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please go to ! Name: Roll Light
Gender: Female
Species: Robot (whether she is a bioroid or not is under debate)
Height: Somewhere between 3 and 4 feet
Weight: Never ask a lady for her weight!
Hair: Blonde
Eyes: Blue (for some silly reason, lately Capcom has made her eyes green)
Pet: Beat

Roll originally debuted in Rockman 1. She appeared at the very end as a nameless girl with no lines and no name. By Rockman 3, however, gamers found that she was named Roll and she was Dr. Light's housekeeping robot. For most of the games she only appears at the end, and sometimes she even has LINES. WOW. And for an exciting change, she appeared in the beginning of Rockman 7. I cannot begin to contain my excitement.

But with the release of Rockman 8, Capcom decided to give her a liiitle more importance. During the game, she helps you by building bolts, letting you change the options, and gives you a chance to save. She also appears (briefly) during the opening scenes, and at the end (more on this when I actually beat the game... stupid hoverboard level!) She was also given a somewhat decent voice. For some strange reason, Roll has yet to appear in the X series.

Some time after, Capcom, in their utter brilliance *ahem*, came up with the idea of Rockman Dash, a spinoff of the original series with no completely obvious ties to the original or even X series. Rockman was made into a human teenager (err, I think he's human. How else could he physically grow? Robots can't.) and, following suite, they drastically changed Roll's character design. She was made much taller and older, and her eyes switched to green. Her hair style was altered (and, in my opinion, it looks pretty darn groovy) but it stayed its normal blonde color, and although Roll lost the dress, she gained some nifty red shorts with white and black trim, to create a really, really cool outfit. The character Roll Casket is also a pretty neat one, it's just that she's somehow so much different from the original Roll that most diehard Roll fans detest her.

Apparently, Capcom liked having Roll as a lab helper along with a housekeeper, because she helps you when you collect CDs in Rockman and Forte for the Super Famicom (Super Nintendo). She also sells you things in exchange for bolts, just like Rockman 8. She's also a playable racer in Rockman: Battle and Chase; she controls the Poppin' Beat, which is further evidence that Beat really belongs to Roll (if Rush is Rockman's and Blues has Tango [he does. Read the manga.]) In addition, her car in Battle and Chase is actually a really good one. Now that Capcom's become far less sexist, they also decided to put her in Marvel vs. Capcom. Roll fans around the world rejoiced when they didn't cut her out of Marvel vs. Capcom 2. She's also one of the characters you can play as in Rockboard.

Also, I'm not quite sure, but she plays a huge part in Superadventure Rockman; all I know is that if you lose the game, she dies. And of course, Capcom put her in Rockman EXE (Mega Man Battle Network) as Roll.EXE, a virus-fighting program.

Now, let's see a game entirely about her, hm Capcom?