Succession Wars-Les' Play By E-mail Website.

Masssive Manhammer & POOG Productions does it again!

Poog Production's CBC wesite, where you can view all of our movies.

imgWHO IS DOING WHOM??? Find out here!!!

Les's Resume webpage.

Employment website

Les's Resume webpage.

Les & Stef are Looking for a home Check it out!

Marge is Flo

The Unofficial DNR webpage.

CLICK HERE Pics from adam & shari's wedding.

Les's Science Fiction webpage.

CLICK HERE Edmund's Personal webpage.

Click Here Guy La Russa's nasty ass porn site.

Les & Stef's Wedding webpage.

THE RULES A buddy and I came up with a set of rules for a contest, I lost

The Official DNR webpage.

CLICK HERE Guy La Russa's amazing pic webpage.

CLICK HERE Here are some other interesting links.

Les's pics from his digital camera