"Baby Talk"


Logline: Steve and Jaime are shocked that their new born son, Danny's clone, speaks from the minute he's born. Steve has a hard time adjusting to this fact

  Jaime and Steve sat in the living room watching James and Jennifer while James tried to teach his baby sister to play Candy land.

“I’ve been thinking.” Steve began. “I’m a little worried about the baby.”

“Why?” Jaime asked as she looked over Marc’s school work for the day.

“What if he is as smart as Dan? I don’t know if I’m ready to take on the second smartest kid in the world. I mean think about it. He’ll be correcting those papers for you before he’s five.”

“Oh now Steve don’t be silly.” Jaime chided. “And besides I know Dan is very smart but…”

“But what?” look at James, he’s as strong as I am now . What will he be like when he’s Marc’s age? When he’s my age and his muscles have developed.”

“We’ll worry about that when the time comes. Right now he’s only three and we can handle him.”

“I’m not so sure about that.” Steve muttered.

“What’s wrong dad?” Marc asked as he entered the living room.

“Oh nothing son I’m just thinking about the baby is all.” Steve sighed.

“What about him?” Marc wondered. “Is everything ok?”

“Everything is fine sweetie.” Jaime assured. “It’s just that Steve has some qualms about how smart your brother is going to be. He’s afraid he’ll be smarter than him before his fifth birthday.”

Marc laughed. “Maybe he won’t be as smart as Dan.”

“Oh yes he will.” Steve grumbled.

“Steve for heaven’s sake!” Jaime chided. If he is as smart as Dan then we’ll deal with it. She turned to Marc. “Don’t forget Mr. Edmunds is coming tomorrow.”

“Who is he again?” Steve asked.

“He’s the superintendent of the schools. He’ll give Marc a couple of tests to see if he’s on the same level as the other boys that are in his grade.” Jaime informed him.

“Oh I see. How is he doing?” Steve wondered.

“He’s doing very well. I keep in contact with Matt’s teacher. He’s way ahead of what even Matt is doing.”

“Oh great! What, I’m going to have two supper smart kids”

“Would you stop it?” Jaime scolded.

Steve turned to Marc. “Hey partner. I’m sorry. I’m just on edge about this, that’s all.”

“I understand dad. Even my real mom and dad had trouble with it sometimes.

Jaime and Steve turned to each other. This was the first time Marc had ever mentioned his parents.”

“I’m going up to my room to study for tomorrow. I’ll see you guys in just a bit.” Marc headed up the steps.

“I wish you wouldn’t say things like that in front of him.” Jaime continued to scold. “He’s still very sensitive.”

“I know I’ll go talk to him later.” Steve assured. “Well it’s my night to fix dinner. I better get started.”

“Fine I’m going to put Jennifer down for a nap then help Marc study.”

“I’ll be in the kitchen.” Steve headed for the kitchen and Jaime went upstairs. She had just sat down on a chair next to Marc’s desk.

“Ok Honey let’s get started.”

“Mom?” Marc questioned “Why are you making that face.?”

“I think you better go get your dad. I do believe I’m in labor.”

Marc stood and raced down the steps. “Dad, Dad!” He called.

“I’m in the kitchen.” Steve had his hands full of hamburger ready to make meatloaf.

“Mom says it’s time for the baby to come.”

Steve set the bowl of meat in the frig and wiped his hands. “Ok you know the drill You take James and Jennifer and head over to Mrs. Altman’s I’ll send Callahan just as soon as she can get here.”

“Ok dad.” They headed for the living room. Jaime stood there with her suitcase

“James and Jennifer are already.” She told Marc. “Steve we better go.”

Marc took a hand of each James and Jennifer and headed next door.

Steve helped Jaime into the car and they headed for the hospital. “Don’t you think you better call Rudy and let him know we’re on our way?” Jaime wondered.

Steve nodded and picked up the car phone. He dialed Rudy’s number. “Rudy its Steve Jaime and I are on our way to the Medical Center. She says it’s time.”

“I’ll meet you there.” Rudy motioned to Oscar who was just leaving his office. “Oscar you’re going to have to put that assignment for Steve on hold. They’re on their way to the hospital.”

Oscar smiled. “I feel like I’m going to be an uncle all over again.”

