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Photo Gallery - Ice Dive 2000

Photos from Lake Alta Ice Dive, September 2000

Loading the snowcat - what a way to travel

Left to right: Connor, Luke, Tony. Nice pants Mr Vallance

Melita heading down the mountain by snowmobile

Some of the OUDC crew in a mini-blizzard

Left to right: Tony, Melita, Connor, Greg (back), Caleb, Luke

Melita getting used to 1 degree water

Greg floating at 5m, looking up towards the hole in the ice

Fixing Luke's BROKEN wheel chain
Note the bus 'parked' against the road cutting

Russ narrowly misses the stuck bus on his way to getting stranded himself

Russ checking out the panel damage to his baby

The groomer taking some of us up to the lake

What the hole looked like before Brian did his naked paddle

Looking back at the hole from a few metres down

How do you say 'Cheese' without losing your regulator?

"These are the people I had to eat to stay alive..."
(Luke bearing an uncanny resemblance to one of the characters from the movie Alive)

More of our primary underwater 'poseur'

Random photo

Tony getting jiggy wid' it

Loading the groomer at the engineering shed

The mighty Vitara

"Look, just push the bits of ice to one side and get in there!"

Connor and Caleb wishing they had drysuits - brrrr

Faces only a mother could love

Token artistic shot - nice work Caleb