Webmaster Information

email: bigesports@yahoo.com

This Tehachapi High School Warrior football web site is updated and maintained by Vince Elizondo. This site was developed as a tribute, and in memory of, his late father Tony Elizondo. Tony was a graduate of Tehachapi High and played varsity football for the Warriors from 1946-1949. As an adult, Tony was an advocate of youth sports in the Tehachapi Valley.

We are constantly looking for information to update this web site. If you have information or pictures that can add to the quality or accuracy of the web site, please contact the webmaster at the e-mail address posted at the top of this page.

A 1974 THS grad, the humble beginnings of this web site began when Vince was in high school. During his junior and senior years, as part of a special projects class, detailed information on both the Warriors' football and basketball programs were documented. A fraction of this information was used in the school newspaper and in the annual Chieftan Magazine.

After high school, this historical information sat in a closet for over twenty years collecting dust. What a shame --- why not share this information with other Warrior fans?

The combination of an emerging internet, and the passing of Vince's father in 1996, led to the idea of posting this historical information on the web --- and dedicating the site to the memory of Tony.

Much work still needed to be accomplished though, and over a four year period, information was gathered for the "post 1974 era". The site was launched in time for the 2000 football season.

Enjoy the site --- and support Mountain Football.

Tony Elizondo played varsity football
for the Warriors from 1946-1949.