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There are so many different types of dragons. There are: Guardian dragons, Faery dragons, Elemental dragons (fire, water, earth, and air), Dragons of chaos, Dragons of destruction, Dragons of the winds, Dragons of the mountains, Dragons of the seas, Dragons of the valleys, Dragons of the forests, Oriental Dragons

Guardian Dragons

These are cute little dragons about the size of a fat cat or of a small dog. These are playful dragons and are fascinated with music and happy times. Guardian dragons are not attached to watching your home per se, they are more attached to you. They fend off unwanted visitors and add their magick to your rituals. They are not the smallest of dragons, but they are generally the youngest.

Faery dragons

Are the smallest of dragons that I know of. Just like faeries, they can only be found when they want to be. These are the tricksters of dragons. They take great joy in altering images to fool you. I suppose you could say that they are illusionists. These dragons are drawn to flowers, especially roses, where they like to sit.

Elemental dragons

Are just that. There are fire dragons, water dragons, earth dragons, and air dragons. These dragons can be quite unpredictable at times. They are very powerful and deserve great respect.

Dragons of chaos and dragons of destruction

They are the most unpredictable of the dragons. These dragons are in no way "evil". The come from the land of negative power. All magicks performed with them must be very carefully thought out. You see they are not bound by our limited sight. If you are having a problem that you need solved, they will find the source of the problem and fix it. The results that they achieve are usually not the ones that you first intended. These dragons are not for the novice!

Dragons of the winds, of the mountains, of the seas, of the valleys, of the forests

Oriental Dragons

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