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Gathering of Miracles Conference

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The Star Knowledge "Gathering of Miracles" Conference will be August 20, 21, 22, 1999 in Janesville, Wisconsin at:

The Ramada Inn- 1-608-756-2341 3431 Milton Ave. Janesville, Wis. 53545 directly off of I-90 Rooms---$48-00/$54.00-- mention you are attending the gathering.

It is co-sponsored by the Namaste' Retreat Center of Wisconsin, a non-profit interfaith spiritual education organization located near Rock Lake in Lake Mills, Wisconsin.

Registration for guest and vendors is $150.00 before August 1, 1999 and $200.00 afterwards.

Registration includes admission to all events except workshops and readings for the three days.
Day passes are available.

All workshops will be $25.00.

Camping will be available at the Namaste Retreat Center.

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For more information contact Kari Chapman at 920-648-3580.

Locally call Shelly Parker at 612-553-9996.

Both Kari and Shelly can help prospective vendors with details.

Workshops contact Mary Roberts for early registration at 414-547- 5437 -

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Heather Hardin, Candidate for President of the United States, will be address the "Gathering of Miracles" Conference!

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The Star Knowledge "Gathering Of Miracles" Conference is a gathering of tribal peoples and others to learn and share about past, current, and upcoming contacts with the Star Nations, and to participate in Native American ceremonies. Many native Americans and other Spiritual teachers feel it is now time to open their sacred teachings to people outside of their own traditions.

The Gathering of Miracles will include ceremony in the presence of Miracle, the White Buffalo Calf, and all participants will be invited.

Hosted by Standing Elk, a Dakota Ikce Wicasa (common man) and one of the seven Sundance Chiefs of the Yankton Sioux tribe. The Gathering of Miracles is a unique and profound gathering of Native American Elders, medicine people, indigenous people, contactees, channelers, UFO researchers and planetary healers who join together for three days of lectures, workshops, slide presentations, prophecies and spiritual teachings.

A key speaker is Frank Joseph, author of Sacred Sites, a Guidebook to Mysterious Places and the Lost Pyramids of Rock Lake. His lecture describes the ancient story of Rock Lake, with it's sunken illustrated by a slide show of discoveries still being made both above and in water.

Kari Chapman will bring forward a message by Archangel Michael to set the intentions and energy of the gathering, followed by Shelly Parker singing "Amazing Grace".

The Star Knowledge Conferences were visioned as a Universal Collaboration of national and international speakers, lecturers and workshop providers who are committed and dedicated to lift the love vibrations and frequencies of Mother Earth. Through their unique styles of teaching and sharing their special messages, they have created a special change in the consciousness of Mankind.

Join the Star Knowledge Conference and those Masters, Teachers, Healers and Prophets who have held the knowledge of the Inner World and the Within Ways and received the messages from the Holy Nations, Star Nations and the Ascended Realms. We are grateful that you support this effort and the beauty of coming together as one great Star Family in this Motherly Universe.

Join the many speakers and lecturers who will be sharing the latest information with you in the forms of slide and video presentations. Come join us and learn more about the Prophecies of the White Buffalo Calf, "Miracle". Learn the prophecies and hidden information connected to the birth that has never been made available to the public.

Other Speakers/Healers/Workshop presenters include respected native American Elder Floyd Hand, Eve Kerwin, who channels the White Buffalo Calf Woman; Larry White Eagle, a Sacred Pipe Keeper, and healers Katherine Myers, Janice Gorman, Diana Rose, Jeff Pukal, Jeannie Dean and many others.

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Gathering of Miracles Lecture and Workshop Schedule

Star Knowledge Conference Gathering of Miracles Speaker Biographies & Lecture Topics

Friday August 20, 1999

Kari Chapman - Welcoming Ceremonies with a channeled message from Archangel Michael. Rev. Kari Chapman consciously walked in, in 1982. She carries the codes of the lady of the Lake matrix and is the primary sword keeper this incarnation of the Sword of Truth. Kari has a unique ability to reduce complicated matrices into simple shifts as she allows the energies of the Holy Spirit to flow through her, aligning each person with exactly their next octave, whatever that is. She has an astute attunement to show up where a gathering of people are ready to move into a higher vibratory rate. As a conscious channel, Kari conducts her Oversoul readings with Archangel Michael, with profound accuracy and over lighted insight, as an emissary from many multidimensional and galactic hierarchies.

