Chinese Handcuffs

Chinese Handcuffs

Dear Preston,

You’re death has confused me so much. I can’t understand it, so maybe that’s why I write to you all the time. When you left Stacy by herself, I didn’t know if I had the right to love her like I had always wanted to. Come to find out that baby she said was her cousin’s was yours! You sly dog. Since I can’t have her and she’s busy working out her own troubles, I’ve tried to let Jen into my heart. Things didn’t really work out with our love life and I could tell she was hiding something. Know what it was, Pres? Her step dad TB sexually abuses her. I thought I had problems. She has to hide it because he threatens the family. I’m helping her now though, and soon he’ll be gone. I got 18th place in my latest triathlon. That’ll show Mr. Caldwell. I’ll talk to you later, pal. I have to go eat with Stace and Jen (they’re good friends now!).

Love always,


By Megan, Bobbi, and Brad