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Jennifer's Page

Let love and faithfulness never leave you; bind them around your neck, write them on the tablet of your heart Proverbs 3:3

Jennie's Top ~21~ Things (and people) That Are Cool
Yes I know I am jumping the gun a bit on this, I still have 2 months to my birthday and I usually wait to dpdate this... but I hey, it's my page and I'll update it when I have time
  1. Air (for obvious reasons)
  2. Omaha
  3. My Friends =)
  4. The Musical Rent
  5. History Class
  6. All of my Care Bears!
  7. UNO and USD
  8. Cows(my favorite animal in the whole wide world) sheep, all other animals of a barn-yard nature
  9. 80s Music, Movies, and life in general
  10. Visa!!
  11. Sleep (something I do not get enough of)
  12. Krispy Kream!!(ok, well, um, food, all of it!!!)
  13. The wonderful towns of Humboldt & Sioux Falls!
  14. Lighthouses (especially Cape Hatters and St. Augustine)
  15. The WB
  16. My mom, Cathie (she is a great mom!) And the rest of my family: Grandpa, Grandpa and Grandma Schley, Nancy, Tom, Barb, Bill, Steve, Bridget, Brenda, John, Victor, Nicholas, Chris, and Ashley
  17. My Computer (Even though it's a little slow I still love it)
  18. My movies and CDs (they are my babies, I love them dearly)
  19. Household pets like cute little kitties and puppies (even my puppy, the vampire dog, Samantha)
  20. Age of Empires and Roller Coaster Tycoon
  21. My new (like 7 months old) baby cousin, Amanda!

Well Hello There! Yup, I finally got around to changing this again. I figured it was about time.

I'm Jen, a junior at Univeristy of South Dakota... Why back at USD you ask... well UNO raised out-of-state tuition too much for me to afford. I am a psychology major and a sociology minor. I lived in Huron all of my life until now. My family moved To Humboldt about 2 years ogo. I have a great family and wonderful friends... even though I don't get to see them as often as I want to. I really have no direction in life yet, I am thinking graduate school... not sure what for though. Oh, yeah, a little way down the page there is a picture of me when I still had long hair, now it's shoulder length and curly. I have an adorable dog, Sammantha... well really she's more like a sister since my mom treats her like her baby. Since I have a very uneventful life I really do not have much to say. So ta-ta for now.

My Friends' Pages!!

My Photo Album!!!

My Page of Links!!

Lines from Star Wars that can be improved if you substitute the word "Pants":

I miss my long hair :-( But it is totally growing back!

The last time I edited this page was June 1st 2001.

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LinkExchange Member

And the new results are in... as of 6-1-01 I have gotten even more bitchy!