Janice Gorman is the founder of the friendship House, which is located in North Mankato, Minnesota. She is a gifted channel and medium, teacher, healer and speaker. She has been a life time student of ancient teachings and has dedicated her life to the work of Spirit. She is an ordained Minister and licensed Chemical Dependency Counselor. She work at the family treatment Program as a counselor until she was guided to start a center for spirit enlightenment. Janice's life has been guided ever since she was 10 years of age. She received her first vision of an Angel at this age and ever since has been able to hear the voices of the angels. Many mystical Guides and Angels have guided her throughout her life and her angelic company speaks out her name as Hope. For this is the mission she has received to complete to (Help Open Planetary Eyes). She does private readings and counseling in her home and travels to other areas to present her work. With her soft voice she welcomes those who are on a journey into the realms of the Heavenly Host. She facilitates monthly moon groups, teaches Angel classes and teaches a variety of classes to help those who are on a personal journey of creating peace on earth. She has presented at many conferences and has been asked to speak to a variety of woman's groups. Last year she presented at the Minnesota Whole Life Expo which is the largest conference of it's kind. During the Star Conference she can offer the importance of opening of the heart to receive the Cosmic Christ Energy. When she speaks her words are encoded with the vibration of love and as one listens, hearts begin to open to the message of Hope. She will share her talents of channeling and mediumship as she is guided by the Angels to do so. She will be available for private readings and healings. Workshop at 4:00 p.m.

Woableza - A Miniconjou Lakota Sioux Spiritual Advisor. He lectures on world prophecy and messages from the teachings of Sitting Bull and other Native American spiritual leaders. His presentations include subjects of the coming famine and plague that will effect world population. Workshop at 5:00 p.m.

Deerman - A Dakota Ikce Wicasa, and a Medicine Chief the Ihanktowan Oyate. Deerman has been in the ceremonial ways of the Canupa since he was seven years old. His work includes interpreting the 11 Universal and Spiritual Laws of Creator. This is also known as the 11:11. His knowledge of the Holy Nations, the Canupa Wicohan, and the Natural Laws of Turtle Island will be share through his lectures and workshops. Workshop at 7:00 p.m.

Eagle Pipe Man - A ceremonial Chief of the Ihunktowan Oyate. Eagle Pipe Man has been taught by the Spiritual realms for many years. He knows the Canupa Wicohan, the ways of the Sacred Pipe, the Wicahpe Wicohan, the ways of the Stars, which he has shared with many nations here on Turtle Island. His teachers have the Spiritual Grandmother and Grandfathers that are guardian to those teachings of the Sacred White Buffalo Calf Woman. - Workshop at 8:00 p.m.

Diane Rose - is a Master of Energetic Healing, A Spiritual Entrainment Specialist, speaker, teacher, a multiple walk-in, extraterrestrial and transexual woman. She has traveled to six continents on spiritual guidance using her gifts to shift the grid and bring in the millenium ascension energies. She assists Mother Earth in healing herself by becoming a beacon of the Christ Consciousness. She serves as an energetic bridge to spirit and assists advanced groups who wish to transform NOW. Her life is an example of total commitment to spirit and she light and love as part of her everyday experience.

Standing Elk - is the voice of the Seven Chiefs of the Ihunktowan Oyate. Standing Elk is a messenger and an emissary for the Holy Nations, the Star Nations and the Ascended Masters. His teachings are that of the MAKA WICAHPI WICOHAN, the Universal and Spiritual Laws of Creator. These are the Laws of the Council of 22, which are the frequencies of Morning Star, the Divine Mother and many other Archea and Archangels which include Blue Hand, also known as Archangel Michael.

