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World of Mank

The Finale..

Watch Out!, There's Mank about!


The base chosen for the second mank was the contents of one of the three's stomach, which had been foiled in it's dramatic bid for freedom by the timely placing of a large plastic container in it's downward path, which brought it's pursuit of life in a new and more pleasant locale in the Cayman Islands to an abrupt and undignified halt. The quest for the killer of Mank had begun. As with the creation of the first Mank the process of finding just the right conbination of ingrediants was a necessarily careful one, with a host of household substances giving of their own number for the cause. Within weeks the second coming was complete.

The second Mank was realised into the wild, with it's Manky mind thinking dark thoughts of Mankocide. The three now realised that they had done all that it was possible to do to guarentee the future survival of the human race and once more resumed their carefree lives, finding new and interesting ways to persecute those who unable to stop them and investigating new ways to kill the time seperating them from the end of their increasingly empty and meaningless lives. It was obvious that the three were suffering from Mank war syndrome, and needed professional help to confront the horrors of the war against the pudding-based evil.

And so it came to pass that a web page was to be created through which our heroes could communicate their experiences to the world, and so help them to face up to their pasts. It was in this context that I, who shall be known to you as Manky Pat, came to know the three and it is I who bring to you their astonishing tale through the medium of the internet.

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