“Well the baby will belong more to you genetically speaking that is.” Rudy reminded

“I suppose you’re right. We better get to the hospital.”

Rudy turned to Dan who was bent over the desk reading some papers. “Are you coming Dan?” he asked.

“You bet I wouldn’t miss this for the world. I actually get to see myself get born.” Dan beamed.

They all arrived at the hospital at the same time. Rudy assisted Jaime to the delivery room while Steve and Oscar paced back and forth in Rudy’s office.

“I just hope all goes well.” Steve began talking.

“It will don’t worry. What has you so worried?” Oscar asked

“Well.” Steve began. “I’m scared that my son will be smarter than me by the time he’s five.”

“I have no problem with Dan. Let me tell you he blows me away sometimes.” Oscar smiled

“That’s what I’m afraid of.” Steve sighed as he slumped down on the couch.

“Don’t worry about it. You’ll do just fine.” Oscar tried to assure.

‘I hope so.” Steve stood and walked across the office to the window. “I told Marc I’d have Callahan come over and take care of him and James and Jennifer.”

“She’s on her way if she hasn’t gotten to your place already.” Oscar informed. “I called her before we left the OSI.”

“Thanks Oscar.” Steve began to stare out the window Oscar tried several times to get Steve to talk but he could tell Steve was stuck in his own world.

Steve hadn’t been standing there for long when Rudy walked in. “Well Steve. Your new son is perfect.”

“And Jaime?” Steve asked.

“She’s fine, a little tired but she’s fine. You can see her anytime, and then I’ll bring the baby in.”

“That sounds fine.” Steve turned and headed down the hall to Jaime’s room. “Well ‘mom’ we pulled it off again.”

“Just one thing” Jaime began. “This is the last one huh?”

“I agree. Three…I mean four is more than enough.” Steve agreed.

“Rudy said he’d bring him to us in just a couple of minutes.”

“I can’t wait to see him.” Steve beamed. “You know I wonder if he’ll look different. I mean being so smart and all.”

“Oh Steve for heavens sake he’ll look like a baby.” Jaime chided.

“Yea well we’ll see about that.” Steve grumbled.

“What’s wrong? You were in such a good mood.” Jaime noted.

“I don’t know. I’m not sure what to expect I guess.” Steve sat in the chair next to her. “You don’t know what’s been going through my mind I mean what he’s going to look like.”

“You’ve seen pictures of Dan when he was a baby. I’m sure he’ll look just like them. I mean did Dan look strange?”

Steve shook his head. “No I guess he didn’t.” Steve reasoned. “You’re sure he’ll look like Dan.”

“Steve he is Dan. Remember?” Jaime reminded.

“Yea I guess you’re right…” They both turned as the door opened and Rudy stepped in carrying the baby.

“I have a little guy here who’s anxious to see his parents.”

“Oh Rudy bring him here.” Jaime squealed.

Rudy walked over to the bed and laid the baby in her arms. “I think he’s hungry.”

“I’m sure he is. Hand me the bottle would you?”

Steve picked up the bottle and handed it to Jaime. “Here you go. By the way what shall we call him?”

“I was thinking. Since we named James after your step father and my dad I thought we’d name this one after you and your dad.” Jaime told him.

“You mean something like Carl Steven …”

“I was thinking more along the lines of Steven Carl.” Jaime stated.

“I like that.” Steve agreed. “What do you think Rudy?”

“I’ll get the birth certificate and get it filled out.” Rudy headed for the door.

“Say there little fellow.” (Steve was greatly relieved that Steven Carl looked like a perfectly normal baby.) What do you think?” Do you like the name Steven Carl?”

“That’s just fine dad.” The baby spoke “As long as you and mom like the name.”

Steve and Jaime stared at each other. Rudy stopped dead in his tracks at the door.

Rudy spun around. “Ok which one of you said that?” His question was answered by Steve and Jaime who continued to stare at the baby.

“Aw now come on guys a gag is a gag this just isn’t possible.” Rudy continued.

“I’m afraid it is. Rudy he’s talking already. He’s not even an hour old yet.” Steve stammered.

Rudy stepped back over to where Steve and Jaime sat cuddling their new born son. “Here let me see him.” Rudy gently took the baby from Jaime.

“Ok Steven Carl. What do you have to say?”