Saturday - August 21, 1999

Jeannie Dean - is well recognized for her evocative choreography and thought provoking poetry performances. As a speaker her dynamic presentation style brings lively energy to conferences, special events and workshops. For over ten years she has studied and photographed the effigy mounds of the Great Lakes and the most of the pyramids mounds of North America. She is a local expert on these sites in the midwest region. She has also networked with guardians of sacred sites world wide. Her poetry explores gender issues including sexual abuse, feminism, and female archetypes; political issues such as the assassination of John Kennedy and the evolution of human consciousness, with a focus on personal realization and empowerment. Her writing explores these themes from both a universal and intimate perspective. The creative insight of her writing inspires audiences to new and forgotten understanding about life on earth. Her research in sacred literature, mysticism, Taoism, physics, astronomy, Mayan time keeping, dance, and direct intuition brings an incisive intelligence to the themes explored. She draws from experience as a Reiki Master healer, earthquake sensitive and metaphysical scholar. She is one of the areas most highly respected poets. She has performed at Irish Fest, Indian Summer, The Coffee House, People's Books, Woodland Pattern, Earth Day, Woman to Woman Conference, art openings, political and fund-raising events and local access cable programs. Each November she presents a commemorative poetry concert for the assassination of JFK. As a speaker she presented programs on the Cosmic Wheel (about life cycles), Dance, Reiki Healing and other metaphysical topics. She was the Master of Ceremonies, organizer and dance facilitator for the Harmonic Convergence in 1987, a world wide spiritual ceremony based on the Mayan Calendar. She also led equinox ceremonies at the pyramids of Mexico in conjunction with Mayan time keeper, Hunbatz Men. She was the founder of Milwaukee's first spiritual drum circle and is an activist for feminist and earth preservation causes. Her dance is described as derivative of many dance traditions and highly expressive. The presentation is improvisational and interpretive with a focus on the spirit of the moment. She is the originator of Rock Video Ballet integrating the poetry, music and dance of Rock & Roll music. RVB presents in the unseen spiritual and feminine elements, the dance itself, in the heretofore male dominated music of American culture. For video production, the cinemagraphic viewpoint is an intimate view of the music through dance. Jeanie Dean is also a Mom to two beautiful children and a computer educator.

David Shoemaker was never interested in UFO's, Aliens or extraterrestrials. He is now. David has in his possession, wreckage from a crashed flying saucer. His story will amaze and convince any skeptic. The metal or material from the wreckage from the crashed discs has been proven scientifically as material not of this world. David also has an on-hands lecture and workshop, feel the evidence and it will change your life forever.

Frank Joseph is the author of "Sacred Sites, a Guidebook to Myterious Places" and " The Lost Pyramids of Rock Lake". This summer, he will be combining these two fields of interest in special presentations for the first time. Using a simplified form of crystal/chakra therapies, Mr. Joseph demonstrates the powerful " boost" . Such techniques tap into at a place of spiritual potency. The sacred site he has chosen is the vicinity of Rock Lake, because strong human and earth energies continue to mutually function there after more than thirty centuries. Frank Joseph's lecture describes the ancient story of the lake, with its sunken pyramids, illustrated by a slide-show of discoveries still being made both above and below the water. He will also display professionally certified artifacts scuba divers have retrieved from Wisconsin's drowned City of the Dead. His workshop will consist of crystal/chakra empowerment classes for anyone in search of self-mastery, past-life recall, psychic development, enlightenment and emotional and physical healing. These sessions are conducted at focal points of living energy associated with Rock Lake, and geared toward activating all our individual human potential, as represented in our chakras, or energy vortexes-- those vital connections between our mind, body and spirit. Although Mr. Joseph has been teaching a class in sacred sites at Minnesota's Open U (Minneapolis) for the last four years, this summer he will demonstrate the chakra-sacred sites technique for the first time.

Kari Chapman - RECONNECTION OF THE 12 STRAND HELIX OF THE HUMAN DNA, "Strand Connection" Humans presently operate with only 2 strands. This energy transformation will RESTORE the cellular structure of the body to it's ORIGINAL FORM and will allow the cells ion our bodies to easily interact with the interdimensional body (soul). This process also increases your frequency of vibration higher then the 5th dimension, which is a state of knowingness. Agree to know, know that you know. Kari will also be covering manifestation through Co-Creation as a way of life, walk-in s/soul merge /composite intities, The THIRD Choice, the Oversoul/Higher Self concept, discernment versus judgments, stargates, the Akashic Records, channeling, and what to expect in 1999 and the evolutionary prophecy. Kari will be available for private readings, healings and initiations. Workshop at 8:00 - 8:50 p.m. in room 2 Sunday

Grandmother Windrider - will be speaking on her ancestry, time, healing and prophecy. A clairvoyant, prophet and healer, Grandmother Windrider has managed to stay spiritually grounded through this Age of Enlightenment. Grandmother Windrider has no patented speech or organized presentation, for she is moved at the moment, for the moment.

