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The Tajikistan Update

Dear Mr. Jekshenkulov,

Thank you very much for your response to my open letter about your statement concerning the Kyrgyz mass media before the elections.

Unfortunately you did not answer the questions I asked you in detail, but only used the following quote from Nils Bohr: " an opposite of a deep truth might be another deep truth."

Being a journalist myself, I did some research and found out what the left out part of the quote says. Nils Bohr said: "The opposite of a true statement is a false statement. But the opposite of a profound truth may be another profound truth."

My original letter was an answer to your STATEMENT. I personally think that my statement with the facts from the media monitoring in the Kyrgyz Republic was the TRUE one - so yours in that case would have to be the FALSE one because the two statements contradict each other.

Let's not speak on an abstract level like that anymore, let us look at the tangible results, the tangible problems for the journalists here and discuss these matters honestly. Maybe then we will find the deeper truth together...

Sincerely waiting for your answers,

Chris Schuepp

Country Director

Internews Network

Kyrgyz Republic


Dear Mr. Schuepp,

I have read your letter and I am thankful to you for such sincere reaction.

It makes me glad to see your striving for development of the independent mass-media in our country.

Taking into account your opinions expressed regarding our statement in the OSCE on the results of the presidential elections in Kyrgyzstan, I would answer you shortly with the words of Nils Bor: " an opposite of a deep truth might be another deep truth."

I wish you further success in your activity.

Sincerely yours,

Ambassador A. Djekshenkulov