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Somebody's Child

Somebody's Child
Died today
From a horrible beating,
A furious fray

Somebody's mother sits,
With arms empty and sad,
By three grieving brothers,
A sister, and dad

Her golden-haired daughters,
Stand silent, alone
At the death of a mother,
And a dad that is gone.

The memories will linger,
And love will live on,
But nothing can replace
A daughter or son.
              by Cindy Powell

In Memory of Wendy Lou Powell
June 14,1964 - October 16,1993

Wendy died at the age of 29 years, 4 months and 2 days.
She was beaten to death by her boyfriend,
and the father of her two daughters, ages 5 and 7
Among those that miss her the most,
are 3 brothers, a sister and her mom and dad.


I would like to create a page dedicated to the memory
of those who have died as a result of abuse.
Please email me with a link to your memorial page

©Danny Hahlbohm ~ name of painting is "Little Precious One"
Mr. Hahlbohm's site:
(used with permission)

Survivors Against
Domestic Violence

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