www.tinyurl.com/wwwebmonitor www.tinyurl.com/policelinks _____________________________________________________________________________ \\\\\___WORLD WIDE WEB MONITOR___\"-._ /////~~~ police resources ~~~/.-' _____________________________________________________________________________ Communications Security Establishment (CSE) Canada’s spy agency expands its cyber security role _____________________________________________________________________________ By ALEX BOUTILIER Ottawa Bureau Tues., June 12, 2018 OTTAWA–Canada’s electronic spies have been given almost total responsibility for defending the federal government’s computer networks against cyber attacks and hacks. Under the Liberal government’s updated cyber security plan, released Tuesday, the Communications Security Establishment (CSE) will become a “one-stop shop” for defending federal networks and systems. The federal government has announced the establishment of a new Canadian Centre for Cyber Security. Public Safety Minister Ralph Goodale says the centre will provide expert support to governments, businesses and individuals. “(We’ll) be defending Government of Canada networks, unlike (our assistance) to the private sector where we’ll typically be providing advice and guidance,” Scott Jones, the head of CSE’s IT Security branch, told the Star. “It’ll be an integrated defence for any Government of Canada organization.” Currently the responsibility to protect the federal government’s networks is shared by multiple agencies. CSE already has an IT security role, in addition to its mandates to spy on foreign governments and individuals and assist domestic law enforcement. But under the Liberals plan, CSE’s cyber security division would be transformed into the Canadian Centre for Cyber Security. The plan means an influx of cyber security staff at the spy agency, and $155.2 million over five years to get the centre up and running. Jones, who was named head of the new centre on Tuesday, said he hopes to have it up and running by the fall. The centre will also provide advice — and potentially direct assistance — to private sector organizations that request it. Jones said he anticipates more advice than hands-on defensive operations, and said existing privacy and oversight measures would apply to the centre’s activities with the private sector. The Liberals’ Cyber Security Strategy has been in the works for months, intended to update the plans established by the previous Conservative government in 2010. In addition to the security component, the strategy commits the federal government to supporting research into cyber security technology, as well as working with other governments to “shape” the international cyber security environment. But industry groups criticized the strategy Tuesday, with the Information Technology Association of Canada calling the “lack of details … discouraging.” The Communications Security Establishment will become a “one-stop shop” for defending federal networks and systems against cyber attacks. “Canada has the potential to be a global cyber security leader, and it’s crucial that we don’t fall behind,” wrote ITAC CEO Robert Watson in a statement. Benjamin Bergen, the executive director of the Council of Canadian Innovators, said the strategy disappointed on partnering with private industry. “Cyber is the fastest growing ICT sector in the world and domestic innovators present an opportunity for our government to grow our economy and deploy world-class technology solutions for protecting Canada’s digital borders,” Bergen said in a statement. Public Safety Minister Ralph Goodale told reporters in Parliament the strategy was more “robust” than the 2010 plan developed by the Conservative government. But Goodale noted that the threat of cyber attacks and hacks has changed dramatically over that period. Goodale also offered qualified support for encrypted communications — a hot-button issue in the law enforcement community, which has argued for years that encryption technology allows criminals to hide evidence. Civil liberties and privacy advocates — as well as many companies providing encrypted communications — argue encryption is vital to protecting citizens’ rights. “This is a very active and ongoing discussion. Obviously encryption is hugely valuable to protect peoples’ personal and private information. And having a strong system of encryption is part of what makes the digital economy work,” Goodale said. “At the same time, there are important questions about law enforcement and national security being able to properly conduct investigations and pursue potential criminal activity … It’s a discussion that is not yet complete.” FROM: https://www.thestar.com/news/canada/2018/06/12/canadas-spy-agency-expands-its-cyber-security-role.html ____________________________________________________________________________ Reprinted under the Fair Use http://www4.law.cornell.edu/uscode/17/107.html Doctrine of International Copyright Law ____________________________________________________________________________