“Not much except for the fact that I’m really tired right now.” Steven spoke again.

“This is impossible.” Rudy repeated.

“You heard it yourself Rudy. Now what in the world is going on?” Steve demanded.

“I must say I really don’t know.” Rudy was still shocked. “Let me examine him, I’ll be right back…”

“Oh no you don’t we’re coming with you!” Jaime and Steve both jumped out up and headed out the door with Rudy.

Rudy shook his head “If you insist.”

“Oh we do. We do” Steve and Jaime said together.

They all headed down to the lab. Dan was busy reading a file. “Dan we have a little problem here.”

Dan stood and looked at the three adults and ‘himself.’ “What’s the problem?”

“Well it appears the baby is talking already.” Rudy explained.

“That’s not possible.” Dan walked across the room to here they stood.

“I’ve heard him myself.” Rudy gave a slight scowl “I want to know just what’s going on.”

“I don’t know I didn’t talk till I was six months.”

“Really, you were that young?” Rudy sounded shocked. “Yea I was.” Dan smiled.

Rudy laid the baby down on the exam table and they all gathered around.

“I don’t know if I believe it or not.” Dan sounded skeptical. “I mean she hasn’t said any thing yet.”

“That’s because I haven’t had anything to say.” Steve Carl spoke up.

Dan stared in disbelief. “I can’t believe it.”

“Well you better believe it” Rudy grumbled. “I want to know why?”

“We’ll have to run some tests” Dan stated.

They ran several tests on baby Steven Carl. Nothing appeared out of the ordinary. Steven Carl seemed like a typical normal baby in all respects outside the fact that he was talking.


Several weeks later Steven Carl was talking better and better. “I don’t know Jaime. I don’t like this at all.”

“Steve we handle James just fine. I don’t under stand why you are having such a hard time with Steven Carl.”

“I wish we hadn’t named him that.” Steve grumbled.

“Oh Steve you sound ridiculous.” Jaime scolded.

“Yea? well that’s how I feel.” Steve stomped out the door.”

“Say Dad?” Marc called. He and James were playing ball in the front yard. “Where are you going?”

“I’m going to go see Rudy I’ll be back in an hour or so. Just in case your mother askes.”

“Yea ok dad.” Marc responded.


“Now let me get this straight” Rudy began as he and Steve sat in his office. “You want me to adopt Steven Carl?”

“Yes. Rudy I just can’t deal with a supper smart child. I know you are more on his wave length if you know what I mean?”

“I think I do.” But Steve have you discussed this with Jaime?”

“No not yet anyway.” Steve sighed. “I don’t even know how to proceed.” Steve finished.

“Well.” Dan who was sitting next to Rudy began. “You need to get a lawyer and if you and Jaime both agree you sign the papers and that’s it.”

“It’s that simple?” Steve asked.

“Well it can be if you both agree. But I have a feeling that Jaime isn’t going to agree. She loves that baby.”

“If I get her to sign the papers do I need to hire an attorney?”

"You need an attorney to draw up the papers” Dan explained.

“Could you do that for me?” Steve asked.

Dan nodded. “Then Rudy has to agree to it.” Dan added.

Steve turned back to Rudy. “Well would you?”

“Of course I would love to adopt Steven Carl.”

“Then he’d be Steven Wells rather than Austin?” Steve continued to question Danny.

“If that is what you want.” Dan and Rudy exchanged glances.

“What?” Steve looked at them “This is what I want “

“I’ll draw up the papers. But you have to get Jaime to sign the papers.”

“I will. You just get those papers ready. I’ll be down in Oscar’s office just see me down there.”


“I can’t believe what I’m hearing.” Oscar shouted. “You honestly think Jaime is going to agree with this? You really think she’s going to give up her six week old baby?”

“No. I have an idea. By then it will be too late.” Steve whispered.

“Just what do you have in mind?” Oscar asked.

“I better not tell you. The less you know the better. Jaime’s going to be upset enough I don’t want to her to be angry with you as well.”

Steve was about to say more when the phone rang. Oscar picked it up. “Yea Dan he’s here.” He handed Steve the phone.

“Yea Dan?”

“The papers are ready. I called a couple of friends all you, Jaime and Rudy have to do is sign.”

“Thanks Dan I’ll be right down to get them.”


