About Earl Petty Jr


Earl Petty Jr. is an angry man... he's been many things in life, a bouncer, postal worker, used car lot attendant, paste up boy, auto body repairman, a janitor, a dishwasher, bartender... all of this he uses in writing... he writes about the underculture the forgotten world of a meaningless lower class life filled with work-a-day boredom, cramped trailer courts, dingy basements, dripping sinks and dirty tile floors... laughing at the absurdity that life offers, Petty has selected to drop out. His marginal life is filled with booze, frustration, hangovers and the grotesque. It's a life where there are easy ways out, but definately no future, and that's the way he likes it. Go grab a twelve pack, a bottle of cheap vodka, lean back and download...