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HIPOCRITA De rodillas el reza, pero de pie el mata; Carga su cruz para guiar a luz, es un falzo imagen que no eres tu por tu dios tu mataras, por tu dios tu violaras, a la tierra y a su gente, como algun ser omnipotente *ch Odio!- hipocrita! Corrupcion- hipocrita! Guerra- hipocrita! Santidad- hipocrita! Guerra, Santa, Trinidad: Un provecho capitalista. Dios de amor, dios de paz Dios de luz, y lo celestial. La religion es un opio Sedativo y adictivo Dios de pobres, dios de odio, Dios de hambre- un asesino. *ch "La religion, es el opio del pueblo" *ch La religion es el opio del pueblo- Hipocrita! La religion es el opio del pueblo- Hipocrita! La religion es el opio del pueblo - Hipocrita! La religion es el opio del pueblo- Hipocrita! Hipocrita!

CLASS WAR look into our eyes; you’ll see the burning flame with the power of the poor and the hatred of the slain star-spangled rag will be burnt to its ashes red flag will rise when your fucking system crashes Earth has had enough; it can no longer afford those rich bastards who rule with a tyrant-like hold Proletariat people rise up with minds and arms- fight a greedy system that does no good and harms *ch Class War- Social Conflict-problem solution-revolution Rich and poor- Clash of classes-eternal war-rebellious masses Regurgitated hate,swallowed pride,and drowning tears have united us as one, and drowned out all our fears homeless will be sheltered and the hungry will be fed all the truths will be let known, and nothing gone unsaid Rise on up, cause it’s time to fight back Rise up from such oppression and counter-attack Our voices will grow louder when one battle’s won Justice will come then from our class revolution!
