Well I'm back from college for the summer, a tired and burnt out person, and sadly my site has suffered. My roommate's computer and connection at school was a hundred times better than my crap at home and thus updating has becoming a more time consuming and pain-staking process. This coinciding with the WWE name change, I feel it is time to temporarily close down The WrestleGuy for a little while to let my batteries recharge and then completely overhaul the site structurally, cosmetically and informationally. Ok, maybe not a complete overhaul, but definitely a few changes. I don't know how long it will be down, but I assure you everything should be up and running by at least this fall, but hopefully much, much sooner than that. I thank you all who have visiting here in the past years and I encourage to stop by again or send me an email to tell me what you thought or if you'd like to help in any way.


the webmaster

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