had returned but he still looked much to pale. "How ya feel’ in Heath?"

"Better thanks," Heath replied as he hooked his hands in his front pockets. "Thanks for helping Nick with the kids. How's your grandmother?"

"A little upset that I didn't tell her sooner about my coming.” Jessie stated as he smiled at Heath. "I also had the strangest feeling that she knew a little bit to much about my upcoming job." Jessie laughed.

"You know that wouldn't surprise me at all," Heath replied as he clapped Jessie on the shoulder.

"How ya feel’ in Pa," asked Sean as he came through the front door holding a sleepy Thomas.

"I'm fine son, just a little sore." Heath replied as he ruffled his son’s hair.

"All better Papa?" Questioned a sleepy Thomas as he looked up at his father.

"All better Thomas," Heath said quietly as he lifted Thomas out of Sean's arms.

Jessie saw Heath wince slightly as he took Thomas's full weight. He was tempted to ask Heath if he needed help, but he all ready knew the answer.

Thomas clung onto his father and laid his head against Heath's chest closing his tired eyes. "I'm glad yer all better Papa," he said yawning.

Heath headed up the stairs slowly as Nick came through the front door with Mary and the twins. "How is he?" Nick asked as he watched Heath slowly make his way upstairs.

"His colors a little better, but he still looks tired." Jessie replied once the children were out of earshot.

"You know he's not going to take it easy," Nick stated as he sat down on the couch and looked up at Jessie.

"I'll make sure that he does," Jessie replied as he looked back up the stairs Heath had just climbed.

"You and what army," laughed Nick.

"I'll have Anna's help," Jessie replied as he turned back around and faced Nick.

"And mine," Nick replied with a smile as he stood up and placed his hand on Jessie's shoulder.


Her husband was normally always the first person out of bed in the morning and the last one in at night. But this morning Anna and the rest of the family had been the first ones to greet the day. The children and Jessie all pitched in and had the usually morning chores completed before the sun had even fully awoken.

Anna and Jessie had both explained to the children the need for their father to take it easy for the next few days. That meant no heavy lifting, no raking, no baling, and no roughhousing. The children all understood and pitched in together to get all most all of Heath's normal morning chores completed before he was even out of bed.

As the morning sun gradually crept through his window and woke him from his healing sleep, Heath chastised himself for over sleeping and quickly got out of bed. Walking up to the dresser to shave he was a little surprised to see his razor and shaving cream all laid out for him. Dressing he made his way down into the kitchen to find Anna feeding baby Jenny at the table.

"Good morning," Anna said as she looked up to receive his kiss.

"Morning, sorry it seemed to get away from me." Heath replied as he poured himself a cup of coffee.

"Let me get your breakfast, I saved a plate for you." Anna stated as she quickly hurried over to the stove where she had his plate warming.

"No thanks Anna I'll just have coffee. I've got a lot of catching up to do." Heath stated as he headed for the back door.

"Your not behind at all, as a matter of fact I think your a head of schedule." Anna replied as she brought his plate over to the table.

Turning around, Heath had such a confused look on his face that it caused Anna to giggle. "Sorry it's just that the children and Jessie finished your chores earlier this morning." Anna said as she entwined her arm with his and lead him over to the table. "So now you have time for a nice relaxing breakfast."

As Heath sat down he was over whelmed at how far everyone went to make sure he didn't over due things. "Anna you didn't have to go to so much trouble," he said reaching over and taking her hand in his own.

"Oh Heath if you could've seen how happy the children were," Anna replied as she squeezed his hand. "After Jessie and I explained to them that you needed to take things easy for a few days so you healed properly the children were practically bursting at the seams to help out."

Heath smiled shyly, humbled by his families unselfish out pouring of love. Finishing his breakfast he kissed Anna and Jenny and walked out the back door to the coral.

"Morn’ in Heath," Jessie said as he waved from the center of the corral where he was leading one of the new mares around in circle with a long lead. Heath leaned up against the fence and watched as Jessie put the mare through her paces. He smiled at the natural grace and ease at which Jessie worked with the horse. His obvious love for animals evident in his gentle touch and soothing voice.

"She's a fine one Heath," Jessie stated as he finished up with the mare and led her over towards the fence and Heath.

"She's from some of our finest breading stock," Heath replied as the mare nuzzled his shoulder.

"You've got a few come’ in to foal with in a month too," Jessie said as he walked along the fence with the mare and Heath towards the barn.

"We figure around the 4th of July," Heath replied as he walked along side Jessie.

"This place is really starting to grow Heath." Jessie commented as they walked into the barn and placed the mare in her stall.

"Thorton-Barkley Horse Farms has expanded almost as much as the cattle side of the business Nick runs. With Jarrod’s new predictions it looks as though we should make up about 60% of the families income in the next three years at the rate were going." Heath replied with a smile.

"You're going to need to hire some more hands and soon," Jessie said as he brushed the mares main.

"Nick and I hired a man from Tucson just last week, his reputation is impeccable. He'll be here in the middle of July. We got an interest in two other men who are extremely well known for their work with horses." Heath replied as he picked up a brush and started to groom the mare. "We're adding another barn this fall to, we've already outgrown this one." He added looking around.

"Got a vet lined up for all these horses yet?" Jessie joked as he flashed Heath a smile.

Continuing on with the grooming Heath replied without looking up, "heard tell there's a really good vet just outside of Modesto. Heard he travels all over too."

Jessie stood next to the mare with his mouth wide open and a blank stare on his face.

Looking up Heath had to laugh, "boy you fell for that easier than Nick!"

Realizing Heath was pulling his leg Jessie laughed along with him.
