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Welcome to the Pokémall!

Hello and welcome to the Pokémall! We have a huge selection of Pokémon items, info, or secrets in the game. We are very well known to have a very wide selection of pokémon cards. Including Japaneese, First Edition, Unlimited Edition, American Decks, and even Japaneese Decks at the Toy Store (Kids make sure you get permision from your parents.) Or you can check out what Pokémon are and counterfit cards to watch out for at the Information Center. So just browse around and feel free to purchase anything at the Front Desk. Have fun! !!!THIS PAGE IS STILL UNDERCUSTRUCTION!!!

Click on a location

All Regular POKEMON (English)
All Jungle POKEMON (English)
All Regular+Jungle TRAINERS (English)
All Japanese Holos
Packs and decks
How to purchase an item

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