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The cadet program is designed to inspire the country's youth to become leaders and dynamic American citizens through an interest in flying.Young men and women who are American citizens or aliens "lawfully admitted for permanent residency" may become Civil Air Patrol cadets. They must be at least 12 years old to become members. The maximum age for entering the cadet program is 18.

Cadets take part in a number of programmed and special activities. From these they develop the knowledge, skills and attitudes to understand the total impact of air and space operations on society. They learn discipline by studying leadership and by learning military drill and courtesies. They become physically fit through a special physical training program.

Through studies and other activities, cadets work their way through a series of 15 achievements. As cadets progress, they earn increased rank, ribbons or certificates and also become eligible for nationally sponsored special activities and may compete for academic scholarships.

Cadets are assigned to squadrons staffed by senior members who guide and assist them through the program. A popular activity is the flying program. It promotes an interest in aviation by providing orientation flights and scholarships to cover flying training through solo qualification.

The most sought-after activity of advanced cadets is the International Air Cadet Exchange. Each summer, about 120 cadets and their adult escorts travel to one or the other of some 20 foreign countries. In return, cadets from foreign lands visit the United States as guests of Civil Air Patrol and the Air Force. Such trips promote goodwill and understanding among the world's youth who share a common interest in aviation.

Additional activities include cadet summer encampments at nearly 75 U.S. military bases and a cadet officer school. There are also familiarization courses at Air Education and Training Command bases, pararescue training, survival training and cadet competitions.

Required Memorization

What is ? => Answer

Civil Air Patrol Motto => "Semper vigilans" - Always Vigilant.

Honor Code => We will not lie, steal or cheat, nor tolerate among us anyone who does. Furthermore, I resolve to do my duty and live honorably, so help me God.

Cadet Oath => I pledge that I will serve faithfully in the civil air patrol cadet program, that I will attend meetings regularly, participate actively in unit activities, obey my officers, wear my uniform properly, and advance my education and training rapidly to prepare myself to be of service to my community, state, and nation.

Leadership => Leadership is the art of influencing people to progress with cooperation and enthusiasm toward the accomplishment of a mission (common goal).

Military Discipline => Judgment is the ability to make sound and timely decisions.

Courtesy => Courtesy is simple politeness, civility, respect and personal recognition of rights of others.

Five Aspects of Followership => Respect for Authority, Attitude, Integrity, Self-discipline, and Listening.

Chain of Command => Chain of Command is the order of authority.

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