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Thanx page!

The pages where i get all my info!or I can't live without pages

Laura L. 's web page
YTV's Hit List
Vote 4 Serial Joe!
Trish's Serial Joe page page
Chissy's Serial Joe page (Ryan recomended it!)

I have to thank all the ppl where i got my info from a BIG thanx goes out to Laura becasue that's where I got the majority of my info from! I have to thanx Chissy for adding my to the Serial Joe web link! I have to thank Trish just because! I have to thank Leslie Bosacki because she always answers any questions that I have about any celbertiesand always finding the correct answer !(thanx Leslie) I have to thank Ytv's hit List for having Serial Joe on the show and hopfully will have them on more I have to thank Serial Joe mainly for starting the band because if they didn't the page wouldn't be here And I have to thank any1 who add this link to thier web page! And last but not least I have to thanx everyone who has a Serial Joe page to support Serial Joe
