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Fall 2001: The Beginning

I made it through one semester of college! Here are some pictures to prove I was there, made friends, and had fun.

Let's go for a ride in Jen's car! On the left is Tegan, one of jen's friends from home. we were going to the Mall of America ON A SATURDAY. this was before college made us a bit more intellegent.

Bethany, me, and a spoon, all dining on the lovely pie at Bakers Square.

Jen and Bethany in my room.

7th Floor Middlebrook "Hellgophers" Soccer

Kate, our fearless organizer; Glen, the team's only scorer (although it was for the other team); and Bethany, eternally muddy girl.

Bethany and Michelle: What is this? what do we do with it?

Oh, kick it!

Continue with the insanity...