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South Dakota UDO
Saturday, December 18, 2004
Draft Constitution of SD UDO
Constitution of the South Dakota Ultra Democratic Organization

1. The name of the nonprofit association is the South Dakota Ultra Democratic Organization (hereinafter referred to as the "UDO").

2. The purposes of UDO are:

1. To be organized and operate
exclusively for charitable, scientific and educational purposes.

2. To establish UDO Assemblies in all the precincts and counties of South Dakota, as well as a Statewide UDO Assembly.

3. To have each Assembly discuss and pass one to three Resolutions each year (each Resolution indicating what humanitarian or scientific project the UDO Assembly intends to accomplish that year), and determine how the dues and donations of each Assembly shall be spent.

4. To successfully accomplish 1 to 3 humanitarian or scientific projects per Assembly per calendar year.

5. To let the world know about the UDO Assemblies and what projects have been accomplished, and which ideas have been discussed but not accepted yet as Resolutions.

6. To research and discuss the writings and ideas of Thomas Jefferson, Theodore Roosevelt, Mark Twain, Bill Clinton, Al Gore, Lao Tzu and Lysander Spooner, and to see which of these ideas might be applied practically by Precinct, County and State UDO Assemblies.

Posted by ThinkTank Creator at 11:01 PM CST
Updated: Saturday, October 29, 2005 3:25 AM CDT
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