Chelsea Flor - has been a student of esoteric doctrine, metaphysics and mysticism for over twenty-five years. She has piloted classes of instruction for the development of "Consciousness and Energy" in "Way of the Ancient Science of Initiation". Her dedication is to empower man with the tools of the "initiate" through the Natural Law of Sonic Structure and Esoteric Geometry of the Dimensional Worlds. Chelsea is a writer and researcher who has worked on a number of television and video projects, including "Mysteries of the Sphinx" and "The Roswell Decalouge". She was also the publisher and editor of "Third Eyes Only, Top Secret".

TiMar's life is filled with ongoing UFO and Alien contacts and communications. From 1983 to 1995 a manuscript was co-authored by six light beings and TiMar. This manuscript is now the book, TRAVEL THE WINDS, a Beginning Mystery. TiMar received this manuscript in OVERSHADOWING SESSIONS (very similar to channeled communications.) Bezon says they actually position an electric magnetic formation behind her to bring the information forth. Other writings include Space Alliance Support Group Newsletter (published semi-annual.) A second manuscript, TRAVEL THE WINDS Extended Mysteries and TRAVEL THE WINDS WORKBOOK, is beginning to take form. TiMar's lectures are filled with excerpts from these writings and her personal experiences. Energy differences is explored briefly, because they are the main cause in the missing time syndrome and forgotten close sightings and encounters. These energies can help with memories and communications from Spirits, Angels and Extraterrestrial. The workbook offers the higher vibratory energies as an aid to physical healings. Then hear more about Ti Mar's personal years of communications and her time aboard crafts. Over seventy self extraterrestrial portraits will be displayed for everyone to see

Sherwyn Zephier - "They Blessed His Pipe Man", grew up on the Yankton Dakota reservation in South Dakota, where he watched and wondered about strange lights in the night. Some of these lights were similar to the Spirit Lights seen in tribal ceremonies. It has since been learned that these lights have many different names, characters, and qualities that aid the human being in attaining spiritual unfoldment, healing and growth. Sherwyn has the gift to assist individuals to learn of their own purpose and place at this time in our planet's evolution. Through the directives of ancient ceremonies, Sherwyn will bring you to the point of realizing your own spiritual capabilities. Your spiritual realization will enable you to acknowledge and follow your own spirit guides, who are awaiting your bidding, through Love, Light, Song and Prayer.

Ponca, Rochelle - Her Good Day is Sicangu Lakota and is a member of the Rosebud Lakota. Her Good Day has been teaching in the educational system of the Yankton Dakota Tribe, as a Dakota Language instructor and Indian Studies Advisor to the Cultural Department of the Ihunktowan Community College. Her Good Day has been a sundancer for the past 15 years and her interests are to teach the Winyan Wicohan and she is dedicated and committed to preserve the Culture of the Language and the ways of her Grandmothers. She will share the original Story of the White Buffalo Calf Woman.

Walter Soaring Eagle is a Cherokee Native and a Sun dancer with the Two Feathers Medicine Clan. He had received training from Chief Little Summer of the Shawnee and from Grandfather Hollis Little Creek of the Anashanabee. In 1987 he was given a quest to find and establish the Tribe of the Phoenix. He has have come to understand the meaning of this with the help of the Grandfathers through the Sundance. He has been guided to share this information. As of Sundance of last year he has done little else. I will share the teachings of Chief Little Summer on what he calls the Shamanic Kundalini, and Chakra Light Magic. He is also a Priest in the Order of Melchizedek, and he carries the Sacred Pipe. Soaring Eagle offers a verity of Healing Modilaties.

Floyd Hand - Lakota Spiritual Advisor of the Oglala Nation. "Looks for Buffalo" carries the knowledge of the Canupa and of the Stars. The messages of his Spiritual Grandmothers and Grandfathers need to be shared with all Brothers and Sisters in all directions. Floyd has worked in the school systems of Minneapolis and St. Paul and bringing about major changes in the lifestyles of the youth. Many programs that he helped originate and integrate are still in existence. Floyd's messages are grounded and full of heart. He helps you identify and activate your true purpose here on Turtle Island and in the Universe.

Diane Tracy - has a master's degree in music education, and has been a teacher and student of metaphysics for many years/lifetimes. She is a priest in the order of Melchizidek and the founder of the TriUne Co-Creation Center in Beloit, Wisconsin. Diane has studied kinesiology, heart math, channelling, music, Reiki, sacred sound, aromatherapy, sacred oils, and Perelandra flower essences, as well as working with the White Brotherhood's personal medical assistance program for several years. At this time, she is available to work with others, using or teaching these healing modalities. It is time to empower and heal ourselves and our planet.

