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November 8, 2004

No wonder Angelfire wants to delete my account. it's been a long time since i've updated! My newer pages are at my school account. See pics of London, Paris, and that's about it...

January 24, 2004

Happy new year to me! a few new links on the Buffy page. Soon i will have my own copy of Adobe GoLive, so hopefully i will be able to design a much more exciting website. As always, check my Xanga for updates on the ol' life. time for reheated chinese food!

October 21, 2003

I updated the Buffy page with more fanfic links. I've been putting up pics at I really want a different site! also, i wish i didn't have homework.

August 3, 2003

I have a new layout in mind. this won't be here...well yes it will. i'll just have a different first page. i wish i could get all the webspace i want for free. well, i guess i can with angelfire...if i make up email addresses.

June 10, 2003

New Pictures! it's amazing what i can accomplish in my boredom. so, they are here... my cousin graduated this year. also pics of our hiking. and more of the U! gotta love the U of Minn. these pic up where there the others left off. also a link to my ambassador pictures. those use my U of M webspace!

May 8, 2003

Hey no-one-who-reads this. I'm going to make a new front page for this site, and rearrange my picture pages. i went through all my old picture pages today. i have very many. the front page is gonna be purple. this is much more important than studying for finals. ha.

April...10, 2003

Oh i need the darkness, the sweetness, the sadness, the weakness...oh i need this...I need a lullabye, a kiss goodnight, angel sweet love of my life... oh i need this... -Natalie Merchant
okay i don't really need those things, it's just the song that's on. hehe.
New stuff! Pictures from the wonderful University of Minnesota! I hope everyone looks at them and writes in my guestbook (or xanga) if they like it! i might do more.