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Love Omens and Superstitions

If right side twitches, lover is thinking of you.

If your nose itches you have a secret admire.

If a young unmarried girl loses apron, her future husband is thinking of her.

If you pick a pansy with fresh dew on it, you will cause your lovers death.

In old english belief, an ash leaf placed in a young grils left shoe will cause her to marry first man she encounters.

Pluck a handful of daisies and grass with eyes closed. the number of daisies picked shows how many years until you marry.

Place poppy seed on left hand and strike with right fist. If it makes a poping noise, lover has been faithful.

Twist stem of apple as you recite the aplhabet. Letter it comes off on indicates future spouses first initial.

Old german folk bleieve that a man that wipes his hand on a girl's apron will fall in love with her.

If girl takes last puff of cigar she will fall in love with next man she sees.

Seventh day after full moon is best for two to fall in love at first sight.

If two lovers sneeze at same time, it indicates good fortune.

If you sneeze on a Saturday you will see your love the following day.

If two lovers share the same towel after bahting they will soon part.

If hairpin falls from womans hair she will soon lose her love.

If you part from your lover at bridge you will part forever.

If you give lover a handkercheif as a gift, you will never marry him.

If you catch a ladybug and let is go, it will fly in the direction your future spouse will come.

Eating ant eggs with honey was once believed to cure love sickness.

If man kills a glowworm, his lover and him will soon part.

A woman who lets lover carry her comb will lose him to another

A cobweb on a womans door indicates her lover has been untrue.

Ivy grows portrusely on young maidens graves that died of a broken heart.

To dream of broken eggs is a sign of a quarrel with lover

Cutting parsley while in love brings bad luck

If a young girl counts the sound ofnotes from a cookoo bird at beginning of spring, she will marry in that # of years

Light candle outdoors nearr his door. If bruns towards you or door he has been fiathful

Look into looking glass on st Agnes eve to see image of future spouse

If you catch a dragonfly u will marry before the end of the year.
If girl hears sound of cuckoo bird she will marry before upcoming winter

To see three crows flying together portrays a wedding

When 2 spoons are foind in the same saucer, it shows a wedding in family

A vein on bridge of persons nose shows they will never wed
If man lights cigar from lamp of any kind he will have a cheating wife
Sisters should never marry on the same day
Its unlucky to marry person with same first initial as yours
If bride leaps over churchgate, she will lose her sense of humor
It is good for daughter to wear mothers bridal shoes when marrying
Youll be a wealthy bride if your stocking has a hole in side
Blood on gown is an omen of early death
Its unlucky for bride to make own gown
If bride falls asleep before husband on wedding night, she will die first
According to romans, it is unlucky to marry May 13
If a couple marries on April fools, the woman will be the dominant parnter in marriage
Those who wed when darkness falls will lose all children and die young
It is bad luck to see a pig on way to alter
For good luck, add an extra stitch to wedding gown


If bridesmaid stumbles while walking down asile, she will die an old maid
A bridesmaid that catches bouquet is next to marry
To be a bridesmaid three times shows you wont marry. To be a bridesmaid seven times breaks the curse

If proposed on Xmas eve, marriage will be wonderful
If proposed to in church, marriage will be doomed
To avoid sorrow, an engaged woman should constantly touch left hand with right until wedded
A girl engaged should never plant myrtle or her wedding will be called off
To give a spray of lilacs on lover is bad omen
Love Letters

Love letters should always be written in ink and sent on fridays
Never mail on Feb 29, Sep 1, Xmas day or any Sunday
If you burn his letter and flames are high and light, he is faithful. If they are low and weak, he is not
If hand trembles while writing letter, love is shared
If ink blots, lover is thinking fond thoughts of you
If girl recieves two letters from different men at same time, she won't marry either
To recieve a letter without suffiient postage shows love is doomed

On ST Valentines morning, if the first bird a young woman sees is:

bluebird- her future love will be happy
crossbill- he will be argumentive
robin- he will be a sailor
blackbird- clergyman or priest
yellow bird- he will be rich
sparrow= he will be a farmer
dove- he will be peaceful
woodpecker- she will never marry