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Luke's page

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My name is Lucas Bruns. I am 12 years old. I like to play basketball and other sports. I like playing playstation, watching tv, playing the computer, and litsening to music.Here is a picture of me.

If you want to know more stuff about me!Click here.

I live in a small town in SD,called Hecla. Hecla is home of the NORTHSTARS joined whith Elm Valley and Houghton.

If you want to know more about the Northstars click here.
I love the Seattle Sonics.If u want to see some pictures of some of the players cick here.
And if you want to see some pictures of my tripp to the Seattle sonics,Minnesota Timberwolves game click here...

If you want to see some pictures of when went to the Minnesota Vikings game click here

Luke's Picks

My Family

My parents are Barney and Julie. I have two sisters; Missy and Michelle. Missy is 18, and Michelle is 16. I have one older brother, Gabe. He is 21. Here is a picture of us 4 kids.

Lance Bushby's Page!

Gabe Bruns's Page

Fredrick Hecla Northstars Page.

Michelle Bruns's Page

My sister Missy's page

Here are some of my favorite e-mail addresses.

My favorite things
