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'Twas the first night of
Christmas a long time ago
The hillside was peaceful,
the moon was aglow.

The world couldn't know
from what happened before
That men would remember
this night evermore.

The sheep on the hillside--
their days journey over
Were dreaming sweet dreams of a field full of clover.

The shepherds were watchful
while guarding their flock
The earth was their pillow,
the stars were their clock.

Then all of a sudden,
they jumped at the sight
Of the sky all ablaze
with a heavenly light.

They huddled in fear,
then they started to rise
As the lightening-like
flash tore open the skies.

The heavens were split
by the silvery ray.
The dark disappeared
and the night became day.

And lo, at the end
of the rainbow of light
Appeared then an angel
to banish their fright.

The angel brought news
of a birth in a manger
And bade them to hasten
to welcome the stranger.

For Mary had just
given birth to a Boy
Whose coming would bring
so much comfort and joy.

A choir of angels
looked down from the sky
And heavenly voices
were heard from on high:

Peace be on earth and
good will to all men.
The Savior has come
on this night, Amen.

The heavenly angels
then faded from sight.
The sky once again
turned from day to night.

The shepherds all quietly
rose from the ground
And hurried to go where
the Child would be found.

As they reached Bethlehem
and the inn was in sight
From the barn came a trickle
of half-hidden light.

It led like a path
to a soft little bed
And shone very tenderly
on a Child's head.

The Child in the manger
was sleeping so sound
His eyes were still closed,
as the shepherds stood round.

From that instant of grace
on that night long ago
Thousands of years would
be warmed by the glow.

Guided by light from
a bright shining star
Came a pilgrimage led
of three kings from afar.

They were dressed in the
finest of satins and lace.
Their complexions were
that of an Orient race.

The three wealthy kings
were wise men and proud
But they went to the Christ
Child and solemnly bowed.

They came bearing treasures
of incense and gold
To that sweet little Child,
still not very old.

The star in the sky
twinkled down from above
The world was awakened
to kindness and love.

The past was forgotten,
the future was bright
And the spirit of Christmas
was born on that night.
Author Unknown


This Page Made With Love By SummerStorm In Honor Of
My Dear Friend Judy