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A ritual tool is a psychological aid to concentration. It is the tangible representation of unseen forces. The mind works magic and the tools enhance the power of a trained mind. Still, as such, they are very important. These listed are the basic tools and are in no particular order.

Athame': Element - Fire Traditionally it is a black hilted, double-edged blade Projects force of will, aggressive, masculine principle, direct energy & fiery energy Used to invoke Dragons Used to evoke & banish elements and draw the boundary of a circle Aggressive rather then assertive Always held in right hand Never used to cut

Thurible or Censer: Element - Fire, but also Air from the vapors given off and Earth from the residue left Used to burn incense, petitions, etc…

Chalice: Element - Water Holds wine for the ritual libations Brass should not be used for wine unless it's sealed

Pentacle: Element - Earth but also all six elements in balance Can be used to insulate altar from the heat caused by Thurible Personal pentacle - Used as an amulet for protection All tools are consecrated upon the Pentacle

Wand: Element - Air Traditionally made from natural woods - Willow for women and Oak for men Held in left hand while invoking Dragons Assertive rather than aggressive A symbol of knowledge

Boline: Element - Earth Traditionally a white handled, single edge blade Used for cutting wands, herbs, inscribe on candles, etc…

Altar Candles: Element - Fire Traditionally there are two and they are red in color, also tallest candles on the altar Used as sentinels and to bring blessings to the altar They are the first candles you light and the last to be extinguished Always light from left to right and extinguish from right to left They can be reused each time - always re-anoint the candle with Oil before relighting them

Bell: Element - Spirit but also Air Used to attract the attention of the Dragons, to summon Dragons, and to dismiss Usually rung 3 times - ring once then wait for the tone to stop before ringing again

Charcoal: Element - Fire but also Earth Used in thurible or censer to burn powdered incense Use self-lighting coal not barbequing coal

Candle Snuffer: Element - Earth Used to extinguish candles (NEVER BLOW THEM OUT)

Altar Cloth: Element - All six elements Traditionally black - should be cotton and washable Can be other colors for particular purposes, such as Green for an Earth or money ritual, etc…

Robe: Element - Earth Traditionally black with hood made from natural materials Some traditions work "skyclad" (nude)

Pen & Ink: Element - Air Traditionally a quill pen Inks - Dragons Blood, which is aggressive for power Should be consecrated during the hour of Mercury Inks are mixed with three drops of your own blood to link them to you, but no one else can use the ink if you do this

Book of Shadows (BOS): Element - Earth Traditionally a black bound, unlined book Used to record spells, magical & herbal recipes, invocations, etc…

Grimoire: Element - Earth Used as a diary or journal

Tarot Cards: Element - All four (Wands - Air or Fire, Cups - Water, Swords - Fire or Air, & Pentacles, Coins, Disks - Earth) Used to aid in meditation, in concentration during spells, in representing elements, divination, etc…

Statues: Element - Spirit Used to represent the Dragons being invoked on the altar Should represent both the masculine and feminine aspects

Bowl: Element - Water and Earth Used to hold water for cleansing and consecrations

Sword: Element - Fire Traditionally it is a black hilted, double-edged blade Used in place of the Athame' when working in a group

Staff: Element - Air Traditionally made from natural woods - Willow for women and Oak for men Used in place of the Wand when working in a group

Sash: Element - Earth Used to determine the circumference of the circle Helps keep you grounded during rituals Also shows your rank in the Draconic Tradition by the color Made from natural materials and hemmed at the end and edges to keep from fraying Should measure nine feet long and three inches think