“What am I signing?” Jaime asked for the third time.

“I told you I’m trying to refinance the house. That’s all.” Steve assured.

“Well ok.” Jaime signed the papers.

She had forgotten about it till later that evening when Rudy stopped by. “I’m here to pick up Steven Carl.” Rudy announced.

“Excuse me?” Jaime wondered. “Why are you here to pick up the baby?”

“I thought Steve old you.” Rudy stated. “I…I mean you and Steve…Steve help me out here huh?”

“Jaime I’m allowing Rudy to adopt Steven Carl.” Steve stammered.

“You did what? Oh Steve how could you?” Jaime screeched.

“You signed the papers too.” Rudy showed her the papers.

Jaime grabbed the paper out of Rudy’s hand. “Let me see that.” Jaime scanned the page. “My signature is on this, but I never signed it.”

“I don’t understand?” Rudy started.

“I do!” Jaime screamed. She tuned to Steve. “You made me sign those papers you told me they were for the house! You lied to me!” She continued shouting

“Jaime.” Steve spoke “Calm down.”

“No I won’t calm down. Steve you tried to give away one of our children?” I want you out. Just get out of here. I just want you out. I want a divorce!!!”

“A divorce, Jaime you can’t be serious?” Steve stammered.

“I’m afraid I’m very serious. Steve you tricked me into signing that paper.” She turned desperately to Rudy.

“Don’t worry Jaime.” Rudy tore up the paper Danny had drawn up “I thought you agreed to this. There is no way I would take that baby from you.”

Jaime sighed with relief. “I’m going to put him down for his nap now.”

“I really don’t feel like a nap right now.” Steven Carl piped up. “I want to see daddy get in trouble.”

Jaime shook her head as she carried the baby down the hall.

Rudy turned to Steve “He is quite the little chatter box isn’t he?”

“I suppose.” Steve grumbled. “Rudy I just don’t know what to do.”

“Well we’ll think of something.” Rudy assured. He was about to say more when Jaime appeared back in the living room.

“Now as for you.” She pointed at Steve. “I want you out of my house in five minutes.”

“Jaime please!” Steve continued to plead.

“No Steve I just can’t accept the fact that you tried to give my baby away.” Jaime cried.

“I’m truly sorry.” Steve argued.

While the two continued to argue Rudy slipped out of the room and phoned Danny. “We have a situation over here Dan.” Rudy started

“What’s the problem?” Dan wondered.

Rudy explained the situation. “I’ll have dad bring me right over.” Dan assured. “Don’t let Steve leave the house.”

“I won’t but you better hurry.” Rudy warned.

“Why is it that bad?” Dan asked.

“Jaime is trying to kick him out of the house and I’m afraid that if we don’t act quickly she may just do that literally if you know what I mean.”

“I do. I’m on my way.”

Out in the living room things had cooled down a little. Jaime was greatly relieved that Rudy wasn’t going to take her baby so she had calmed down a lot.

“Why don’t the two of you sit down for just a moment? I phoned Dan he’s on his way.” Rudy explained.

“Dan, why would you call Dan?” Steve wondered.

“Aside from being in medicine he’s also studying law. Remember? He might be able to prevent the two of you from doing something you might regret.” Rudy huffed.

“He’s right Jaime. Can you stand me for a few more minutes?”

“I suppose so. Just don’t go near the baby till we get this settled.” Jaime warned.

“What ever. Just don’t toss me out huh?” Steve smiled.

Jaime could here Jennifer stirring around after her nap so she quickly dismissed herself and dashed upstairs not wanting her to wake the baby.

“That was not a very smart thing you did Steve.” Rudy scolded once Jaime had left the room. “And then you dragged me in on it. You should have known Jaime wouldn’t go along with it.”

“I guess I figured once the papers were signed there was nothing she could do.” Steve sighed.

“You mean you are so put off by a tiny little baby that you’d be willing to sacrifice the rest of your family?” Rudy continued.

“I never thought of it that way. But tell me this. How do we relate to him? His mind has to be far more superior than ours even now.”

“That may be true. But Oscar does alright with Dan…”

“Dan was twelve when he came to live with Oscar. He was old enough to get the simulation he needed at school.” Steve argued.

“Steve we can stimulate him. Is that what has you bugged?”

