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How To Adopt

I try to make the adoption process as simple as possible. Following these basic steps will ensure that you have a positive and fun experience adopting your new rattie.

1 - I generally post pictures of new babies when they're 2 weeks old. At that time, I begin reserving babies. I usually have a waiting list for babies as well. To be fair, I give preference to those who have been waiting the longest. Once the babies are 2 weeks old, I begin going down the waiting list in order until either all the babies are reserved or until I've gone all the way down the list.

2 - If you see that a baby is marked "Available", I have probably opened the waiting list and that baby is most likely not spoken for. Send me an email with the description of the rat you'd like to adopt. I'd also appreciate a little background information about your history with rats. If you've never owned rats before, I'll be happy to assist you with any questions you may have. If you are a breeder, this background information is essential before I can adopt out a baby. While I love working with other serious breeders, I first have to make sure that my rats will be going to a home where they will be loved and spoiled, which I'm sure you will understand. I do not discriminate against anyone.

3 - Once you have made your reservation, you will be expected to pick up your rattie within a week after it's ready to go to it's forever home. Under special circumstances, I can hold your rat longer.

4 - When you visit my rattery, please do not handle other rats, especially pet store rats. I may ask you to wash your hands or use hand sanitizer. Please do not be offended. It's so easy to spread diseases and illnesses that I'd rather not take a chance of anything spreading throughout my rattery.

5 - When you pick up your new rat, I will have a contract for you to sign. It's very basic and similar to what other breeders use and it will serve as your receipt. Each rat comes with a birth certificate and health guarantee. Pedigrees are also available upon request.

You're welcome to email me anytime with any and all questions you may have. I look forward to hearing from you!