Sunday - August 22, 1999

Jean Michel is a key speaker at International UFO & New Age conferences. He was contacted by the Brothers and Sisters of the Ashtar Command. Ashtar is one of the seven Rays of the Christ World and are very high Spiritual Beings. In 1980, at the age of 18 Jean Michel, was asked by the Ashtar Command to go public with their messages. Many of the Ashtar Command are of the highest Christ Consciousness in action to guard this planet and local universe. He has authored 5 books in French, two being translated into German. He is available for lectures and workshops in the U.S. and abroad. Come and join in!

Al Baker - Fullfillment of prophecy. The return of the Okiaida or mystic warrior and their societies. Good Heart is an Anishinabe Okiaida from Northwest Wisconsin, who has dedicated his life to the re- discovery and preservation of the traditional spiritual/cultural healing arts of the Great Lakes Anishinabe-Wug. Mr. Baker will share his knowledge of the healing properties of traditional songs used in the ancient manner to bring about a spiritual cleansing for the mind and soul. Al's presentation is both educational and entertaining a must see for everyone.

Rod Skenandore - a Sundance Chief of the Blackfeet Nation. He is a healer, prophet and a teacher of Star Medicine and knowledge. He has worked as a gate opener for the Red Man. Rod will deliver these experiences and share the knowledge of his Grandfathers.

EriEl Morningstar- EriEL works with the energies of the Divine Elohim, The council of Creation. She has no planned lecture format, but as a channel for the Elohim, each presentation addresses the current Divine moment. Each presentation and workshop is different, allowing those present to journey within themselves, a Sacred journey of the heart, exploring the Flower of Life through love, light, sound and the group merkaba.

Judy Goodman - is one of the most gifted people of our time! Since birth she sees and hears the "other side", the "spirit side" on a FULL-TIME basis. When she sleeps, she is almost always out of body, fully conscious, and returns to her body will full memory. She is in contact with the other side on a 24 hour basis. Some supporters have described her as "beyond Edgar Cayce". She does not channel, go into trance, or make adjustments to use her is with her continually. Judy can access information in an amazing variety of ways...some of which are by a photo, object, voice, video images, and also by waking visions while talking to "spirits" on the other side, and much more. From her own personal experiences Judy can discuss life after death, angels, ghosts, the deceased, ET intelligence, future events, miracles, difficult life issues, dreams, addiction, possession, souls, heaven, and all manner of paranormal events. She has a warm and common touch, a southern accent, a delightful sense of humor and a way of communicating that reaches all levels of understanding.

Marilyn Larson - no bio yet available

Gary Gundloch - is an intuitive, teacher, counselor, and a healer for over twenty years. Speaking publicly for the past five years, he is the creator of the Immortality Program. This program is designed for the complete regeneration of the physical body, accomplished through targeted nutritional healing, emotional balancing and focused mental intent. His journey of wisdom began with the teachings of Yogi Ramacharaka. He then combined the teachings of the Tibetian, D.K. through Alice Baily, the teachings of Koot Humi, through Earlyn Chaney and Astara, with his own intuitive grasp, to form a unique picture of humanities appearance, evolution and eventual leap to beings of a non-degenerating nature. He is a member of Astara. The International Society of Dowsers and Ministers of the Universal Life Church. His public speaking engagements include, the Minnesota Whole Life Expo, The Wisconsin Natural Foods Convention, The Midwest Wholistic Health Fairs in various cities and the Universal Light Volunteers Convention in Indiana and The Pagan Spirit Gathering in Wisconsin and Ohio.

Larry White Eagle - Sacred Pipe Holder/sweats/healer/Flower of Life

Rev. Jean Holmes - is an internationally respected minister ordained by the Universal Church of the Master and Pastor of the Golden Light of Christ Church. She is certified as a Transpersonal Clinical Hypno-therapist by the American Counsel of Hypnotist Examiners. As Master of Ceremonies for many Native Star Knowledge conferences, Reverend Jean promotes understanding of prophecies and intuitive messages as they relate to us today. She works as a clairsentient medium, healer, teacher, and lecturer to assist individuals in becoming clear, grounded, spiritual beings.

9:00 p.m. - Closing Ceremonies -

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