“Sort of I mean I’m no genius and neither is Jaime…”

“You don’t have to be.” Rudy interrupted. “We’ll all be here.” He assured.

“Yea I suppose you’re right. I wish we would have had this conversation a few days ago. Think Jaime will ever forgive me?”

“That’s why I called Dan.” Rudy glanced at his watch. I wonder what’s keeping them.”


“Ok Dan I’m ready.” Oscar stated when he hung up the phone. “I’m sorry you just don’t hang up a senator.”

“I understand. We need to get over to Steve and Jaime’s right away!” Dan called as he headed for the car.

“What’s the problem?” Oscar asked.

“You remember those papers Steve asked me to do. The ones that would give Rudy full custody of the baby?” Dan replied when they were on their way to Steve and Jaime’s

Oscar nodded. “Yea I remember I was hoping you hadn’t done it.”

Well I’m beginning to think the same thing.” Dan sighed.

‘Really, why?” Oscar probed.

“Well Steve tricked Jaime into signing them. Rudy called and I guess Jaime wasn’t all that happy. She wants a divorce.”

“Say what?” Oscar asked.

“You heard me. Rudy says she’s trying to kick Steve out of the house. I’m going to try and smooth things over…I hope.”

“So do I. I would hate to see those two split up.” Oscar muttered.

“What was that dad?” Dan hadn’t heard what he had said.

“Nothing important” Oscar sighed.


At the house Jaime returned with Jennifer. “Now you go on out and play in the yard with your brothers.” Jaime genteelly pushed her out the door. “Marc?” She called. “Keep an eye on you sister would you?”

“Yea sure mom no problem” Marc came over and took Jennifer’s hand. “Come on we’re playing on the swings I’ll push you…”

When Oscar and Dan arrived Jaime poured everyone coffee. And Dan had a ginger ale. “Now” Dan began. “Let’s talk this out shall we?”

Jaime and Steve nodded. “I suppose so. But I don’t see what you can do.”

Dan gave Steve a sharp look. “Maybe you and I should have a little talk.”

The two stood and headed for the dinning room. “What is it Dan?” Steve asked

“Do you remember a conversation we had when I was just a kid? We talked about me being smart and all. I was having troubles.”

“I think so. But what’s that got to do with…”

“You were very supportive of me at that time.”

Again Steve nodded. “Yea I do remember. I know now you’re right.” Steve muttered.

“Then why are you doing this?” Dan questioned.

"I really don’t know Dan. I guess I was scared. I’ve been worried about this ever since we decided to do this.”

“I understand your fears Steve I really do. But…”

“I over reacted.” Steve added.

“Right, now if we can just convince Jaime of that.”

“Well let’s go into the kitchen and try.”

Jaime was pouring herself and Oscar a second cup of coffee when they returned. They took their places at the table.

“Well.” Jaime began.

“Jaime Steve is sorry for what happened. He went a little off his rocker.” Dan started.

“I see.” Jaime glared at Steve.

“I was hoping you’d at least let me stay through the holiday’s.” Steve gave her a weak smile. “I mean Thanksgiving is Thursday and then there is Christmas. If we’re going to split up let’s think of the kids first.

“I am thinking of the kids.” Jaime sighed.

“What do you say, can I stay through the holiday?” Steve pleaded…

They all looked at Jaime to see what her answer was going to be. “Well she began. You have to promise to never give any of my children away.”

“Oh I do.” Steve assured. “I’m so sorry. I don’t know what got into me.”

“And…” Jaime added.

“What anything.” Steve was willing to agree to anything.

“You can’t treat Steven Carl any different that the other kids.” Jaime ordered.

“Oh I promise.” Steve again assured.

“Ok I’ll give you till after the holidays.” Jaime agreed.

“Thanks Jaime.” Steve was relieved. “I suppose we better plan for Thanksgiving.”

“Well I thought we would have it this year. Oscar, the kids and Rudy can all join us.”

“Are you sure you want to undertake such a big job so soon after having a baby?” Oscar asked.

“I’m fine. And besides Steve will watch the kids, right?” She glared at him.

“Of course I will.” Steve agreed.

“You can always send Marc over to my place. Matt has been complaining that he doesn’t see enough of him.”

“Well if that’s what Marc wants to do.” Steve and Jaime said it would be fine.

As soon as Oscar left with Marc Jaime handed Steve the baby, James and Jennifer. ‘Now I have a house to clean why don’t you take the kids to the park.”

It was fairly warm for the last weekend in November so Steve thought he would take the kids to the park while Jaime got the house ready for company the next day.

Steve watched as James and Jennifer ran around the playground playing other kids. He rocked Steven Carl in his stroller hoping that the baby didn’t wake up and start talking. He didn’t know if the world was quite ready for a talking baby.

‘I guess that’s what happens when you play around with mother nature,’ Steve thought to himself.

“Oh what a cute baby” a woman gushed as she peeked inside the carriage. “How old is he?”

“Just a couple of weeks,” Steve replied.

“Is it a boy or girl?” The woman asked.

“A boy, his name is Steven,” Steve explained. “Hang on. James you be careful don’t throw rocks.”

“Is that your other son?” The woman asked.

Steve nodded. “Yea and the girl is my daughter.”

“Those are my two.” The woman pointed to two children playing by the swings.

“Very nice” Steve muttered. “If you’ll excuse me” he stood and pushed the carriage over to where James and Jennifer were playing. “Time to go guys” he told them.

“What are you doing back so soon?” Jaime was almost angry.

“I ran into a lady at the park. She was asking to many questions about the kids. Gave me an uneasy feeling I’m going to let James and Jennifer play out back, and put Steven Carl down for a nap.” “Well I suppose that would be fine. If the kids are occupied you could help me clean. I also want to get some of the things started for tomorrow. “

“Just tell me what to do.” Steve said after he returned from putting the baby in his room.

“I need you to clean the bathrooms I’m going to get things going in the kitchen.


The next day Steve woke up to the smell of roasting turkey. The parade was playing on TV. “Boy everything smells good.” He replied when he joined Jaime in the kitchen. What time is everyone coming?

“I told them around one.” Jaime basted the turkey one more time then turned back to Steve. “You know I really hope we can work this out. I still have a hard time with the fact that you tried to give my baby away.”

“I’m truly sorry about that. It will never happen again. Trust me.”

“I have your word on that.” Jaime smiled at him

“You have my word.” Steve assured.

“Well then I guess I believe you. Everything is pretty much ready. We just need to let ole Tom there cook for a couple of more hours. Why not join the kids.”

“Sounds good to me.” They joined the kids in the living room and finished watching the parade.

“I want to go out early tomorrow.” Jaime spoke as they sat on the couch. “The stores are having some pretty good sales.”

“You go ahead. I’ll stay with the kids.”

“I was hoping you would say that. I want to be out of here by at least nine.” Jaime stood to go check the turkey.

“Don’t worry we’ll be fine.” Steve assured.

Oscar and his kids arrived first followed shortly after by Rudy. They sat in the dinning room and devoured the turkey.

“I’m glad to see you two are working this out.” Rudy stated after dinner was over and the kids were busy playing.

“Yea me too I’m sure everything will be just fine. Steve is taking care of the kids tomorrow while I get a jump start on all the shopping we have to do. I mean we have four children now.”

”I suppose you’re right.” Oscar agreed. “By the way the twins were talking last night. Matt wants to stay here for the Christmas break. I told him he had to talk to you.”

“That’s fine…isn’t it Jaime.” Steve replied.

“Fine with me Matt is a pretty good kid he’ll be just fine.”

“Good I’ll tell him.”


The next day Steve and Jaime were up early. Jaime was getting ready to go shopping and Steve was feeding the baby his morning bottle.

“Well I don’t know how long I’ll be. My friend Kris is picking me up we’re going to shop and have lunch. You’re sure that will be alright.”

“Take you time we’ll be just fine.” Steve again assured.

“That must be her now.” Jaime headed to answer the door.

Jaime opened the door. “Hello Mrs. Austin.” The vaguely familiar woman spoke “May I come in?”

Jaime stared at her trying to place her.

“I do believe we have met before. My name is Gretchen Winters. I work for the Department of Children and Families you came to our agency a few years ago applying to adopt a child stating you couldn’t have children of your own. Now I see you have three. I need to ask Mrs. Austin…just where did these children come from?”…..

To be continued in:
"Merry Christmas...NOT!"

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